• 主题:Senses Initiated Lucid Dream (Ssild) Part Ii Ld4All
  • Ok, I have theory why is this technique working, at least for me.

    So when I do this tech I wake up for WBTB. Stay awake for 5 - 10 minutes then I'm back in bed. I start doing technique. After 3 repetitions I still don't see anything or hear or feel on my body, at least nothing special or uncommon for laying in a bed. Sometimes and only sometimes in 4th and 5th repetition I may see something or hear something but that's very rarely!

    And I think that's just the way that technique should work. In my opinion that's perfect because we were "forcing" ourselves to pay attention on our 3 most useful "sensors" very intensely for 2 - 3 minutes. After that the point of technique is to fall asleep quickly as possible. I believe that's because as we were paying attention in those 3 steps nothing significant happened but when we fall asleep fast and by concentrating on our sensors that's last we remember - nothing and as we enter the dream all those sensor become active and stimulated so from nothing to something extraordinary can and will induce lucidity...

    At least that's how this tech works for me...  
              Current LD goal(s): #Find/Meet Dream Guide#  
    mattias wrote:
    I remembered to really try SSILD this morning. I woke up, went to the bathroom, and then tried it on my back, as on my side I usually just fall asleep before 2 or 3 cycles. I was able to do 5-7 cycles, even though I did get distracted a lot. After that I rolled on my side to fall asleep but it took me some time. I got a LD which had lots of low or semi lucidity, only a couple moments of decent lucidity. It was pretty stable and ok in terms of vividness. I'm just glad I didn't wake up right away    Anyway, the quick WBTB and a couple MILD mantras could have helped, but I want to try it again.

    I have a question about "where" you're supposed to look at. There's the blackness behind my eyeslids, but then there's this "place" where when sometimes I'm trying to fall asleep I get some random images/ideas pop up. Should I focus on this second "place"? or is it just the physical blackness? The same question goes for the hearing.

    Another thing is you say you like this method because it doesn't need much energy/effort, but to me I feel I do need some effort . Is this only because my mind drifts so easily?


    Congrats mattias, Im my opinion I would say on HI but not too much, not interfering them, just gently observer them, just like WILD, even though you are not doing WILD and you will fall asleep after a few cycles I believe that this could either transform into WILD or you will just maintain higher awareness through the process which could also result into LD... At least in my opinion, you can experiment with both scenarios...

    Good luck!
              Current LD goal(s): #Find/Meet Dream Guide#  
    brian8u123 wrote:
    Alright so second night with this technique and no success   I'm gonna keep trying though!   If I can master this then it would be a lot easier to LD in my opinion.  Just one question: During WBTB's I literally drift off during the first cycle, sometimes before finishing the sight part of it.  Do you suggest finishing at least one cycle, or can I just let my mind take me wherever it wants to, whenever?


    You should do more cycles because that's the point, to keep awareness on your body, sensations, feelings, etc. But don't force it, try it at 3 cycles...

              Current LD goal(s): #Find/Meet Dream Guide#  
    Redditor wrote:
    Would a good way to awake the brain is use the bathroom and stare into the mirror for 30 seconds?

    It's hard to say, you need to try it and see. Maybe you'll need to stay longer awake if this is not working...

              Current LD goal(s): #Find/Meet Dream Guide#  
    Golvellius wrote:
    Just one problem. Though it's not really a problem because I can still use this technique with it, but... when I get to the stage of doing the steps, concentrating on the things, I keep getting distracted. I always get a song stuck in my head and/or get really twitchy and have to move a bit. Any good ways to clear my head completely?


    Hi Golvellius,

    Well if you ever practiced WILD you may stumble on the same problem. With SSILD this isn't that a big of a problem. But if you want to get rid of it you need to practice how to clear your mind or how to stay calm in bed. You can do it, everybody can do it, it just takes time.

    For clearing your mind meditation can help or you can use focusing techniques where you focus on one thing and you keep your awareness focused on that one thing, although I prefer passive observation technique where you try to become aware of as much things as you can but as you become aware of something you acknowledged it and let it go.

    This 2 techniques might not seem like techniques that will help you clear your mind and you are right, there are techniques for clearing your mind but in my opinion with lucidity the key is awareness and those 2 techniques I mentioned do exactly that, they raise your general awareness and you might have WILD because you will acknowledge the change in your environment from hearing few sounds and body sensations to actually seeing whole dreamscapes and feeling them.

    I hope I helped you a little bit but you should look into meditation and relaxing techniques...

    Good luck!  
              Current LD goal(s): #Find/Meet Dream Guide#