• 主题:Senses Initiated Lucid Dream Ssild
  • Originally Posted by daban:
    Since he hasn't answered I'm going to go ahead and try based on how he've replied before: The point IS to loose track of yourself. You're suppose to wander away and forget what your doing upon entering the trance after some cycles. Just hope you made atleast 2-3 cycles before you fall asleep.


    Couldn't have said it better myself  
    Originally Posted by Sydney:
    Went to bed late last night, so I only got about an hour and 45 minutes worth of actual sleeping after my WBTB.

    I managed to do only one rep in one cycle and fell asleep.

    It was weird though. The next dream I had was pretty vivid, and I was walking around wondering, "Could this be a dream, what if this was a dream?"

    Never got lucid though.

    LOL.  You were THAT close!  I guess if you had managed one more cycle you probably would have succeeded . It is quite common to have spontaneous LDs as well as suspicions of realities after doing the exercise.  Next time remind yourself to do RCs more often, and please try at least more than one cycles, LOL.  
    Originally Posted by Sea07:
    Hey welcome back CosmicIron.
    Do you have any theories on why me and DannyY have been experiencing unusual dreams from this? I've received one nightmare and two dreams in which I was paralyzed. I never get either of those so close together and it intrigues me. Thanks.


    One common phenomenon often experienced after the exercise is sudden occurance of OBE and SP within a dream.  That is, while you are dreaming you suddenly find yourself lying there, either on bed or floor, experiencing an SP or phase entrance of an OBE.  This sometimes happen without any warning or transition to the waking state.  Since nightmares are common when associated with SPs, my guess is that you may be experiencing this kind of sudden spontaneous SPs within a dream.  
    Originally Posted by littlezoe:
    I tried this technique with WBTB today and i got an LD  Not sure if this SSILD helped or not, maybe it would've happened without it as well, but it's not hard to do, so i'll keep using it

    Good thinking  
    Originally Posted by Sydney:
    When doing SSILD last night, once again, I felt a strangely relaxing sensation. Like I didn't want to move. Ever. I managed to do about 4 cycles before I fell asleep. It was interesting though; I took a lot more time than I thought I did (20-30 seconds) on each rep. After about the second cycle I heard this strange "patter" noise in my ears. It was far away, and I could barely hear it, but it was there.

    No lucids, though. Maybe I just can't remember them because of my suddenly failing recall?

    When you do notice distinct sensations, such as seeing colors or hearing things, you should pause the exercise and focus on mentally increasing the sensations.  
    Originally Posted by Sydney:
    Still unable to get some success! It seems like I'm doing the technique okay.

    For all the people that have succeeded; for how many hours did you sleep before getting up for WBTB?


    Sydney, please provide a detailed description on your routine so I can help you diagnose.  
    Originally Posted by Sydney:
    Haha sorry CosmicIron.
    It goes something like this:

    I wake up for my WBTB after sleeping for about 5 hours and 30 minutes. I get up, use the restroom, and then get back in bed. All of this happens in about 2 minutes.

    I do the technique, but it seems like I take 25 - 35 seconds on each rep (sight, hear, feel) because my mind keeps wandering and I need to start over, or I'm not real sure how long it has been on that rep. Eventually I do about 3 - 4 cycles and then try to fall asleep.

    And sometimes I find myself doing the same rep over and over again.

    That's pretty much how it goes every night.

    It appears to me that you may need to stay awake a bit longer.  Try staying awake for 10 minutes next time so at least the first couple of repetitions can be done without interruption.  After that you can allow your mind to wander and enter the trance.  
    Originally Posted by Sydney:
    I'm still not getting any success. Hmmm. I know the goal is to not be focused, but I think that is what's getting me. My mind seems to wander way too much, music is playing in my head, etc.

    The first time I ever tried SSILD, I was alert and ready to try it, I was excited.  I guess maybe that's my problem?

    I'll read over my first post and the original thread post and see if that helps.

    I'm sorry to hear that Sydney, and I admire your persistance!  Maybe you should try to be more focused on the sensations.  At least in the first few cycles, pay close attention to the various sensations -- Do you see things in the dark?  Do you hear buzzing sound and can you mentally raise the volume?  Do you feel tinglings beneath your skin?  Can you wiggle your fingers and toes without using your muscles? and so on...  
    Originally Posted by Sydney:
    Thanks.  I just know that this technique has a ton of potential; so I'm not giving up on it just yet.

