• 主题:Ssild (2.0) Tutorial Ld4All
  • Thank you for this tutorial. I am excited to begin using this technique! I am a beginner and have only had 3 LDs so far within the 2 months that I have been practicing. Even with the LDs being fleeting I am really enjoying the experience of learning more about dreaming and the human mind. Thank you again!

              Current LD goal(s): speaking with SC, Find dream guide  
    Ok it has been 6 days since trying this technique. I started to do it as soon as I laid down for the night and it proved to be effective in getting me nice and relaxed so I could fall asleep. If I woke up earlier than my time for work then I would use this method to fall back asleep but since I was headed to work my mind wasn't really focused on LDing but just half heartedly doing it since I had woken anyways. I started to notice more vivid dreams this week and I also noticed that in my dreams I would begin to study things that were abnormal or interesting (upon wakening I would think how close I was to realizing that something wasn't right!) Usually a DC or event would stop me before I noticed!

    Fast forward to last night. It was my first night off that I did not have any commitments or work in the morning.  So as usually I went to bed and did this technique. My baby woke me up at 4 am to eat and when I went back to bed I got comfortable and began this method. I only got 3 reps into the first cycle and fell asleep...........I realized I was dreaming and got excited and started to wake up but I fell back into a dream before fully waking. However it was just a normal dream.

    At 6 am the baby woke up again, same thing happened and I started dreaming and things would make me realize I was dreaming, I would do RCs and then transition into a normal dream, only to repeat the cycle of becoming lucid and then losing it! My last dream I was able to stay lucid for a while and then slip into a semi lucid state before waking up. I did that cycle of becoming lucid and doing my RC and then transitioning into another dream 4 times!!!

    It was crazy to say the least and I was so excited when I woke up! If I could get a little further with the cycle I could almost bet my LDs would be way more vivid.

              Current LD goal(s): speaking with SC, Find dream guide  
    Wolf, I don't stay up very long and I don't set an alarm to wake up. My baby wakes me up to eat so I get up grab him and go sit in the rocking chair for about 10-15 mins and admittedly I am not even fully awake most times! (lol) I go lay back down and start these cycles. Honestly you don't even have to think about it just start paying attention to your senses for a few seconds at a time and if you make it to the longer cycles then ...great! If you don't then that is great too! I usually only get 3 reps into the first cycle and pass out! Sometimes HI startles me awake but not usually. I also do it before I go to sleep as well and it relaxes my busy mind. I would like to hear how it goes for you wolf.

              Current LD goal(s): speaking with SC, Find dream guide  
    Last night I had the most crazy experience ever. I woke up at 4:30 am to feed baby and was not going to go back to bed because my alarm was going to go off at 5:30 but at 4:52 I decided I would go back down for 30 mins because that is certainly enough time to have a lucid.

    Well............I had 6 FA's in a row! In each one a I became lucid and it lasted a couple mins then I would wake up again. The first FA was the only one that I did not become lucid in and then all the others I would become lucid and then go flying.

    In one of them I decided to look at my hands for an RC after I pinched my nose. My hands were COMPLETELY normal. I counted all the digits and I had 5 on each and then I tried to push my hand through the other and it wouldn't go! In hindsight I was missing my rings but I still was lucid and amazed at how my hands were so normal.

    Then it gets really weird, On my last FA turned Lucid I was getting tired of having FA's and I was reminding myself that I couldn't get trapped in my dream worlds and that my RL alarm was going to go off any minute. So I realized I could just wake myself up. I started telling myself "Wake up Autumn, it is time to get up." Over and over but it wasn't working...I tried blinking and shutting my eyes, I tried thrashing around and telling myself to wake up. None of that worked so I went over to my DC husband and asked him to say "Autumn, it is time to wake up" He looked at me confused and said it anyways but it didn't work so I asked him to hit me. My DC hubby was appalled and said no! I told him that it was okay...that I was dreaming and it wouldn't hurt me but he kept refusing and saying "But what if it isn't a dream??!!" So Finally I just started SCREAMING " WAKE UP NOW AUTUMN!!!!!!!!" Then I started to feel my limbs tingle and POP my eyes open. I immediately pinched my nose and was not able to breath, I peeked at the clock and it was 5:29 AM.

    So unreal...but what is even more unreal is the conversation I had with my husband just now. I told him about my experience and once I got to the part of me asking him to hit me to wake me up his mouth dropped and he said "I remember you asking me to hit you..." I said "you mean I was talking in my sleep?" and he said "No I was dreaming that you were asking me to hit you to wake you up but I wouldn't do it because I was afraid it wasn't a dream and that if I hit you then you would divorce me so I was too afraid you would leave me if I did it!!!!!

    Now, on a side note not only does my husband think LDing is kind of strange but he never remembers his dream. He swears he doesn't even dream because he never remembers them. I was shocked. I don't know if that is a shared dream or if maybe I was really talking in my sleep and he was hearing it then dreaming about it.

    It was intense.
              Current LD goal(s): speaking with SC, Find dream guide  
    You absolutely have my permission to use my experience! I would like to add what I did preceding this event. When I went back to bed I started my SSILD technique and 2 times I got awoken slightly by HI and could feel my body extremely heavy and numb but I just HAD to move. On the second time this happened i wiggled my fingers and then started SSILD again. I got 2 reps into the first cycle and was out like a light and not soon after had my first FA of the six.

              Current LD goal(s): speaking with SC, Find dream guide  
    Okay, it has been about a week since my last experience. I have been working everyday this week and waking up many times a night with a teething baby so I was always WAY to tired to fully commit to trying my this method. However twice this week I dreamed of dreaming or teaching people to LD!  

    So I woke up at about 5:30 am to feed the "little dreamer" and I was so calm and relaxed and happy I was rocking him thinking "This is great I dont have to be up in an hour for work..I can lay back down and try to LD" I felt very positive.

    I was still very tired when I crawled back into bed and I started my cycle...fell asleep....dreamed about teaching my husband how to use SSILD! URG!  

    I then woke up again and started my SSILD cycle again, I got into the second rep of the first cycle and I started having INTENSE HI, usually If I do get HI- I end up startling awake right after I see a flash of a vision or whatever. Well this time I felt it coming on and building up very intense but there was no color to it it looked like the snow/fuzz from the TV but with black borders that were trying to create images.

    I then became aware of my body and I couldnt move! I was concious and aware during the HI and the SP. I kept telling myself to calm down that it was okay nothing was scary or going to hurt me.  This has never happened to me and it was exhilarating to be aware of and concious in my mind although my body and imagery was doing its own thing. I kept testing to see if I could move and I also kept trying to make the imagery turn into something other. I believe I was so excited yet unfocused that I woke up. I immediatly did a RC to make sure I was really awake and I was

    I really think this eperience was a BIG step on my lucidity path. It was exciting and fun and now I kind of know what people are talking about now when they say "be aware and try to mold the images while your body is asleep" I was always confused by that. So I guess now I need to learn how to get myself into a LD when I reach that state again I guess I could have WILD if I knew how to focus.

    But it all started with trying to SSILD this morning and that is exciting!
              Current LD goal(s): speaking with SC, Find dream guide