• 主题:Ssild (2.0) Tutorial Ld4All
  • I don't get how I can go to sleep so excited to do this and LD then wake up in the middle of the night all "ugh too much effort back to sleep."

    I need to wake up more.  
    I've tried doing it later in my sleep cycle, still doesn't work.

    I sleep for around 10 or 11 hours every day, too.  
    Just this morning I realized all those "failed DIELDs" after SSILDs were FAs. What a waste.  
    I've never woken up in the middle of SP before I tried this technique.

    Last night it happened again, I dreamed that I was trying to get out of a building with no exit by crawling under the wall. I couldn't get my torso under the wall so I exhaled as much as I could to... compact myself. But I got stuck, and I couldn't inhale.

    Then I woke up in SP after panicking for a bit, then taking a deep breath and breaking out of it. I could've DEILD'd if I wasn't so panicked.

    The ride never ends.  
    cosmic.iron wrote:
    SP, for a lucid dreamer, is a good friend  Next time don't break out of it. Try spin yourself into a dream.


    I would, but it's hard to tell that I'm in SP and not still in a dream. Not that I can tell that I'm in a dream when this is happening, but you get the idea. So I end up breaking out of it without realizing. It's also quite hard to think rationally when as far as you can tell, you can't breathe.  
    Can I do the first 3 cycles while sitting up in bed (eyes closed and all that) then lie down for the other 1 or 2 before I sleep? Is that fine? I'm still falling asleep far too quickly.  
    So after having like 1 LD over two weeks I had 5 or 6 this morning with a mixture of this and MILD.

    Can't think of anything I did differently other than taking panadeine painkillers before lying back down. I guess I'll try doing the same again just in case.  
    lucky1990 wrote:

    Just wanted to ask about time allotment to each component.

    1. During warm up cycles - 10 secs for each component = 10*3 components per cycle = 30 secs for each cycle. Max 3 mins for 6 short cycles.

    2. Main cycle - Max 1 min for each component in a cycle * 4 cycles = 12 mins.

    Total duration of SSILD = 12+3 = 15 Mins.

    Is it enough?

    About that, yeah. You shouldn't be so calculating with it, though. Best to just think to yourself "yeah, I think I've been doing this part for somewhere around 30 seconds, time for the next step" each time.  
    Well, it wasn't the painkillers. It was mixing in MILD that did it because I had 5 or so again this morning doing that.

    I do the repetitions 3 or 4 times then think the mantra 5 or so times and then go to sleep.