    Yeah, when I usually start out on the first cycle my mind has already wandered to some extent, so it distracts me a lot, eventually ending up that I spend too much time on one cycle.

    But there's always another night.

    Sounds like you might be too sleepy when doing the exercise.  Usually people have the opposite problem, LOL.  Try going to bed earlier, perferrablly before 11.  
    Originally Posted by Rubens:
    I had my 3rd LD this morning *O*

    I went to bed about 1:00 am anddid the SSILD before sleeping, cause it makes me sleep faster, usually I take more time thinking about random things.

    I woke up about 6:00 am after a dream, tried to perform SSILD but slept, I think I slept 3 times trying to make a SSILD :O

    About 9:00 o'clock I became lucid in a FA with no aparent reason, I didn't knew it was a FA, but I was lucid enough to lie on my bed and try a WILD (yes, during the FA :x). In few seconds I was in SP and going inside a dream. I'll put a better description of the dream in my DJ.


    I have to add that I'm praticing ADA, RCs during the day, and I always do the MILD too

    SSILD seems particularly good at producing FAs, and sometimes super-realistic FAs.  Thus it is a good idea to always do an RC or some form of WILD upon waking up... just like what you did  
    Originally Posted by Bobblehat:
    Has anyone checked out the Chinese forum the guy's talking about to see if the success stories are actually genuine? Anyone could come on this forum and claim they've developed a great technique on a forum in a language that nobody on the forum actually speaks.


    If you want you can check out this URL which collects the first-time success cases happened in the last 8 months or so (actually much less because the Zchinese search engine omits several months of data, ridiculously).  There are about 250 cases in that thread.  If we count the overall success cases then the number can go easily beyond thousands.  In fact, one of my students recorded over 200 LDs in less than 8 months

    Originally Posted by Bobblehat:
    This technique doesn't seem to work for me at all. Is it possible that I need to keep using the technique and it works in the long term? Or if I haven't had success after a week does it mean it will not work at all?


    Maybe if you can provide a detailed description on how you did the exercise I can help you diagnose  
    Originally Posted by Bobblehat:
    I'm a diligent student - I'm sure I'm doing it properly as prescribed by you in your initial tutorial and in subsequent posts. I've also tweaked my approaches slightly; all of those tweaks I've experimented with have been described by you at some point in this thread. Is it time to give up or should I keep trying?


    I won't be able to answer your question until I know what exactly went wrong with your exercise.  I understand that you are following it diligently, but you have to understand that despite the numerous efforts spent on creating the SSILD technique (as well as everything else out there), lucid dreaming is still more art than science...  
    Originally Posted by Sydney:
    I didn't get lucid but I just wanted to share what I did if you have any feedback CosmicIron. ^_^

    I woke up for WBTB naturally after about 5 hours.
    I then went to the restroom and got back in bed.
    I lay still on my back and did about 4 cycles.
    Then I rolled over onto my right side (it was hazy at this part.. I can't remember if I did more cycles while I was on my side or not).

    I then fell asleep after a while.

    Even though I think I do okay, I still don't get lucid.
    Do you think I could have "woken up" into an FA?
    Because I remember waking up once or twice before my alarm went off to wake up in the morning.

    Sydney, I'm sorry it's still not working for you  How long does it take for you to finish each cycle?  Were you doing each step quickly?  Maybe 15-20 seconds are not enough.  I suggest you try to extend the length of each step.  For example, while looking behind the eyelids, try to thoroughly examine the darkness and do not move on to the next step until you pick up something out of the dark no matter how trivial.  Same goes for listening -- do not move on to next until you can hear something inside your head...  Basically just forget about the 10-20 seconds requirement.  Do this for the first 4 cycles then ease up and allow yourself to drift into the trance with a couple of more relaxed cycles and then go to sleep.  
    Originally Posted by Sydney:
    Hmm, that didn't work either.
    Maybe I just need to try it some more  Will again tonight.

    P.S.: When focusing on my body, what should I be "expecting" to feel?

    Also I think I know what may be the problem. I never know when I'm in the trance. It doesn't feel like I'm in it when I stop doing the cycles and fall asleep.


