• 主题:__Rc Help Please__
  • [deleted]    
    Well, trying out ADA even while you're busy night be worth a shot.  
    Had the exact same problem. I was trying to work on a new method of inducing LDs recently and part of that managed to help with this problem. I spend a lot of time at my computer working, so I created a quick little program that randomly plays the first few seconds of a song. I usually set it to play every 15-25 mins and left it on while I worked and did an RC every time I heard the start of the song, even if I was really focused. I started to get a feeling for when the alarm was going to go off. When I made it go off exactly every 20 mins, I would get fairly accurate sensations a bit before the alarm went off, even after the alarm was disabled. Without playing the alarm at all, urges went away by the end of the next day.  

    So I would just suggest setting an alarm that goes off as frequently as you would like. Instead of creating a program, the easiest way would be to get a free program like Audacity, and create a file that has the noise in the first few seconds, and whatever amount of silence you want after that. Then put it on your phone/computer and loop it in the background while you work. The important part would be to stop what you're doing immediately and do the RC, because if you delay the RC in your dream to finish what you're doing, you'll most likely forget by the time you're done.  

    That's just my suggestion, but like I said earlier, it's just part of a method I was working on, so there's probably a better solution out there.  
    It won't help you. Constantly doing RC during the day will not develop into a habit that can be carried into your dreams. During sleep many regions of the brain are deactivated or suppressed, these include the ones responsible for self-awareness, short-term memories and etc. As the result it's very unlikely for your daily habits to be present in your dreams. For example, most of us have developed the habit to play with mobile phones whenever possible, but how many times do you actually do that in your dreams? Constant RC during the day is largely a waste of time, it is, IMO, the biggest hype in the field of lucid dreaming. You will have much better chance with WBTB plus other on-demand LD induction techniques such as MILD, FILD or SSILD.  
    That's a good point, never heard that before. Thanks.  
    So do you think the same reasoning applies to ADA, that training yourself to be constantly aware during the day won't continue in the dream, or do you see some difference there?  
    I don't see much difference there. Only difference is that ADA is used to improve self-awareness during the day, not just to form a habit to perform a task.

    Does that permanently increase your self-awareness to a level that it kicks in even when suppressed during R.E.M. sleep? Does that increase the presence of neuromodulators, such as acetylcholine? These are questions I cannot answer.

    Some people do claim that ADA is effective for them. However, I personally have not yet seen anyone achieving long-term and stable success with that exercise. And please note, the primary benefit advertised by ADA  is longer-term and stable success, not sporadic results such as intention settings. People do tend to jump in to credit it when only encountering the later...