• 主题:Senses Initiated Lucid Dream Ssild
  • Quote from Mr Radugas book "A practical Guide book"
    Pg No 16

    "Dream consciousness is also considered to be a phase
    experience. If you suddenly realize that you're dreaming while
    asleep, then that's already the phase. You should therefore
    proceed to implement your plan of action and stabilize the
    state. If dream consciousness does arise, it would be a side
    effect of doing technique cycles upon awakenings. This side
    effect is quite common - always be ready for":
    This is what SILD is about.  
    They say in an obe there is silver chord attached to your dream body.  
    Originally Posted by mcwillis:
    I would tend to disagree with this. As you say, when one starts to have regular success at practicing 'Indirect Techniques' one begins to have more DILD's as a result.  But it seemss as though CosmicIron's method generates DILD's a lot more quickly.  I may be wrong about this and is just my opinion.


    Michael Raduga says that after practising cycles of indirect techniques regularly, every 3rd phase experience occurs through dream conciousness.  
    I have been doing this for a month.No the technique.The WBTB.
    I always set the alarm wake for a few moments or seconds to say and forget to do the technique.
    I dunno why.I always forget to do the technique.
    Anybody has solution for this?