    Any out-of-normal sensations: heaviness, movement, numbness, itch, tingling, and etc. You can also actively imagine movement of certain body parts, for example, wiggling of fingers and toes, slow spinning of stomach, head sinking into pillow, and so on.  The reason I didn't include these in the technique is this sort of active techniques can sometimes cause people to lose sleep.  However, in your case it seems you can fall asleep pretty quickly so maybe you can give it a shot.  
    Originally Posted by Rubens:
    I didn't get any more LDs after that 2 with this technique :/
    But I think I was lazy this last days, I will try it better tonight.

    I tried last night but made only 2 or 3 cycles before falling asleep and something crazy happened.
    I flew from my bed and fell in the ground near my bed. I heard my sister coming and asking me what happened, then I woke up again in my bed :O

    I couldn't recognize that it was a FA :/ But it was kinda funny xD

    That was both awsome and hilarious.  
    Originally Posted by Sea07:
    Good point, I am usually to tired to WBTB so CosmicIron, would it hurt to do this as we're falling asleep? I fall asleep using Isochronic tones so relaxing is no problem.


    That wouldn't be very effective.  I suggest instead of a full-blown WBTB, just wake up after 5 hours of sleep, go to bathroom, then immediately go back to bed to do the exercise.  
    Originally Posted by Sydney:
    You could try, "I will be aware when I wake up." Since you wake up at different times during the night and you don't realize it.

    Hope that helps

    Oh and CosmicIron, if I wanted to combine SSILD with WILD in one night, could I wake up at say, after 4 hours and 30 minutes, and then do SSILD? Then wake up later to do WBTB and WILD?

    Do you think doing SSILD that early would work?
    It's just a thought.

    Based on the feedback I've seen from many users, the answer is yes.  
    Originally Posted by dakotahnok:
    It seems like this technique works at first... But then stops working. Sydney is a perfect example. I really feel like you guys should spend time elsewhere on proven  techniques. I'm not trying to tell you what to do, just my two cents.


    It has continued to work for me, and hundreds maybe thousands of other people. Of course,  as with every other techniques, this is not meant to be a recipe for guaranteed success, especially that many people may not even be doing it correctly.  
    Originally Posted by Sydney:
    I've been attempting this for around 2 months or so, with only 2 successes. But, I have faith in this technique since it brought so many others continuing success.

    I could just be doing it wrong, or not having enough will to do it. But I still have faith in SSILD.

    I will be attempting SSILD earlier on in the night, maybe after four hours or so, and then waking up for a WBTB an hour and a half later, to WILD.

    So I still have SSILD, but also am working on my WILD attempts as well.
    I will continue attempting for as long as I can until I know that it doesn't work for me.

    Thank you for having faith  One thing that occurs to me -- could it be that you were missing on the false awakenings?  With SSILD it is very easy to produce super-realistic false awakenings.  Therefore, I suggest you do an RC every time you wake up after doing SSILD, no matter how certain you think you are awake!  BTW, are you still falling asleep quickly in middle of the exercise?  
    Originally Posted by LuMikkel:
    After doing these cycles, am I able to switch to a different position in bed?

    Yes, you should switch to a more comfortable position and try to fall asleep ASAP.  
    Originally Posted by Sydney:
    Your welcome.
    You know, now that I think about it, I may have missed some very realistic false awakenings. I usually do an RC after every time I wake up, but sometimes I do forget!

    I've been kinda slacking on attempting SSILD this week - was so tired during the week I never woke up mostly. :/ Well mostly, I wake up for WBTB, do SSILD, fall asleep - and then before I know it, my alarm shocks me awake for the morning.

    Do you think my recall could have something to do with it?
    I sometimes just forget about SSILD while doing it, making my mind wander and then I fall asleep. In other cases, I can't fall asleep afterwards.


    You need to have more rest.  Attempting LDs without being fully rested often will yield minimal result... regardless of the technique.  I suggest you take a break.  Go to bed earlier, and forget about any exercise.  Do this for a couple of days then resume the exercise.  Also you might want to delay your WBTB... maybe to 6 hours.  
    Originally Posted by Sydney:
    I've been waking up after 6 hours, but I'm falling asleep too quickly when I do SSILD. It's weird, because when I used to wake up after 5 hours of sleep to do SSILD, I was pretty awake through the whole thing, and had trouble getting back to sleep.

    But now since I'm waking up after 6 hours, I can barely stay awake for at least one cycle! It's like it's reversed.

    I'll see what I can do tonight.

