• 主题:Senses Initiated Lucid Dream Ssild
  • Originally Posted by CosmicIron:
    Based on your feedback, I think the cause is insufficient effort. Don't despair, this is better than the other way around actually  My suggestions:

    1. Extend your wake time, say, 5-10 minutes
    2. Make sure you do the full four cycles. Rule of thumb is That after your mind begins to wander you should do at least 2 complete cycles. In your case that would be 4 or 5 cycles.

    3. The last cycle must be performed more diligently.
    4. The "feel right" approach is perfect. No need to change anything I guess for now.

    Let's do this and see what happens. Keep me posted so we can adjust it to make it work for you. Good luck!


    Haven't had a chance to try it yet, will try tonight. Is a fan okay in the background? I find it makes it easier to sleep.  
    Originally Posted by Wanderlust:
    Haven't had a chance to try it yet, will try tonight. Is a fan okay in the background? I find it makes it easier to sleep.


    It is okay as long as it doesn't interfere. Typically though, the quieter the room is, the better it is. As you go through the cycles, your attention shifts from the external senses to the internal ones. For example, the external sounds may become quieter, while the noises in your head becomes more obvious. When this happens you know you are getting deeper into the "state". If there is too much external noise, then you may not be able to shift your focus away.  
    Tried it last night, but I kept myself awake. Wasn't even up for that much longer. I did notice, however, that without the fan on, I noticed some strange sensations I had never felt in my earlier attempts. I felt like I was getting lighter and slowly rising off the bed, but again, I lost sleep last night and couldn't make use of the technique. Does have some promise to it, though.  
    Just had my first ever LD with this method after about a week of attempts. At least, I think it was this method.

    I woke up from a dream into an FA. I typically RC when I wake up but I missed it in the FA because my attention was kept on somebody who had woken me up. After a few minutes, I walked upstairs into the bathroom and turned on the light, but nothing happened. I tried it again, and still nothing happened. It immediately clicked in my head to do a nose RC and I could breathe! I was so excited that I panicked so I tried to grab on to the first thing I could to help stabilize the dream which happened to be the person who woke me up and followed me to the bathroom. The dream faded before I could reach her and I woke up in SP trying to breathe really heavily for about 2 seconds until I came to my senses and realized I just need to stay calm.

    It was one heck of a night in general. On average I record about 1 dream a night with poor-good quality. This night I recorded 5 dreams and 3 of them with incredible vividness and quality. Here's my night recap::

    Spoiler for Sleep Recap:
    9:50 pm: Take an allergy pill, B6, and slam 2 glasses of milk and half a glass of water. Set alarms for 2:30 am (4.5h), 4:00 am (6h + 30m WBTB), and 6:30 am (8h) (Working on increasing my DR so it helps for me to wake up during or right after REM).

    10:00 pm: Fell asleep.
    12:15 am (2.25h): Woke up. No dream recall.
    12:20 am: Fell asleep.
    1:40 am (~3.5h): Woke up, recorded a dream of poor quality and length.
    1:50 am: Fell asleep.
    2:30 am (4.25h): Woke up to alarm. No dream recall.
    2:35 am: Fell asleep.
    3:10 am (~5h): Woke up, recorded a dream of great quality (2 full notebook pages of block text written as short-hand as possible, took me so long to write I reset my 4:00 alarm to 4:30). I had to urinate really bad at this point, and I even did so in the previous dream successfully. I waited to go to the bathroom until 4:30 in case I had another dream where I'd go to the bathroom so I told myself to RC the next time I do.

    3:35 am: Fell asleep.
    4:30 am (~6h): Woke up to alarm. No dream recall. WBTB for 20 minutes while reading DJ.
    4:50 am: SSILD 5 cycles, achieved trance but was wide awake for 5th cycle. Laid in bed for 25 minutes before trying again.

    5:15 am: SSILD 4 cycles, achieved trance but still couldn't fall asleep. Laid in bed for 20 minutes before trying one more time.

    5:35 am: SSILD 3 cycles before roommate wakes up and makes a ton of noise upstairs. I give up, curse the method and start thinking about not trying it ever again, put earplugs in and try falling asleep. (At this point I haven't slept for more than a few minutes in over an hour)

    5:55? am (~6.5h): Woke up and recorded a dream of great quality but the dream was pretty short. Just tried falling asleep like normal again.

