• 主题:Morty 1+ Month Of Mindfulness Has Got Me Nowhere
  • So I have been doing hardcore mindfulness for about the past month or or longer. I actually taste my food, feel the clothes I'm wearing and more. I question how I got here and why I am doing things and then do 2 reality checks to confirm.

    This has got me nowhere.. The closest thing I can think of to coming lucid was...  My friend who is vegan was eating spaghetti with chicken and drinking milk and I'm like "hmmm that's weird, maybe he is eating around the chicken". That is about the closest I have come to questioning something in a dream.

    This is frustrating, yesterday I had a nap and did SSILD, I actually did become lucid for the first or second time ever due to this but woke up immediately. As soon as I became lucid my arms started tingling A LOT in the dreams...  Almost painfully...  And it scared me and I woke up. Clarifying that I'm almost positive this was due to SSILD and not mindfulness.

    I don't know....  Its just I've put so much work into this...  And there is no way I'm giving up...  It's just is there something I'm doing wrong?

    Also I keep a dream journal on my phone where I record anywhere from 1-5 dreams per night, 2 or 3 on average. I also meditate for about 20 minutes every other day. And I'm on this subreddit for 1-2 hours a day.    
    Nowhere? You are having lucid dreams already for ducks sake. Learning to maintain the dreams is another thing entirely. Also the tingling arms are your real arms in sleep paralysis, or at least that's what happened to me many times just before or during them. Just ignore it, it's not real.

    Also try to take lucid dreaming a bit more loosely in your lifestyle, it can quickly become too much to handle. Mindfulness and some RCs along with remembering dreams should be just enough. But yeah, depends on the person.  
    Keep up with the DJ!

    This really i frustrating indeed.. i actually had the same a few years ago..

    What really did help for me, was WBTB. I combine MILD with WBTB and it gave me some great success. Keep in mind that when you want to get the most out of MILD, you should train your prospective memory at daytime.

    WBTB + SSILD can give some good results too, i think.  
    Yeah but I think the lucid dream was directly and only because of SSILD. not too sure though. Alright I guess I will continue and try. Thanks man  
    But you've had lucid dreams already. You're pretty much guaranteed to have more regardless of used technique.  
    Thanks. So once you have the first one that's where it starts? It will only increase from here if I keep it all up?  
    Thanks I think I've mostly been doing SSILD and DILD. I will look into MILD  
    I've seen plenty of posts from those who try really hard and get no results, and the moment they stopped trying it happens. Easing up a bit might do some good. Mindfulness cannot HURT your LD foundations, only improve it. Try awareness of self, and awareness of being aware. Those internal reflections will help since you already do external awareness.

    Also if you question your reality too often and don't associate it to any dream signs, you might be making the RCs too automatic.  
    Do a WILD so you can get used to being lucid in a dream. Then you will be able to recognize and maintain it better  
    Pretty much, if you don't just give up completely.  
    > As soon as I became lucid my arms started tingling A LOT in the dreams...

    I get this very same thing so I would say you are on the right track. Use that to reinforce the idea that you are dreaming. I wonder because others report the same thing if it can be used as a trigger?

    I went from vaguely realizing I was dreaming to full blown lucidity and I believe it is a skill that can be slowly trained. You should good to go bud.  
    I've tried WILD and there is absolutely no way I can get past swallowing. I have tried everything from sleeping with paper towel in my mouth to jamming my jaw closed with a pillow and a million different positions lol. I always get close and then swallow.  
    Thanks for the response. I'm going to keep it up. My mind tried to trick itself. As soon as I felt my arms tingling my mind just said "wow that weed you smoked must have been " when in the dream I didn't even smoke, but then I was like "nope this is painful, I must be dreaming". Also, I know marijuana suppresses REM...  I quit smoking weed on October 12th if that makes a difference.  
    That is going to make a HUGE difference. As I mentioned in other posts I have also quit smoking after fifteen years of daily use and my dream recollection has jumped ten fold.  
    1.3 weeks of ADA and wonderful results  
    Pure mindfulness has nothing (directly) to do with lucid dreaming.   You need to work in a constant element of reflection, looking out for the dream state.   WHY are you tasting your food so mindfully?  To see if it's *dream food*.   Keep that vigilance for the dream state always on your mind along with your experiencing the present moment mindfully.

    Or maybe you're doing everything perfectly and it just takes more time.  1 month is a drop in the bucket in this hobby.