    That indeed is weird... how long do you stay awake before attempting the exercise?  Also, while doing the exercise you may want to use a position that's different from your normal one.  
    Originally Posted by dakotahnok:
    I would love to know where you found THOUSANDS of participants. I found the tutorial on ld4all, I promise you that they don't have thousands of active members. If you are going to lie, at least make it believable.


    That, sir, is both nasty and ignorant.  If you read my original post, it is clearly stated that the method was developed and tested on the Chinese forum (Baidu Tieba to be clear) which has over 60,000 active participants.  LD4all is where I first posted the English version of the technique, and that was nearly a year since the technique was developed and deployed.  
    Originally Posted by Sydney:
    Last night, the same thing happened when I did a WBTB. Only, I almost fully did one cycle lol  When I laid down back in bed, it like, hurt to focus on my eyes. Like my eyes were so tired they just wanted to "drop and lay there". It was like the focus was making me even more tired, wanting to stop and go to sleep.

    I knew I didn't have a lot of time to dream, like an hour, but that didn't stop me. I think I woke up after SSILD, with 30 minutes left. I was determined to fall back to sleep. So I kinda did, but something happened and I came back to focus. My ears started ringing (Well, it sounded like blood rushing to my ears only 10x intensified) for about a minute or so. Afterwards, I waited, but nothing else happened. So I moved. It didn't even feel like I was in SP at all. No FA either.

    What could that have been?

    You nearly succeeded.  Next time when that happens just stay calm and do a nose pinching RC.  Chances are you will find yourself in a dream.  
    Originally Posted by Sydney:
    Okay  I will try to stay calm next time too. I remember when hearing it, I was like, "Oh gosh. Oh gosh, oh gosh!"

    So what you're saying is to just wait, right? I wasn't in SP I don't think, so I don't know what that was.


    It's not SP.  It's an FA.  Best way to deal with it is to do an RC and get up, or you can try to mentally increase the intensity of the sound/image.  The later method may not work if you get too excited  
    Originally Posted by Sydney:
    Oh really?

    So maybe I just missed it?
    Because pretty much right after it happened, I got up and RCed; telling me that I was awake.

    This happens sometime. As you get excited, you shift from an FA to reality in a seamless fashion. Anyway, you were really close! Good luck!  
    Originally Posted by dakotahnok:
    I think your being a little dramatic "nasty". Also i looked up that site and it doesnt seem to exist. Well the site does exist, but doesnt seem to involve lucid dreaming. Could you provide a link to one of your articles there? I would think that with thousands of test subjects you would ubderstand that this is a placebo. You need to not get so defensive over something that a person on the internet said. Especially when it wasnt that bad.


    Then I think your being a little dramatic too with your accusation of me "lying".  The site "tieba" is a huge platform for many smaller sub-forums.  In order to go to the lucid dreaming site you need to enter the word "Lucid Dream" (in Chinese) in their search window.  If you can read Chinese you are welcome to take a look at this link: 0000040606070107°00080508090404_07060003000300ú°07_°02090600ù°07.  This is where I collected more than 200 unique success stories of using SSILD, and it is only a small subset of the actual cases.  I do not understand why you said "with thousands of test subjects you would ubderstand that this is a placebo".  A placebo that is proven to work among a large number of people, over a long period of time, again and again?  I'm sorry, do we understand the word "placebo" THAT differently?  
    Originally Posted by dakotahnok:
    Oh my god. Either the people on that forum are complete babbling idiots or google translate just sucks. Either way i still dont believe that this is a solid technique. .


    You are free to believe or not believe in something.  However, calling people idiots like that will only discredit you.  You asked for evidence so I gave that to you -- more than 200 of them, collected in only a few months; yet again you accuse me of being untruthful without providing any explanation.  To me, that IS "nasty".  
    Originally Posted by shaun95:
    I've given this method a go using wbtb the last 3 nights with no success :'( , although i had a FA yesterday but im not sure if that has anything to do with this method. One question , I wear a face mask while sleeping so the sunlight doesn't wake me up in the morning , will that affect this method at all or is it ok to keep wearing it?