    6:15 am: Fell asleep (I know I fell asleep after 6:10 cause I called my roommate and she told me that's when she left).
    6:30 am (~6.75h): Wake up from FA LD! Great quality and decent length, although lucidity itself only lasted about 4 seconds. I also recorded another dream before the FA of poor quality.
    I've been a lurker for a litte over a month now, and I feel like this is the perfect time to join. I used this method last night and had my first lucid dream in ages!  (albeit very short, but that was my own fault)

    I went to bed at 2am (I'm a night owl) and set my Alarm for 8am. When my alarm went off, I got out of bed to shut the window, so I had no distractions. I also have a sleep mask, which I didn't take off at all, even when I shut the window. It took my about 20-30 mins to fall back to sleep, and I just assumed I failed and it didn't work. I lost count of how many cycles I did, but it was way more than 5.

    Next thing I know, I literally feel myself falling asleep. Tingles all over my body and I knew I was creeping into sleep paralysis. Even though I know SP is not harmful, my heart was racing like mad, I really didn't want to see any freaky stuff. As soon as I attempted to move, I think I then had an OBE. I just remember leaning up in my bed and doing a couple of reality checks. (Although I knew it wasn't reality, because everything was really blurry, I just did it anyway)

    Then suddenly I see myself in third person, above the clouds and I just remember being hit by a wave of happiness (I know that sounds really stupid, but that's the best way I can describe it) Then just as I was getting into it, I hear my alarm and it woke me up  I set up a back-up alarm, so if it didn't work the first time, I could try again. But I didn't take into account that it would take me so long to fall back to sleep, so that was a fail on my part.

    Nevertheless I'm extremely happy that I experienced it, and I really hope it wasn't a fluke. I also forgot to mention that my dream recall was incredible. 10x better then it has been for the past 2 weeks. I still remember a couple of my dreams vividly right now.

    Big props to the OP, I think I've just found my new method!  
    I don't get it. The last few times I've tried, I simply haven't been able to do it. My mind wanders restlessly from topic to topic, and won't do the technique for very long. I can do maybe 1 1/2 cycles before my mind begins to wander, but I'm still wide awake.

    What can I do? Is it just my mind is all screwed up? (That wouldn't surprise me, honestly. I do have severe depression. Maybe that has something to do with it.)  
    Originally Posted by Wanderlust:
    I don't get it. The last few times I've tried, I simply haven't been able to do it. My mind wanders restlessly from topic to topic, and won't do the technique for very long. I can do maybe 1 1/2 cycles before my mind begins to wander, but I'm still wide awake.

    What can I do? Is it just my mind is all screwed up? (That wouldn't surprise me, honestly. I do have severe depression. Maybe that has something to do with it.)


    No, I don't think your mind is any more screwed up than the rest of us, LOL. To counter your problem, I suggest the following:

    1. Get more sleep. Go to bed earlier than usual, and do not wake up until you have at least a good five-hour sleep.

    2. Read this post: http://www.dreamviews.com/f12/theory...-ssild-135234/

    1. I always sleep 6 hours before waking up and doing stuff for a few minutes. I was told this is ideal for this sort of thing.

    2. Maybe what I took away from that is that I'm looking for results too hard.

    Last time I tried this, I was wearing earplugs because it was an afternoon nap and people were milling about and there were sounds all over the place. I noticed I paid a lot of attention to my breathing. Is that okay?

    It's just extremely frustrating. I'm using this technique to try and produce OBEs. I tried Raduga's methods for over a year with almost no success, and I've been doing this for a few weeks now and I haven't had any success. I find I do a bunch of cycles, then fall asleep and nothing happens.  
    Originally Posted by Wanderlust:
    1. I always sleep 6 hours before waking up and doing stuff for a few minutes. I was told this is ideal for this sort of thing.

    2. Maybe what I took away from that is that I'm looking for results too hard.

    Last time I tried this, I was wearing earplugs because it was an afternoon nap and people were milling about and there were sounds all over the place. I noticed I paid a lot of attention to my breathing. Is that okay?

    It's just extremely frustrating. I'm using this technique to try and produce OBEs. I tried Raduga's methods for over a year with almost no success, and I've been doing this for a few weeks now and I haven't had any success. I find I do a bunch of cycles, then fall asleep and nothing happens.


