• 主题:Ssild (2.0) Tutorial Ld4All
  • Hey, I just wanted to pop in and ask if this would be a good method for new lucid dreamers?  
    Well I have tried it for the past two nights, with decent results.

    I use an alarm designed to wake you up without jarring you out of sleep, it starts very quietly, and gradually gets up to a more intense volume. I usually wake up about fifteen minutes before it even starts to go off, for unknown reasons.

    These results are using it at the beginning of the night solely as a way to relax and to improve DR (I read a few posts saying it improved theirs)

    Anyways, the first night I tried it, I got an FA (Wasn't accustomed to RC's that first day though, so I didn't RC) and a decent dream, so impressive results having two recalled dreams on the second night of practicing LD'ing

    Last night when I tried it, when I woke up the first time, I had an EXTREMELY vivid dream, but when I tried it mid-way through the night I got barely any recall at all.

    Anyways, I went through all that to ask a few questions. One: For my DJ I use my iPad set on the lowest brightness so it doesn't wake me up, or hurt my eyes at all, as my only desk lamp is very bright, and it usually wakes me up very well. Should I continue using that system, or would a physical journal still be a better choice?

    Two: I know you said that your thought wandering was a natural thing, just to bring it back to the cycles when you remember what you're doing, but it seems my mind wanders off very easily.

    Three: I tend to be fairly good at controlling excitement, so I don't wake up too much from that which is a good thing, and I find not expecting anything to happen extremely easy, but I seem to wake up a bit TOO much during the cycles, and it takes me five-ten minutes to fall asleep after the cycles. Is this normal? Or should it take less time?

    Four: How many cycles should I do to start off, and then what are reasons to increase/decrease the amount of cycles?

    Five: How quickly should I do the quick cycles (Each part of the cycle, like how long on sight, how long on hearing, and how long on touch?), and how slowly should I do the slow cycles?

    Hopefully, none of these questions were answered in the tutorial and I just neglected to see them, but thanks in advance for the response