    Some people on our forum also use sleep mask and ear plugs, and they seem to work fine.  As for FA I can't say for sure if it is caused by SSILD, but the SSILD technique indeed seems very good at generating them, sometimes super realistic ones.  Thus, whenever you wake up from doing SSILD you should remember to do an RC.  BTW, did you have trouble sleep after doing the exercise, or you fell asleep quickly in middle of it?  
    Originally Posted by Sydney:
    So last night I got the same result - I woke up after about an hour (after WBTB) and decided to fall asleep again so that I would get something out of SSILD. I did, and then I woke up in what felt like this weird feeling. I can't remember exactly the feeling, but I felt kinda heavy, and maybe I felt small vibrations. Not sure though.

    This lasted about 10 seconds. I didn't want to move because I thought it was real SP, and I could have waited for a DEILD! But just like yesterday night, after the 10 seconds or so, it stopped. I'm not sure if I "fell asleep" or "woke up", but I"m pretty sure it was the latter. It was probably an FA.

    It seems like I'm getting closer!  I just gotta realize those tricky FAs.

    One way to counter this kind of situation is to always do another round of SSILD.  If you are in an FA, chances are those sensations -- visuals, sounds, and body movements will become pronounced almost immediately.  
    Originally Posted by shaun95:
    I find it hard to concentrate on the 3 steps and yes , I find it a little bit difficult to fall back to sleep after attempting SSILD. Any tips?


    Actually, finding it hard to concentrate is THE PREFERRED WAY to do the exercise.  You should allow your mind to drift.  Trying to concentrate will only keep you awake, and cause loss of sleeps afterward.  
    Originally Posted by shaun95:
    so i should just allow my mind to drift and keep bringing it back to do the exercise?

    Originally Posted by JeanLucGodard:
    Woo! Great success. I followed CosmicIron's advice to let my mind drift (usually I killed whatever direction my mind was going) and did the technique. It took me awhile to go to sleep. I'm talking about at least a half hour, but when it happened I didn't notice because my dream started with me lying in bed trying to sleep and giving up. I go to walk my dog and despite it supposedly being 7AM it looks more like 8AM. I notice this and do a reality check and bam, I realize I'm dreaming!

    I have a question though. Personally, I felt like I was in control but there is thing that happened twice where its like it randomly cuts and that makes me question. Let me explain. I was walking with this girl and we were just wandering around my neighborhood and the next second we were wandering around a Wal-Mart. I was still lucid at that moment, but how could that happen if I was fully lucid and in control? I didn't even doubt why all of a sudden I'm in Wal-Mart.


    Congratulations!  Your experience is a perfect showcase of the kind of super-realistic FAs generated by SSILD   As for the shift of environment, it is quite common.  Even in LDs we are normally not all that "lucid".  We have the notion of dreaming and some degree of self-awareness, but it does not necessarily mean we are as alert and attentive as in waking life.  There are many techniques to help improve lucidity and control though.  
    Originally Posted by JeanLucGodard:
    What are some because I've had quite a few LD's using this technique but probably only 2-3 where I'v felt I was truly in control of myself.


    Rest assured it has nothing to do with which technique you use.  Upon becoming lucid, I'd suggest you immediately do some deepening techniques which will help stabilize the dream as well as increasing lucidity. Robert Waggoner has an excellent article on this.  
    Originally Posted by Rubens:
    Can you give us a link to this article ?

    CosmicIron, there is a small Brazilian Lucid Dreaming forum and they seem to don't know about this technique around here, I wanted to ask you if I could translate it to portuguese and publish on this forum ?

    Is there any name to whom I have to give the credits ? Or I just mention you as "a member known as CosmicIron from DV forum" ?


    The link is here: The Lucid Dream Exchange

    Please feel free to translate (thank you!) the SSILD article.  The article was first posted on LD4all, and I used the ID "cosmic.iron".  
    Originally Posted by rynkrt3:
    This technique doesn't seem to be producing good consistent results for anyone.  Sure some people have gotten an LD or two, but after that everyone seems to have trouble with this technique.


    That is simply not true. By speaking for "everyone", I assume you have collected some statistical data on a pretty large sample base, or is it just an "impression"?  As with ANY technique, to make it work consistently requires one to keep performing the technique in correct manner with some personal adjustments.  As I've repeatedly said, SSILD is not a technique that's developed solely based on individual experience.  It was the result of collaborative efforts of many people.  Thus, it never lacked clearly documented testimonials since the very beginning.  There are hundreds of first-time success stories, thousands of repeated success, and dozens of people who managed to use the technique to induce LDs/OBEs at will.  All of these mentioned can be found online, albeit mostly in Chinese.  Compared to some of the well-known techniques such as MILD, SSILD is indeed in its infancy, but it does work and there are statistics backing it up.  If it once worked for you but stopped working, I suggest you re-visit the article and read it more carefully.  You should also compare what you are doing now with the times it worked.  Of course, you are free to choose the technique that works best for you, and in no way I'm suggesting SSILD is the best solution for everyone.  
    Originally Posted by dakotahnok:
    Lol woah. I guess you cant see that i made a joke? I was basically making a comment on how messed up google translate is. Also i apologized once before... whats your problem?

