• 主题:Strange Experiences With Ssild Ld4All
  • Good morning, hope you had very lucid dreams this night

    I have 2 questions about the SSILD-technique; First one: I tried it one time in a combination with WBTB. But as I layed down I was very tired and the consequence were random thoughts. Not the normal ones, my brain felt like a street in NY on Rush hour. The Problem was that I wasn07t able to concentrate on the cycles longer for a few seconds. So I felt in a Normal Sleep. Has anyone hints for that situation? Or is my theory right, that I should07ve waked up myself a bit more before.

    Second: This morning I was waked very early and felt tired (8.00 AM on Saturday  ) so I thought why not SSILD. I waked me up a bit, layd down and did 5 very quick cycles. In the slow cycles I thought "Hm on HILD you had this change from tired to wake in a moment and then you was in a dream, maybe it07s the same with SSILD" (The thought was a bit shorter in Real). In the 3rd slow cycle I felt, that my arms had something like a warm aura around and so I thought "Cool LD07s near ".  Then a bit later I had this sudden change from tired to awake. (it needed 2 seconds for that, on HILD it was under 1 sec.) I opened my eyes and stopped the cycles because I thought I was dreaming but every RC showed that its reality. Did my own expectations changed my feeling into awake? But it were just one thought. Or did I just stopped to early with the cycles?  
    Yeah its some feeling like useless time where you also could07ve slept

    Think I07ll try the thought observing like db_FTS said or later thinking about lucidity. Sounds like much experimentation, yeah  . What about in the first time with thinking about what I see or hear like "Aha black nothing, really deep, etc." Just to hold or focus the concentration if my thoughts want to wander away? Good idea or disturbing the relaxation?