    And how do you know it wasn't due to mindfulness?    Many beginners complain that after trying to LD for a while they get a "random" LD.  No, it wasn't random, it was the result of all the work you did before changing you brain.   That's the point of mindfulness, to create a lucid brain.  So yeah, it probably was from all the stuff you did before.  
    meditation should help you with that. You have to just nothing about it (i know its harder than it sounds), but thats what you have to do. If you get the impulse to swallow just do it absently and keep going. The bigger problem is actual the fact that you are sitting there thinking "Dont swallow, dont swallow, come on man why cant i just sit still" which impedes your progress a lot more than actually swallowing.

    Also try to focus on moving your brain away from your body if that makes sense. You become more and more detached from your body in the process. So focus on any weird sensations or sounds hear or focus on things inside of your head like thinking about what you will dream about. This will help detach you and accelerate the process, and it will also distract you from intrusive thoughts.  
    Yeah, I didn't just quit for dreaming. I had MANY other problems. Are you on /r/leaves ? It's very helpful if you have troubles.  
    So do you take 5 minutes every hour to do it? Or do you literally just do it all day? Do you think critically about things like "is that how it should smell/feel/look/taste? Or do you just observe? Sorry for all the questions but do you have any tips?  
    Alright thank you. You must be right. If I had done SSILD without all the mindfulness I probably never would have had a dream in the first place. Also yes, I am thinking about things critically. Do you have any tips to stay aware/mindful while on reddit and watching tv because I find that the hardest time to do it. I get so distracted.  
    Yeah I feel like I've done so many searches on how not to swallow and tried so many different things that it's all I can think about during WILD. I will try just swallowing and movie on.  
    Yeah me too bud, and yeah /r/leaves is a great community.  
    I already had my dream count go up  
    Computer/TV is the hardest.    Maybe put a sticky note on the edge of your monitor with a word/picture on it.   Try to "see yourself" looking at your screen, including noticing what's in your peripheral vision so you see that there is more around you than just the screen.  See yourself sitting in front of your computer, "pulled back" from being stuck within the screen.   I did that one day when in a movie theater watching a movie and had an LD that night :).

    Try to tune in to that feeling of distraction and getting lost, become familiar with it, over time you will become more and more familiar with this feeling and want to get out of it when you notice it.   It takes time so be patient, but steady/consistent.  
    I do about 5 minutes every hour and I do just observe. i will sometimes question if it should be like this but i mainly just observe. In my dreams I do realize the abnormalities and have been becoming lucid more frequently  
    Sleep on your side  
    By wonderful results what do you mean? How many in the past 1.3 weeks?  
    Ok it has been 1 week and 4 days. Ive had 4 or 5 short ones in that period, but i need to get back into it. i can feel im doing it less and less  
    Wow. That is crazy. Did you previously have lucid dreams from another method? Or is this your first time trying  
    There is a lot of myth in these mindfulness, all-day awareness stuff. The theories are very sound and people instinctively accept them and many see them as the holy grail of lucid dreaming. People who actually try them and receive a few LDs also tend to swear by them, even though those LDs probably have little to do with the practice and the result is never sustainable. Yes, this is the biggest hype in the field of lucid dreaming and anyone dare to challenge it always gets flamed. Ask how I know that, LOL. I won't go into length here... just think about this: will you learn how to swim if you never get into water? Do what you know about the land also apply to the water? The answer is obviously NO. They are two different environments and have different governing laws/physics. Reality and dream are also like that. What seems logical in waking life doesn't necessarily hold true in dreams. A technique that seems to "make sense" may actually be senseless.  
    Yes i have had lucid dreams before this. I haven't had much luck with methods besides DILD. all my lucid dreams ive had have been DILD, and one time i did have a DEILD. I want to get into/good and DEILD so i can have multiple lucid dreams a night  
    What do you suggest other than mindfulness?  
    SSILD combined with DEILD (particularly Michael Radguda's variation), given some practice, will give you near 100% success rate. It is much more effective and effortless than the meditation/mindfulness/ADA/reflection/RC (and many more "traditional" methods that require you spend countless hours during the day) crap.  
    Interesting.   I always figured that DILD techniques such as mild would have more consistent results over time.  I guess I've always prefered DILD techniques, as I love to just fall asleep.  I've only had 60 LDs though, so I'm still figuring it all out.