    What is your problem?  
    Originally Posted by melanieb:
    Alright boys, it's just a misunderstanding. Emotion is nearly impossible to read in a text-only post.

    So, I also looked over that Chinese forum. Google Translate produces some fascinating results. It's amazing how metaphors don't translate well from one language to another.

    Still, I could understand a lot from context, and their thread is just like ours. Some success stories, some half-success stories, and some failures. Apparently people dream the same all over the world, no surprise to anyone here.

    I did notice there are only 232 posts in that thread, and even with a 50% success rate that wouldn't equal 'hundreds' of cases.

    Who cares?!

    CosmicIron, we appreciate your sharing this idea with this forum. Many people will find it beneficial.

    For those that don't, no worries. We have a number of other methods in the WIKI and all over the forum. Nearly all of them are some variation of another method. What matters is what works for the individual to achieve good lucid dreaming results.:

    - No method guarantees success with every person.

    - Not every person will lucid dream.

    We are all here to make our best efforts. Let's all work towards that goal and be open to new ideas.  

    Thank you melaniebe for the clarification, which is sincere and with good intention, unlike some other previous posts.  As for the thread let me clarify a little.  The url points to a single thread which I started some time ago to collect first-time only success stories which are scattered all over the forum.  The tieba platform is technically limited, thus it's search result only includes data from the first three months and the most recent three months.  The rest of the data are simply omitted.  As a result, by the time I decided to start that thread much of the information was already impossible to find.  After collecting a couple of hundred cases we just gave up and stopped updating the thread diligently.  As for repeated successes with SSILD we see them all over the place in the forum.  In fact, one of the students alone recorded over 300 LDs in the past few months using Ssild.  Another thing worth mention is that the thread is based on my personal tieba forum which has fewer than 2,000 members.  These people followed me from the much larger lucid dream forum which now has over 70,000 members.  A lot of information is deeply burried in that forum as well.  
    Originally Posted by Sydney:
    A random question; but CosmicIron, do you know if waking up naturally or by alarm would be better for SSILD?

    (I know we've probably discussed this earlier on in the thread, but I guess I'm just refreshing my memory xD)

    It's weird. When I wake up by alarm in the middle of the night I remain drowsy until I get back in bed, where I fall asleep when I hit the pillow. Without alarm, I'm able to actually walk around in some awareness and actually focus on something.

    If naturally is the way to go, I'm having trouble waking up at a specific time. Do you think mantras would help in this case? Although, I find it hard for me to fall asleep at the beginning of the night with mantras, but that's just me.


    Usually when we wake up during REM we feel less drowsy.  As for SSILD, if you find yourself having difficulty to complete the first couple of cycles then you are too tired to make it work.  You would be better of going to sleep and do the exercise when you wake up again.  I find no difference between using alarm and waking up naturally though.    
    Originally Posted by WDr:
    Just woke up, it didn't work didn't manage to consentrate and relax at the same time, and after I was done with the repetitions, I couldn't sleep... Oh well, I'm trying again tomorrow


    You don't want to "concentrate" -- you will have hard time to fall asleep if you do that. The keys to make this technique work are:

    1. Get plenty of sleep and wake yourself up sufficiently but not overly... I recommend 5 minutes for starter.

    2. Do not concentrate on the effects/sensations.  This is especially true with the first couple of cycles.  As you enter the later cycles, some sensations may occur, but you should not pay too much attention to them unless they become very pronounced, in which case you should cease cycling and focus on increasing the sensation mentally in order to achieve a WILD.

    3. Always remind yourself to do an RC upon awakening after doing the exercise no matter how certain you are. This technique is very good at producing extremely vivid FAs.  
    Originally Posted by WDr:
    Tried again this night, and it didn't go so well after about 2 repetitions, my thoughts started wandering, and I didn't feel like I got any proper inputs from my eyes, ears and rest-of-body... Then I just fell asleep, and woke up many times...

