• 主题:Ssild Or The Phase
  • I happened across this term here yesterday and found the description of the technique from the link in the sidebar. The OP claimed this technique was something he developed. But the truth is that it originates from a little known book called 'The Phase'. I have nothing against the OP but he even mentions the term 'phase' in the comments with reference to the techniques. I just feel like we should give credit where credit is due. This technique came from a guy called Michael Raduga. His works are available for free online and have been for years.    
    I was unaware there had been previous accusations. I'm late to the party on this one.

    However the method is a ripoff of Raduga's Direct Method, not his Indirect method.    
    Apologies. I made the comparison during a night shift and clearly didn't analyse the material well enough. You are right that they are different and my use of the word ripoff was uncalled for.

    In regards to mixing the two methods. Do you use SSILD followed by indirect techniques upon the next wakening?  
    They really aren't. The latter has been around much longer and the 'Direct' method in the book is exactly the same.  
    Did you read the source material? It's the exact same method.    
    Excellent. Thanks very much for the feedback. I'm looking forward to putting this into practice. Sorry again for my ignorance earlier.