• 主题:Senses Initiated Lucid Dream Ssild
  • Wait... I don't want to do an OBE, especially not by accident... Should I still use this? Could it be used only for inducing lucid dreams (through FAs I guess)?  
    Originally Posted by CosmicIron:
    FAs frequently happen after doing SSILD, but I wouldn't guarantee it.

    So... If I understand this correctly, we can use this (if we don't want OBEs) to more easily induce SP to use with WILD. Is that right?  
    Originally Posted by rynkrt3:
    From what I've been reading, the SSILD mainly produces FA's.  Is there a good way to catch these?

    Do RCs when you wake up, every time you wake up. This way if you "wake up" but you're still dreaming, you will do a RC.  
    I wanted to try the technique but I had to get up this morning... So badly wanted to stay in bed and try it since it seems to be working for everyone.  
    Originally Posted by yuppie11975:
    Sure am
    Hahahah, apparently dad came in and asked me what was up
    And I replied "I'm here, I'm here" Repeatedly.

    What was your lucid about? De you remember saying anything in it?  
    Ok, I gotta remember to do this. I keep forgetting. >_>  
    Tried last night, passed out after two reps. I didn't recall anything when I woke up though, so I have no idea if it worked or not. :/  
    Alright... not sure if it was this technique or a coincidence, but I got lucid last night. Here's how it went down: I woke up for a WBTB, went to the bathroom and came back. I did a few repititions of the technique, and felt sleepy after about 3. HOWEVER, I couldn't fall asleep for some reason (I blame e fact that I'm sick) so I stayed up for a few hours, then went to sleep regularly. Do you think the technique kicked in even though I didn't fall asleep directly after doing it? I'm almost convinced it was a coincidental DILD, but then again I haven't gone lucid I'm a very long time, so I'm not sure.  
    Originally Posted by Sydney:
    That's awesome Taffy  Maybe since you gained some extra awareness or something you had that DILD?

    That could be. If so, then this is like the ultimate technique.  
    I wanted to try SSILD but I fell asleep after the first part of the first rep. I looked at the back of my eyelids and just passed out.

    I got lucid anyway, though, so yay.  
    Originally Posted by mcwillis:
    There are a lot of threads for techniques to induce lucidity on the forum but they don't have the high level of success that this technique has so I think we can safely rule out that this is a placebo


    To be honest, at first I thought this would be another one of those techniques with a fancy acronym that gets 3 posts and dies out, or is just a rehash of old techniques. I was happily proven wrong.  
    Yet another lucid. I'm going to get a t-shirt that says "I <3 SSILD" on it. Lol.  
    Originally Posted by ch00b:
    Just wondering, do we repear each step after doing it or repeat the entire process when we are done? Thanks.


    You go through each part of the cycle, then repeat it again. Like sight -> hear -> feel -> sight -> hear...  
    Originally Posted by themoonman:
    I was wondering if you need to write a DJ to SSILD because when i wake up from a dream i will forget to write it and have forgotten my dream :/ any advise will be much appreciated


    Well, it's always good to have a DJ. If you have recall problems then it can't hurt.  
    I keep forgetting to do this. I'll have to give it another try tonight.