    You summed it correctly -- you are trying too hard. You shouldn't pay attention to ANYTHING! Stay as comfortable as possible, allow your mind to wander. If you wake up without success, don't despair, just keep doing more cycles till you fall asleep. Repeat this and you will have success.  
    Originally Posted by CosmicIron:
    You summed it correctly -- you are trying too hard. You shouldn't pay attention to ANYTHING! Stay as comfortable as possible, allow your mind to wander. If you wake up without success, don't despair, just keep doing more cycles till you fall asleep. Repeat this and you will have success.


    Still nothing. Last night I noticed that when I'd hear a sound or see something very briefly, it would catch my attention, then disappear shortly afterwards. What is this a sign of?  
    Originally Posted by Wanderlust:
    Still nothing. Last night I noticed that when I'd hear a sound or see something very briefly, it would catch my attention, then disappear shortly afterwards. What is this a sign of?


    Those are HIs caused by the exercise and when that happens you are already extremely close to stepping into the dream consciously! Unfortunately you got excited and that causes it to go away. Next time you see this you should resume a passive observer role, and at the same time do not think rationally. Allow the HIs to manifest, and they will turn into full blown dreams automatically.  
    I tried the following steps, and I can say I'm not really disappointed. I went to sleep at ten, woke up at two and even though I was VERY tired I tried my best with the cycles. I think I did four of them before I felt sluggish, and not really able to concentrate on anything but sleep anymore. So I went to bed, and instantly it felt like I was falling through my bed, or getting extremely light. I felt as if I might have an OBE, due to the way my body felt. It was the strangest feeling I've ever felt, then I fell asleep. I don't believe I had a lucid dream, because I can't remember it to well. And if I did have one, I'm sure I would remember it right? But it was weird once again, my dream self was having lucid dreams inside my dream! (dreamception?) And my dream self was bragging about it in the dream about how the technique worked. It was so strange, but I am definitely not disappointed even if I didn't have the lucid dream! I'll be trying this again tonight, thanks!  
    Originally Posted by TofuBitz:
    I tried the following steps, and I can say I'm not really disappointed. I went to sleep at ten, woke up at two and even though I was VERY tired I tried my best with the cycles. I think I did four of them before I felt sluggish, and not really able to concentrate on anything but sleep anymore. So I went to bed, and instantly it felt like I was falling through my bed, or getting extremely light. I felt as if I might have an OBE, due to the way my body felt. It was the strangest feeling I've ever felt, then I fell asleep. I don't believe I had a lucid dream, because I can't remember it to well. And if I did have one, I'm sure I would remember it right? But it was weird once again, my dream self was having lucid dreams inside my dream! (dreamception?) And my dream self was bragging about it in the dream about how the technique worked. It was so strange, but I am definitely not disappointed even if I didn't have the lucid dream! I'll be trying this again tonight, thanks!


    It's possible to forget lucid dreams. With below average dream recall it can actually be quite easy to do so, especially for longer LDs.

    I've had almost that same exact dream where you dream of going to sleep and having an LD. I don't think it's considered an LD but it means you're getting closer.  
    Originally Posted by TofuBitz:
    I tried the following steps, and I can say I'm not really disappointed. I went to sleep at ten, woke up at two and even though I was VERY tired I tried my best with the cycles. I think I did four of them before I felt sluggish, and not really able to concentrate on anything but sleep anymore. So I went to bed, and instantly it felt like I was falling through my bed, or getting extremely light. I felt as if I might have an OBE, due to the way my body felt. It was the strangest feeling I've ever felt, then I fell asleep. I don't believe I had a lucid dream, because I can't remember it to well. And if I did have one, I'm sure I would remember it right? But it was weird once again, my dream self was having lucid dreams inside my dream! (dreamception?) And my dream self was bragging about it in the dream about how the technique worked. It was so strange, but I am definitely not disappointed even if I didn't have the lucid dream! I'll be trying this again tonight, thanks!


    It is quite common... basically it's an LD which is followed by a False Awakening, or an LD that is launched from an FA. Either way, it is a lucid dream by most accepted standards. When you had the weird falling sensations though, you were extremely close to having a genuine OBE while being full conscious. Next time when this happens just relax and go with the flow.  
    Will do! I'm going to try again tonight, I'll post the results.  
    Originally Posted by TofuBitz:
    Will do! I'm going to try again tonight, I'll post the results.

