• 主题:Senses Initiated Lucid Dream Ssild
  • What's the average success rate on this technique?  
    This sounds really interesting.  So, I get up with an alarm after around 5 hours of sleep, cycle through the senses and try to fall asleep, is that about it?  
    From what I've been reading, the SSILD mainly produces FA's.  Is there a good way to catch these?  
    Did a WBTB last night with this.

    I did maybe 4-5 cycles then fell asleep really quick.

    No results.  I'll try it again tonight.  
    been trying this for like 4 days now with no results  
    Been trying this since it came out... no results.  
    This technique doesn't seem to be producing good consistent results for anyone.  Sure some people have gotten an LD or two, but after that everyone seems to have trouble with this technique.  
    I have been an on-and-off lucid dreamer for the past few years.  Never finding true success with any method I've tried.   I have tried SSILD a few times with no success.  I like the simplicity and sustainability of this technique and would like to master it.  I have a few clarifications to ask.  For anyone who has had repeated sucsess with this method, what is your typical SSILD attempt like?

    I usually WBTB for X amount of time,  lay down and relax for a few minutes then cycle until my random thoughts start to take over.  I then fall asleep.  Never had any results.  

    If anyone is willing to help me improve my SSILD I would greatly appreciate it, as lucid dreaming is a huge interest of mine but it has been on the back burner for quite a while with life getting in the way and this method seems promising without taking to much time out of my daily life.

    Was this method ever confirmed to be more than a placebo?  After scrolling through all of the pages of replies and trying this myself, it seems that it is more of a placebo than a reliable technique to use nightly.  
    Originally Posted by CosmicIron:
    A placebo is something that has no real medical value but works due to perhaps psychological reasons. By this definition, you can probably say that all lucid dreaming techniques are placebos. You probably meant whether or not SsILD can be used reliably in long term. I'd say, based on my own experience and observations, it is more effective in long term than many other well-known methods. It is not difficult to find report on this forum which show people having success with this technique over a long period. On my own forum, there are more than a dozen people, myself included, who use the technique every day and succeed every time. All of these are well documented. If that's placebo, then placebo so be it. LOL


    Yes, that is what I meant.  I do not doubt you or your technique, I just find it odd that no one on this site has really found long term success with it.  I just wander about people having success with it, but when that initial excitement phase wears off they start not having success.  This happened to me.  I found mild success a few times with this technique (a few shorts lucids and a few FA's.) but now no matter what I do I can't find success.  
    Are there ways to tell if we are in this phase that cosmic speaks of, or is it more of a you just have to guess?  After preforming SSILD cycles for a while I do feel closer to sleep but I dont feel as if im in a certain transition phase.  
    Hey everyone, quick question.  I am back into LD'ing.  I am currently sticking with MILD until it works fairly regularly.  I have found that with me I get most lucids after I have woken up in the middle of the night then get my mind back on lucid dreaming again for a bit.  I have had success with WBTB and MILD in the past.  Waking up, writing my dream down, going over it then thinking about my goal for my next LD really gets decent results.  I think this is why SSILD would work well for me, getting up after some sleep, write down any dreams I can remember then going for a SSILD attempt.  I just have a slight problem.  I fall asleep EXTEREMELY fast.  I have tried staying up for longer but then I find I can't get back to sleep for another 45 minutes or so.  When I attempt SSILD I can do maybe 1 - 2 cycles and I'm either asleep or I find myself drifting and can't keep going.  Any advice would be appreciated  
    Does SSILD seem to only work consistently for some people?  I ask this because I read many contradicting post about this technique.  I myself do not doubt the technique works, I am just trying to gather information on the types of people it does work consistently for.  Some people say it's an amazing technique and works all the time, some say it doesn't work at all and call it a "placebo" crap.  Cosmic, what are your thoughts on this?  Have you found a certain characteristic in people that this works for?  I have tried this tech on and off since it came out and haven't found any success.  The cycles sure do get me to sleep quick though.  
    Just did a proper SSILD attempt about 2 hours ago.  Had a really vivid FA.  That's the first FA I can remember in quite some time.   Hopefully I'll learn to catch these.