• 主题:Senses Initiated Lucid Dream Ssild
  • Originally Posted by LuMikkel:
    After doing these cycles, am I able to switch to a different position in bed?

    Yes, you should switch to a more comfortable position and try to fall asleep ASAP.  
    Yes, you are. That's what you are supposed to do.

    Last week every time I tried the method I had one. This week I've been screwing up every night on the WBTB part so I haven't had one, but I have great faith in the method. A friend I recommended it too (a complete LD noob, just started trying) had he first LD on her second try with this.  
    Originally Posted by Sydney:
    Your welcome.
    You know, now that I think about it, I may have missed some very realistic false awakenings. I usually do an RC after every time I wake up, but sometimes I do forget!

    I've been kinda slacking on attempting SSILD this week - was so tired during the week I never woke up mostly. :/ Well mostly, I wake up for WBTB, do SSILD, fall asleep - and then before I know it, my alarm shocks me awake for the morning.

    Do you think my recall could have something to do with it?
    I sometimes just forget about SSILD while doing it, making my mind wander and then I fall asleep. In other cases, I can't fall asleep afterwards.


    You need to have more rest.  Attempting LDs without being fully rested often will yield minimal result... regardless of the technique.  I suggest you take a break.  Go to bed earlier, and forget about any exercise.  Do this for a couple of days then resume the exercise.  Also you might want to delay your WBTB... maybe to 6 hours.  
    Okay  I'll rest for a couple of days and see how it goes.  
    I have translated this method into Slovak language and post it on Slovak LD/OBE forum. One of the guys who tried it, had 5 LD's on the first try and 3 LD's on the second. Between this 2 tries he also had one OBE where he was first time in one year of trying able to fly out of his house and had a beautiful experience.

    Another one tried it and experienced SP for the first time in his life, but got too excited and couldn't do too much about it and fell into sleep.

    Third one tried it and had LD.

    Another two tried it, one was able to see some lights during the cycles and wasn't sure what to do with it and after all didn't get lucid and the last one had no success as well.

    I have tried it for the first time, but i was too sleepy and didn't even finished my first cycle and fell to sleep. Than i didn't tried it any more because i going to sleep too late and therefor i have no much time to do it. I have to start to go sleep much earlier.

    Guys are saying that this is one of the best methods they have ever tried.  
    Originally Posted by Shaman1982:
    I have translated this method into Slovak language and post it on Slovak LD/OBE forum. One of the guys who tried it, had 5 LD's on the first try and 3 LD's on the second. Between this 2 tries he also had one OBE where he was first time in one year of trying able to fly out of his house and had a beautiful experience.

    Another one tried it and experienced SP for the first time in his life, but got too excited and couldn't do too much about it and fell into sleep.

    Third one tried it and had LD.

    Another two tried it, one was able to see some lights during the cycles and wasn't sure what to do with it and after all didn't get lucid and the last one had no success as well.

    I have tried it for the first time, but i was too sleepy and didn't even finished my first cycle and fell to sleep. Than i didn't tried it any more because i going to sleep too late and therefor i have no much time to do it. I have to start to go sleep much earlier.

    Guys are saying that this is one of the best methods they have ever tried.

    That's great for them!  And I hope they will have continuing success! ^^

    P.S. What's the forum called?  
    It's 3oko.sk it would be translated as 3th eye.sk  
    3 hours ago I had the greater lucid dream I ever had with this technique
    It lasted about 25 minutes and I had full lucidity and a lot of control, I got to do everything I tried to.

    I didn't use it only, I'm always doing RC's, auto-suggestion before sleep and MILD.

    @Sydney: Try it:
    -After about 6 hours of sleep you wake up, try to recall the last dream and write it in your DJ
    -Get up and drink some water and go to the bathroom, at least in the bathroom, try to turn a light on, it will make you a little less sleepy and you will have a better attention while doing SSILD.