    Well, last night it didn't work at all. I didn't even have any weird feelings when going back to sleep, so I think I might know what the problem was. How conscious/awake do I need to be for the exercises to do what they need to do? Because I was barely aware or conscious when I did them last night, I barely knew what I was doing except for the senses practicing. Right when I was done, I was sound back to sleep within a minute.  
    Originally Posted by TofuBitz:
    Well, last night it didn't work at all. I didn't even have any weird feelings when going back to sleep, so I think I might know what the problem was. How conscious/awake do I need to be for the exercises to do what they need to do? Because I was barely aware or conscious when I did them last night, I barely knew what I was doing except for the senses practicing. Right when I was done, I was sound back to sleep within a minute.


    If you find it hard to complete the first two cycles then you are simply too tired to make it work. On the other hand, if your mind does not drift after four cycles then you are too awake.  
    Originally Posted by CosmicIron:
    If you find it hard to complete the first two cycles then you are simply too tired to make it work. On the other hand, if your mind does not drift after four cycles then you are too awake.


    So, to clarify, if I feel like I am not falling asleep after 5 cycles (which is how it usually is for me), should I continue with the cycles? Also, I tend to feel uncomfortable at the end of the 5 cycles and have to roll over, meaning I basically don't get to sleep for a long while.

    EDIT: By the way many thanks for always helping and replying on your threads here and on LD4all!  
    Originally Posted by Nivv:
    So, to clarify, if I feel like I am not falling asleep after 5 cycles (which is how it usually is for me), should I continue with the cycles? Also, I tend to feel uncomfortable at the end of the 5 cycles and have to roll over, meaning I basically don't get to sleep for a long while.

    EDIT: By the way many thanks for always helping and replying on your threads here and on LD4all!

    You can try doing more cycles if you do not enter the trance -- mind begins to wander, external stimulus become subdued... However, you should keep in mind that you might risk losing sleep completely. To counter this problem, you might want to switch to a more comfortable position, such as the one you always use for sleeping. Honestly I don't recommend doing more than 6 cycles. If still no trance after 6 cycles you really should just give up and go to sleep. There is still a high chance for you to become lucid in the dreams, and you can always try to do it once more after you wake up again.

    The sudden uncomfortable feeling might be caused by trying to stay completely still, which is the wrong way to do SSILD. If you stay absolutely still, your body might think it is okay to quit functioning and go to sleep. In order to make sure it does not fall asleep before the brain does, the body sends a signal to test if you are still alert. That signal basically make you feel extremely uncomfortable. If you ignore that then you have a very chance to enter a WILD, although this can truly be a test for one's will. Not requiring you to stay completely still is a key feature of SSILD. You should always feel comfortable, and if that means scratching that itch then you should by all means do it! In the worst case you just make it up by doing one more cycle. Big deal, right? Anyway, you should always be relaxed, allow the trance to carry you gently into sleep. Don't fight it.

    It is my pleasure to help fellow LDers. Thank YOU for trying this new technique!  
    Hi CosmicIron.

    I was wondering if you would consider writing a new SSILD tutorial? Now you have many more people's experiences (including successful and unsuccessful attempts!) that have improved the technique.  
    I've seen a lot of people mentioning this method the last couple of days so I thought I would look it up yesterday. I had never really heard of a technique like this and it seemed really interesting so I thought I would try it. Holly cow it worked better than I expected. Just a little background, It takes a lot for me to experience HI or sleep paralysis. That makes it really hard for me to WILD.

    I woke up at 4:30, wrote down a dream real quick and tried SSILD. The first cycle or two not much seemed to happen. I could hear a high pitched buzzing in my ear and some very subtle imagery. On the third cycle my mind wandered with the beginnings of a dream plot but I caught myself, I knew that was a great sign. On the fifth cycle the HI and buzzing started to get intense. My vision started flashing bright white on and off and the buzzing went along with it light an alarm. I felt vibrations in my body. After it settled down a bit and I thought I might be dreaming already. It was a bit hard to move but the nose plug RC failed. I laid back down and had some very vivid half dreams were I was just watching the imagery. Suddenly I woke all the way back up. I thought it was an FA but I RCed and it wasn't. I just went to sleep quickly like suggested. I can remember the dream from the very beginning even when it was just developing from HI and the plot was unfolding. I was fairly aware even from the beginning. After a little while I had a sudden spontaneous boost of full lucidity. I woke up rather quickly but that was my fault and I didn't really mind because I wanted to be sure to wright it down completely.