    Hmm... I may have got some FAs... When I think about it, I dreamed that I talked to a person about my dreams that I had that night. Don't remember if it was before of after I did the SSILD..


    It is okay to let the thoughts wander. That is the desired effect! You don't want to seek "proper inputs" from the sensory, just do the steps regardless of whether you experience any sensations. If you focus too much on the sensations you will lose sleep, besides, the first 2 cycles normally do not produce any sensations anyway. Also make sure you do the full 4 cycles.

    Judging form your feedback, you were in and out of FAs numerous times  Next time please remember to do RCs immediately after waking up, no matter how sure you are.  
    Originally Posted by DaveTheJoker:
    Hey CosmicIron, I have been trying SSILD for a few nights.  I am having trouble finding the "happy medium" between being too tired and not being sleepy.  Also, even when I do find the right amount of tired-ness, it just doesn't seem to do anything.  I don't know what I am doing wrong here.  SSILD worked for me the first time I tried it, now I can't get it to do anything.


    Hi Dave,

    You don't need to try deliberately to fall asleep. Doing that will have adverse effect. Treat the cycles as hypnosis (in fact it is), and allow that to bring you into the "trance". Many people, myself included, have discovered that the cycles can easily make us feel sleepy even when we were wide awake. That is, if you do them correctly.  Too many people try to use the cycles as way to bring out HIs, vibrations, and etc., and while they occasionally may succeed, they are doing it wrong.  Usually during the first couple of cycles, we are wide awake, and our mind haven't quieted down yet.  As a result it is very unlikely we will feel anything at this stage, and if you force it, you will end up becoming anxious!  Therefore, you should simply do the first couple of cycles as it is, without any attempt. Just do it for the sake of doing it, allow it help you to relax. As you become more relaxed, you will feel your mind quieting down, and you may begin to "notice" some sensations. For example, the darkness behind your closed eyelids may not be so dark. You may notice some lights, movements, etc. As you listen, you may notice that the outside environment noise become less distracting, and instead you start to hear the ringing noise inside your head more clearly. When you notice these sensations, don't get excited, and don't "focus" on them (unless suddenly they become very obvious). Just quietly observe them without any intent. Doing so will help you get into the trance very quickly.

    Another thing you want to keep in mind is that SSILD is very good at producing FAs; therefore you need to develop the habit of doing RCs every time you wake up after the exercise. When you find yourself not being able to fall asleep, or repeatedly waking up, you should definitely do an RC since these are signs of FAs produced by SSILD.

    If you post more detailed description on how you performed the technique I might be able to help you more. SSILD works! It has been a year since it was developed and we have seen huge successes, so even the slightest doubts have diminished. If it doesn't work for you, then it's something in your routine that needs some fixing. I'm here to help.  
    Originally Posted by Wanderlust:
    Hi, I just registered to try and get some help with this technique. So far, I've had no real success with it and I've done it for about a week. I start using it, and it works for a bit. I'll start seeing mental images, hearing sounds, etc. About the time I start getting anything close to a dream, I'll completely forget I was ever doing the techniques, fall asleep, which I thought was the idea...and nothing happens. The closest thing I've gotten to lucidity was a dream about me closing my window because it was cold when it was in fact cold because I left the window open.

    What am I doing wrong? I'm not really concentrating on anything, I'm doing WBTB when I have a chance, but it doesn't work during the night or during daytime naps. I do leave a fan on in my room because I find it easier to fall asleep with white noise in the background. Is this okay, or should I learn to fall asleep without it? It's also not always completely dark when I go to sleep as my curtains don't block a lot of light.


    Please provide me with the following information:

    1. What time did you go to sleep?
    2. What time did you get up?
    3. How long did you stay awake?
    4. How many cycles did you perform before drifting to sleep?
    5. How long did it take you to fall back sleep?
    6. Roughly how long did you perform each step (see, hear, and feel)?  
    Originally Posted by Wanderlust:
    1. ~9 PM (Yeah, I know, I go to bed early.)
    2. Set my alarm for 3 AM
    3. Just long enough to use the restroom.
    4. Maybe two or three.
    5. Only a few minutes. The first time I did this, I lost sleep because I was concentrating too hard.

    6. I performed them as long as it felt "right." Whatever felt like 15 seconds, I did. Could've been longer or shorter, I suppose, I wasn't paying attention.