    -Go back do bed and do the cycles, don't expect to see, hear of feel anything (I almost never do and it works for me), actually don't think anything, just pay attention on the sense, one after each other.

    -Don't do more than 4 or 5 cycles even if you don't notice anything different, it may frustrate you. Do the 5 cycles and believe it will work

    -Don't forget of doing RC's after "waking up". In the dream I had today I looked at my hand 3 times and they were normal, but the digital clocks were working strange and I realized it was a dream.

    Hope it will work for you  
    I sleep on the same bed as my brother, so I read this and decided to try it about an hour ago it is now 7 PM. I would focus on seeing the darkness in my eyelids, and I couldn't see anything. So after a bit I moved to my hearing, and all I can hear is the fan turned on I don't know if this is good or bad to have that fan on. Then, I focused on all the sensations and felt nothing. I tried looking through my eye lids and as I am doing this I don't notice it but I am slowly beginning to daydream without even noticing. When this happens I can see images that intensify and I can hear imaginary audio while going deeper into relaxation. I eventually reach my 4th and my brother moves around.. I didn't read the last step so I didn't know there can not be any distractions, maybe that's why I can never fall asleep easily. Eventually, I think to myself that I have done enough find a comfortable position on the left side of my body and drift away. Next thing I know I am in a different dream that I was trying to go back into but didn't work. I watched some videos of Michael Jackson inspired dances and I think this had an effect on my dream. We are in a talent show and there is an enormous crowd cheering and clapping. Everyone does the same routine but differently but the audience doesn't seem to care. Eventually, my partner and I go on stage and we do a real quick move I went to the left and slid a little and he went to the right. Biggest applaud I heard and the host of the show ask how did we learn to do that and my partner said that it wasn't planned. Huge applause and then the dream ends .  
    I am very eager to try this method of an ld.  But my concern is I don't want to have an out of body experience it is said that those are just lucid dreams as well but like SLEEP PARALYSIS I like to avoid such things at all cost.  Is there any way of making sure I have either a false awakening or just going lucid in my dream?  And I have never been much of a reality check person how do I go lucid after false awakening?  
    Fedor, try to make RC's at least when you wake up and you will catch the FA's if they happen.

    I had only few LD's and in the one I had yesterday I experienced a FA.
    Basically I "woke up" with a very loud noise coming from out of my room, I looked at my hands about 3 times and they were normal, I almost gave up on thinking that that was a dream, but I saw two digital clocks, and they were different from each other, it made me completely lucid. I flew up trough the ceiling and when I got out I was in a completely different place.

    I experienced "Sleep Paralys" two times with this technique, but they weren't real, I just dreamed I was having SP.

    Go on and try this technique, its really awessome and almost gave me another LD this morning.  
    That's awesome Rubens!  okay, I'll try what you did. I think I'm waking up way too early
    Will post the results tomorrow!  
    That's awesome Rubens!  okay, I'll try what you did. I think I'm waking up way too early
    Will post the results tomorrow!

    Oops double post!  
    Yes, maybe it is the problem, the times I tried after about 4 or 5 hours of sleep didnt give good results.

    The times that gave results were when I did just like I told you.
    I sleep 00:00, wake up 6:00 with my brother waking up to go to college, take 30 minutes to write my dreams in the DJ, do the cycles and get the LD about 7:30-8:00 am

    I really hope and believe it will work for you. It gave me a semi-lucid today.  
    I tried this last night. I did several cycles. Several times I forgot where I was and either carried on or started again. On my 5th cycle at the 'bodily awareness' stage I had - for just a fraction of a second - a sudden dip in my conscious. I came out of quickly and hoped it was a FA, but RC showed it wasn't. Still waiting for my first success with SSILD.