    I'm going to be experimenting a lot with this technique. I don't totally understand why it is so effective at inducing trance states indirectly but It diffidently does.  
    I registered just to post in this thread and say thanks! I have been trying to lucid dream for only three weeks or so, and had my first lucid dream ever last night thanks to this method.

    I woke up in the middle of the night naturally, and started cycling through these steps. I definitely lost focus a few times, and at one point I had a sudden flash of an image of a salad bar in a restaurant (I don't even know!). Then I felt those vibrations people talk about from the WILD technique - holy hell, that was amazing! But it only lasted a second or so. Then I tried plugging my nose and I could breathe through it! I tried to move out of bed but it was very difficult to move. Eventually I did get up, and I looked back to see if my real body was still in the bed (it wasn't) and went to the bathroom. I tried to make it so that when I opened the bathroom door I would be somewhere else, but that didn't work either. The bathroom did look weird though, it was in the middle of being renovated and had bookshelves full of young adult novels in there. I definitely did the rubbing hands thing, and also plugged my nose again just to make sure. Then I just kinda woke up.

    I tried to do it again since I didn't have to get up at any particular time today but I was too excited from the dream to fall asleep again.  

    So anyway thank you for this! What an amazing feeling. The most exciting dream I've ever had about going to the bathroom.  
    I'm thinking about combining this technique with a three-seconds alarm going of at night? Why/why not? Is it important to hit a REM period or something?  
    Originally Posted by Histopotomus:
    I registered just to post in this thread and say thanks! I have been trying to lucid dream for only three weeks or so, and had my first lucid dream ever last night thanks to this method.

    I woke up in the middle of the night naturally, and started cycling through these steps. I definitely lost focus a few times, and at one point I had a sudden flash of an image of a salad bar in a restaurant (I don't even know!). Then I felt those vibrations people talk about from the WILD technique - holy hell, that was amazing! But it only lasted a second or so. Then I tried plugging my nose and I could breathe through it! I tried to move out of bed but it was very difficult to move. Eventually I did get up, and I looked back to see if my real body was still in the bed (it wasn't) and went to the bathroom. I tried to make it so that when I opened the bathroom door I would be somewhere else, but that didn't work either. The bathroom did look weird though, it was in the middle of being renovated and had bookshelves full of young adult novels in there. I definitely did the rubbing hands thing, and also plugged my nose again just to make sure. Then I just kinda woke up.

    I tried to do it again since I didn't have to get up at any particular time today but I was too excited from the dream to fall asleep again.  

    So anyway thank you for this! What an amazing feeling. The most exciting dream I've ever had about going to the bathroom.


    A bathroom full of porns? Wow, if that's not exciting then nothing else is, LOL. Congrats!  
    Originally Posted by MadMonkey:
    I've seen a lot of people mentioning this method the last couple of days so I thought I would look it up yesterday. I had never really heard of a technique like this and it seemed really interesting so I thought I would try it. Holly cow it worked better than I expected. Just a little background, It takes a lot for me to experience HI or sleep paralysis. That makes it really hard for me to WILD.

    I woke up at 4:30, wrote down a dream real quick and tried SSILD. The first cycle or two not much seemed to happen. I could hear a high pitched buzzing in my ear and some very subtle imagery. On the third cycle my mind wandered with the beginnings of a dream plot but I caught myself, I knew that was a great sign. On the fifth cycle the HI and buzzing started to get intense. My vision started flashing bright white on and off and the buzzing went along with it light an alarm. I felt vibrations in my body. After it settled down a bit and I thought I might be dreaming already. It was a bit hard to move but the nose plug RC failed. I laid back down and had some very vivid half dreams were I was just watching the imagery. Suddenly I woke all the way back up. I thought it was an FA but I RCed and it wasn't. I just went to sleep quickly like suggested. I can remember the dream from the very beginning even when it was just developing from HI and the plot was unfolding. I was fairly aware even from the beginning. After a little while I had a sudden spontaneous boost of full lucidity. I woke up rather quickly but that was my fault and I didn't really mind because I wanted to be sure to wright it down completely.

