• 主题:Ssild (2.0) Tutorial Ld4All
  • Hi folks,

    I'm still refining my SILD technique so I have a few questions. When I was first doing this technique,on the slow cycles, I would focus attention on my senses for a few secs and then just let my mind wander. When I realized it was wandering, i still wouldn't focus on the senses but just let it wander again until i thought i had spent enough time on one step. Since it wandered for a while(15-20 secs), 1 step might take over 2 mins. I did this because I thought it might be easier to drift off if i didnt focus too much on senses.

    Now, I've noticed even if I pay full attention to the senses, I still drift off but only for a few secs(not 15-20) before my mind snaps back to attention on the senses. Is this the better way to do SSILD? By the way, when I tested it out this way I was fully awake in the afternoon so chances are I'll drift off more when I do my WBTB......All I'm asking is how much do we focus on senses in SSILD...  
    Letaali wrote:
    I don't think it's a better way. How I understand it, the idea is to train your mind not to wander and instead focus on the senses. Then you'll more likely focus in your dreams and hopefully be more aware of your state overall. In SSILD you focus on senses and after a complete routine you fall asleep quickly. In WILD however, it's maybe good to focus on those wandering thoughts.


    You may have misunderstood my post. I wasn't saying I wanted to focus on the thoughts. In both methods I mentioned, I just let the thoughts run until I realized I had lost focus. Then, in the first way, I cleared my mind to let in wander again while in the second way I refocused on the senses. Also, in the second way I only lost focus for a few seconds before snapping back while the first way i might lose focus for around 20 secs. But my only test of the second way was done while fully awake this afternoon and my mind might wander more after I am sleepy from WBTB. So, rather than wasting your time I'll try this tonight, see what happens for a couple days and get back to you. Thanks for responding...  
    May have had an FA last night but not sure since i dont recall "waking up" in my dream....but that could be an issue of dream recall....dreamt i was in bed in my room and my mom came in to turn off the A/C

    Actually, the only reason i think it was an FA was that it only lasted a few seconds while my normal dreams last a few mins at least

    Wait, now I'm really sure cos I just checked with my Mom and she says she DID come into my room to ask if I wanted the A/C turned off. This could be a case of dream/reality confusion while sleeping.

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