• 主题:Ssild (2.0) Tutorial Ld4All
  • Aww. Oversleeping is a classic dreamsign!

    Maybe you will be more aware of your gut feeling the next time
              Current LD goal(s): To bring back art or a song
              Link to My DJ: ld4all.com  
    I described SSILD to a coworker today, mostly as a relaxation technique, because she has trouble falling asleep in time. A lucid dream for her would be a bonus. Her reply was "That sounds exhausting!"

    Isn't that the point? I especially find it hard to stay awake and focused through the sight phase. I haven't used it much myself for lucid dreaming, because it interferes with the visualisation technique I usually use, but it works quite well for falling asleep.

              Current LD goal(s): To bring back art or a song
              Link to My DJ: ld4all.com