    I'm going to be experimenting a lot with this technique. I don't totally understand why it is so effective at inducing trance states indirectly but It diffidently does.


    When the HIs and vibrations get intense you should immediately do a nose RC and get up. Do not wait for it to die down because you will likely just wake up as you introduce more rational thoughts into the process. Getting real close!  
    Originally Posted by Bobblehat:
    Hi CosmicIron.

    I was wondering if you would consider writing a new SSILD tutorial? Now you have many more people's experiences (including successful and unsuccessful attempts!) that have improved the technique.


    Yes I've been thinking about that all the time... and that simply tells you how lazy I am, LOL.  
    Originally Posted by CosmicIron:
    When the HIs and vibrations get intense you should immediately do a nose RC and get up. Do not wait for it to die down because you will likely just wake up as you introduce more rational thoughts into the process. Getting real close!


    When I tried to rc they were still quite intense but not as much as whent it first started. It was quite hard to move not because of sp but because of the sensory overload. I think I might have been able to breath through my fingers but I was a little confused and thought that ment I was awake. Its hard to tell now.

    The las few nights I tried it but fell asleep to fast which is unusual for me. Its probably because of the melatonin I was taking for a week before bed. Sense I'm done taking it I should get some more success.  
    You just ignored me and my question?

    But seriously, could you please answer it? :
    Originally Posted by WDr:
    I'm thinking about combining this technique with a three-seconds alarm going of at night. Why/why not? Is it important to hit a REM period or something?
    Originally Posted by WDr:
    You just ignored me and my question?

    But seriously, could you please answer it?

    LOL, no I didn't ignore you, at least it was not my intention. You can use an alarm to wake yourself up as long as you had sufficient amount of sleep prior to that. The general rule of thumb is:

    1. If you find it difficult to complete the first two cycles then you either do not have sufficient sleep, or you need to wake up a bit more before you begin the exercise.

    2. If your mind does not drift after 4 cycles then you are too awake.  
    Question for cosmic iron:

    If you do SSILD in the night, go to sleep, have an LD then wake up again but want to try for another LD, should you:

    A: Just go back to sleep again normally (after doing your DJ etc)

    B: Do SSILD cycles again (after DJ)

    C: Something else  
    Originally Posted by Bobblehat:
    Question for cosmic iron:

    If you do SSILD in the night, go to sleep, have an LD then wake up again but want to try for another LD, should you:

    A: Just go back to sleep again normally (after doing your DJ etc)

    B: Do SSILD cycles again (after DJ)

    C: Something else

    I'd do a couple more cycles again and then go to sleep. Don't do too many though as you may end up not being able to fall back to sleep.  
    Woop. I tried this for 4 nights and nothing happens. I do the cycles, go to sleep, and just have vivid dreams.  
    Originally Posted by skullgunner1:
    Woop. I tried this for 4 nights and nothing happens. I do the cycles, go to sleep, and just have vivid dreams.


    Try staying awake a bit more prior to the exercise. Experiment with 5-minute increments.  
    Decided to continue on with the method .  
    This technique is correct, but I don't think CosmicIron should take credit for development of it. I see CosmicIron on pretty much every LD website. On ld4all this guy says his first lucid dream was in April, 2012.. I'm sure he has done studies like he claims but makes himself out to be more experienced than actually is. No offense towards CosmicIron, just thought I would put it out there. Thanks for the tutorial though.  
    Originally Posted by Hunterkiss:
    This technique is correct, but I don't think CosmicIron should take credit for development of it. I see CosmicIron on pretty much every LD website. On ld4all this guy says his first lucid dream was in April, 2012.. I'm sure he has done studies like he claims but makes himself out to be more experienced than actually is. No offense towards CosmicIron, just thought I would put it out there. Thanks for the tutorial though.