    Based on your feedback, I think the cause is insufficient effort. Don't despair, this is better than the other way around actually  My suggestions:

    1. Extend your wake time, say, 5-10 minutes
    2. Make sure you do the full four cycles. Rule of thumb is That after your mind begins to wander you should do at least 2 complete cycles. In your case that would be 4 or 5 cycles.

    3. The last cycle must be performed more diligently.
    4. The "feel right" approach is perfect. No need to change anything I guess for now.

    Let's do this and see what happens. Keep me posted so we can adjust it to make it work for you. Good luck!  
    Originally Posted by Wanderlust:
    Haven't had a chance to try it yet, will try tonight. Is a fan okay in the background? I find it makes it easier to sleep.


    It is okay as long as it doesn't interfere. Typically though, the quieter the room is, the better it is. As you go through the cycles, your attention shifts from the external senses to the internal ones. For example, the external sounds may become quieter, while the noises in your head becomes more obvious. When this happens you know you are getting deeper into the "state". If there is too much external noise, then you may not be able to shift your focus away.  
    Originally Posted by Wanderlust:
    I don't get it. The last few times I've tried, I simply haven't been able to do it. My mind wanders restlessly from topic to topic, and won't do the technique for very long. I can do maybe 1 1/2 cycles before my mind begins to wander, but I'm still wide awake.

    What can I do? Is it just my mind is all screwed up? (That wouldn't surprise me, honestly. I do have severe depression. Maybe that has something to do with it.)


    No, I don't think your mind is any more screwed up than the rest of us, LOL. To counter your problem, I suggest the following:

    1. Get more sleep. Go to bed earlier than usual, and do not wake up until you have at least a good five-hour sleep.

    2. Read this post: http://www.dreamviews.com/f12/theory...-ssild-135234/

    Originally Posted by Wanderlust:
    1. I always sleep 6 hours before waking up and doing stuff for a few minutes. I was told this is ideal for this sort of thing.

    2. Maybe what I took away from that is that I'm looking for results too hard.

    Last time I tried this, I was wearing earplugs because it was an afternoon nap and people were milling about and there were sounds all over the place. I noticed I paid a lot of attention to my breathing. Is that okay?

    It's just extremely frustrating. I'm using this technique to try and produce OBEs. I tried Raduga's methods for over a year with almost no success, and I've been doing this for a few weeks now and I haven't had any success. I find I do a bunch of cycles, then fall asleep and nothing happens.


    You summed it correctly -- you are trying too hard. You shouldn't pay attention to ANYTHING! Stay as comfortable as possible, allow your mind to wander. If you wake up without success, don't despair, just keep doing more cycles till you fall asleep. Repeat this and you will have success.  
    Originally Posted by Wanderlust:
    Still nothing. Last night I noticed that when I'd hear a sound or see something very briefly, it would catch my attention, then disappear shortly afterwards. What is this a sign of?


    Those are HIs caused by the exercise and when that happens you are already extremely close to stepping into the dream consciously! Unfortunately you got excited and that causes it to go away. Next time you see this you should resume a passive observer role, and at the same time do not think rationally. Allow the HIs to manifest, and they will turn into full blown dreams automatically.  
    Originally Posted by TofuBitz:
    I tried the following steps, and I can say I'm not really disappointed. I went to sleep at ten, woke up at two and even though I was VERY tired I tried my best with the cycles. I think I did four of them before I felt sluggish, and not really able to concentrate on anything but sleep anymore. So I went to bed, and instantly it felt like I was falling through my bed, or getting extremely light. I felt as if I might have an OBE, due to the way my body felt. It was the strangest feeling I've ever felt, then I fell asleep. I don't believe I had a lucid dream, because I can't remember it to well. And if I did have one, I'm sure I would remember it right? But it was weird once again, my dream self was having lucid dreams inside my dream! (dreamception?) And my dream self was bragging about it in the dream about how the technique worked. It was so strange, but I am definitely not disappointed even if I didn't have the lucid dream! I'll be trying this again tonight, thanks!


    It is quite common... basically it's an LD which is followed by a False Awakening, or an LD that is launched from an FA. Either way, it is a lucid dream by most accepted standards. When you had the weird falling sensations though, you were extremely close to having a genuine OBE while being full conscious. Next time when this happens just relax and go with the flow.