    I'd like to ask you to quote the exact phrase which supposedly is from me that says I had my first LD on April, 2012. The SSILD technique first appeared early last year on the Chinese forum "Baidu Tieba", and was posted by my Chinese online alias "宇宙之铁"which is the literal translation of "Cosmic Iron". The first version of English translation of SSILD was published on August last year on DV under the title "A Practical Recipe for Inducing LDs and OBEs". It was later refined and renamed to SSILD and was posted first onto LD4all while DV was recovering from the hacker attack. I have no idea where you got your "facts"... You probably meant no offense but this is nonetheless an accusation based on false facts.  
    Originally Posted by CosmicIron:
    I'd like to ask you to quote the exact phrase which supposedly is from me that says I had my first LD on April, 2012. The SSILD technique first appeared early last year on the Chinese forum "Baidu Tieba", and was posted by my Chinese online alias "宇宙之铁"which is the literal translation of "Cosmic Iron". The first version of English translation of SSILD was published on August last year on DV under the title "A Practical Recipe for Inducing LDs and OBEs". It was later refined and renamed to SSILD and was posted first onto LD4all while DV was recovering from the hacker attack. I have no idea where you got your "facts"... You probably meant no offense but this is nonetheless an accusation based on false facts.


    Apologies. Just realized it says "from @lago" but on the left it says cosmic.iron. Then I realized they all say that because that is who started the thread not the replier.

    "From @Iago

    First LD!

    I set up an alarm before going to bed, and when I woke up i tried SSILD. It worked, I think I fell asleep during the last cycles. In the dream, I was at an English school (not native here) which my uncle works for as a teacher, in other city. I pinched my nose and noticed I could breathe. I yelled from joy and excitment, I can't remember the words exactly, and started jumping. However, I couldn't transform the dream the way I wanted, I tried to change some girl's face which I had never seen to someone's I used to know, and I began looking for a WritersCube's clock, none succesful. Suddenly I was home, in the city I live, and there were two strange people, one of them related to previous dream events, but I didn't care about the other. The enviroment wasn't vivid, it was fading out. I thought I would really find the dreamclock when my alarm started IRL. I started rubbing my hands, and yelling "I want to stay!", but I woke up anyway. Think it was better that way, because the lucidity would fade out and it would turn to a normal dream again. Now in my memory it looks like a normal dream, but I'm sure I got lucid. Low lucidity. Next time I must remember to take a look at my enviroment, and ask for more realism."

    My mistake. I also read another thread about how this is similar to "Indirect Techniques" but I read your reply/explanation. You can never be too sure if someone is professional or not on the internet haha. Regards.  
    Originally Posted by Hunterkiss:
    Apologies. Just realized it says "from @lago" but on the left it says cosmic.iron. Then I realized they all say that because that is who started the thread not the replier.

    "From @Iago

    First LD!

    I set up an alarm before going to bed, and when I woke up i tried SSILD. It worked, I think I fell asleep during the last cycles. In the dream, I was at an English school (not native here) which my uncle works for as a teacher, in other city. I pinched my nose and noticed I could breathe. I yelled from joy and excitment, I can't remember the words exactly, and started jumping. However, I couldn't transform the dream the way I wanted, I tried to change some girl's face which I had never seen to someone's I used to know, and I began looking for a WritersCube's clock, none succesful. Suddenly I was home, in the city I live, and there were two strange people, one of them related to previous dream events, but I didn't care about the other. The enviroment wasn't vivid, it was fading out. I thought I would really find the dreamclock when my alarm started IRL. I started rubbing my hands, and yelling "I want to stay!", but I woke up anyway. Think it was better that way, because the lucidity would fade out and it would turn to a normal dream again. Now in my memory it looks like a normal dream, but I'm sure I got lucid. Low lucidity. Next time I must remember to take a look at my enviroment, and ask for more realism."

    My mistake. I also read another thread about how this is similar to "Indirect Techniques" but I read your reply/explanation. You can never be too sure if someone is professional or not on the internet haha. Regards.


    Apology accepted, and thanks for the clarification  
    Question, are you supposed to do the cycles until you kinda lose focus and fall asleep unintentionally? or do 4-5 cycles and then try to fall asleep (get into a new postion, etc.)?  
    Originally Posted by Hunterkiss:
    Question, are you supposed to do the cycles until you kinda lose focus and fall asleep unintentionally? or do 4-5 cycles and then try to fall asleep (get into a new postion, etc.)?


    I have been trying this for like three days and had 2 LDs one night 1 another. It is impossible to say that this was what caused it because I just jumped lucid randomly in my dream, but it seems like it did.

    Also. I have been doing it planning on doing it like four or five times, but normally forget about it after two cycles. When I remember to do it I just restart.  
    Originally Posted by Hunterkiss:
    Question, are you supposed to do the cycles until you kinda lose focus and fall asleep unintentionally? or do 4-5 cycles and then try to fall asleep (get into a new postion, etc.)?


    Either is fine. However, if you fall asleep unintentionally it may be a sign that you have not awakened sufficiently, and that will yield less than optimal result.  
    Definitely gonna try this!

    I'll post the results. Hope I get a LD  
    I had a weird experience today:

    Woke up after 6 hours of sleep via an alarm at 6AM. Got up to brush my teeth and then went back to sleep with earplugs in.

    I started doing the cycles, and after two cycles I felt strange vibrations. It felt like the thrumming of a motorboat, very precise, about 4-per-second. They were very soft and if I focused on them they did not increase or decrease.

    The weird thing is that I was still very awake and had no loss of sensation from my physical body. While it was occurring I thought perhaps I was in the middle of a FA and that I should do a reality check, but did not want to risk it because moving might destroy the vibrations. In the end the vibrations faded and so did my consciousness; I woke up two hours later none the wiser.  
    I have had many WILDs and DEILDs but I seem to have trouble during my work week. I think I will give this a go tonight. I have done similar things before on my own but this is more defined. It should be a cinch. Thanks.  
    This is very interesting. I'll try it for the next few nights and post the results here and on my dream journal. Thank you for writing this!  
    I have had some success with this method. I got a DILD the first night. I don't understand why this work but it has so far.  
    Okay, I was going to try it last night, but I ended up sleeping through the whole night. But, I'm gonna try it tonight, I got an account at textmemos.com because it was the only way I could have an alarm that only lasts a few seconds and doesn't require me to get up and turn off (thus spoiling the method with rational thought), and set it to text me at 2:30 am. Wish me luck  
    Originally Posted by psychoTR2:
    Okay, I was going to try it last night, but I ended up sleeping through the whole night. But, I'm gonna try it tonight, I got an account at textmemos.com because it was the only way I could have an alarm that only lasts a few seconds and doesn't require me to get up and turn off (thus spoiling the method with rational thought), and set it to text me at 2:30 am. Wish me luck


    If you have android this will do all you need. Alarm Clock Plus  
    Originally Posted by Xanous:
    If you have android this will do all you need.

    Can't afford it, I've got a 30 dollar Motorola phone.

    Anyways, so I took a nap at 5:30, had to explain to my dad why I was, since it's not something I usually do. I tried SSILD beforehand, but I wasn't getting tired, so I used a isotone for sleep. I had a dream, but it wasn't lucid, nor an OBE. But, I did wake up at midnight, almost 7 hours later! So I had a deeper sleep for some reason. I had woken up pretty much completely before I thought to do SSILD, and I figured I had spoiled my chances of that working by doing so (had I?), I decided to do a WBTB with isochronic tones, but was unable to sleep with my headphones in. So, I took them out and went to sleep normally, still trying SSILD. I didn't wake up untill 6:50, a few minutes ago. Still, a deep sleep, but nowhere near lucid. I will note, though, that the dreams I've had were more vivid than I've had in a while, and they apparently lasted longer. But, I find myself still unsuccessful with the methods I've tried. Is the fact that I mix methods not gettting me an LD, does it sound like I'm trying too hard?  
    Originally Posted by psychoTR2:
    Can't afford it, I've got a 30 dollar Motorola phone.

    Anyways, so I took a nap at 5:30, had to explain to my dad why I was, since it's not something I usually do. I tried SSILD beforehand, but I wasn't getting tired, so I used a isotone for sleep. I had a dream, but it wasn't lucid, nor an OBE. But, I did wake up at midnight, almost 7 hours later! So I had a deeper sleep for some reason. I had woken up pretty much completely before I thought to do SSILD, and I figured I had spoiled my chances of that working by doing so (had I?), I decided to do a WBTB with isochronic tones, but was unable to sleep with my headphones in. So, I took them out and went to sleep normally, still trying SSILD. I didn't wake up untill 6:50, a few minutes ago. Still, a deep sleep, but nowhere near lucid. I will note, though, that the dreams I've had were more vivid than I've had in a while, and they apparently lasted longer. But, I find myself still unsuccessful with the methods I've tried. Is the fact that I mix methods not gettting me an LD, does it sound like I'm trying too hard?


    If you can't fall back to sleep then you are trying too hard. Provide me with more details on how you actually performed the technique so I can help you analyze.