    Don't want to be too negative, but if there's a new technique out that works for 99% of people, I'm always in the frickin 1% it doesn't work for.  
    But you know that SSILD won't give you a LD just after doing the cycles right ?
    You do them and go to sleep normally and the LD will come.
    And don't forget of being persistent in RCing after waking up, as I said before, in the last FA that I experienced I did the "look at hand" RC three times and it didn't work, only when I looked at a digital clock I could realize I was dreaming.  
    Originally Posted by Rubens:
    But you know that SSILD won't give you a LD just after doing the cycles right ?


    I'll be sure to make a habit of RCing to catch FAs.  
    I woke up after 6 hours and found out I was WAY too tired to keep my awareness up.
    Even though I went to the restroom with the light on, my eyes were soo heavy. I was nodding off to sleep right there lol.

    I think it's because I took some Benadryl right before I went to bed.
    I was laying there in bed constantly tossing and turning before I knew what I was doing, and fell asleep.  
    Well, I love this technique xD

    Had another one today, a little short because I believe it was in the end of the REM period and I also got a little excited (and scared for a moment).  
    Originally Posted by Rubens:
    Well, I love this technique xD

    Had another one today, a little short because I believe it was in the end of the REM period and I also got a little excited (and scared for a moment).


    That's awesome!

    Last night I didn't wake up at all. I really have to work on waking up naturally.. do you wake up by an alarm, Rubens?  
    Somedays yes Sydney, my brother studies at the morning and his alarm wakes me up too about 6:20 am(we sleep in the same room).

    But my body just accustomed to waking up after the dreams and I always notice that I woke up.
    I think that there is no problem with waking up by alarms to this technique, but if I don't do anything before starting the cycles I can't pay attention and fall back to sleep too short.

    Next time you try, try to recall the last dream and write it in your DJ before doing the cycles, it will make you more aware while doing the cycles.  
    Originally Posted by Rubens:
    Next time you try, try to recall the last dream and write it in your DJ before doing the cycles, it will make you more aware while doing the cycles.


    Alright, will do.
    I have some time on my hands in the morning so I can sleep (and hopefully wake up before 6 hours) longer and thus have more chances for SSILD.

    Not sure how it works later in sleeping though.  
    Here's my (positive) experience with this:

    It seems that doing it "lazily" like the OP mentions seems to be quite important.

    When I first started trying this I focused too much on it, like I would when meditating. After a few nights I started trying it differently, cycled without thinking too much about it, had an LD after falling asleep, noticing that the pants I was wearing aren't right, I was wearing something else before, I assume I was able to notice this because of SSILD.

    Yesterday and today I had 4 LDs (2 yesterday, 2 today) after SSILDing, when cycling, my mind would wander into other random thoughts, and I just calmly started cycling again when noticing so. I think the goal here is to be lazy indeed, don't be afraid if your mind starts wandering into random thoughts, but your mind just has to calmly be reminded to cycle from time to time, without thinking too much about it. Some cycles were even interrupted by random thoughts since I was doing it so lazily. I think this works because after a while your mind will "wander" except that wander is actually a dream and when you remember to cycle again, you realize you are dreaming; that's how it feels to me at least.

    Oh also, I WBTB before SSILDing. (I always WBTB for anything)  
    Want to get back into Lucid dreaming , havent had time to concentrate on it due to school but with summer here now i have plenty of time  . I am intruiged by this method , going to give it a few shots this week. Wish me luck!  
    I've been waking up after 6 hours, but I'm falling asleep too quickly when I do SSILD. It's weird, because when I used to wake up after 5 hours of sleep to do SSILD, I was pretty awake through the whole thing, and had trouble getting back to sleep.

    But now since I'm waking up after 6 hours, I can barely stay awake for at least one cycle! It's like it's reversed.
    I'll see what I can do tonight.  
    You fall asleep fast even after writing in your DJ and going to the kitchen to drink some water ?  
    Originally Posted by Rubens:
    You fall asleep fast even after writing in your DJ and going to the kitchen to drink some water ?

    Eating/drinking makes it harder for me to fall asleep. Don't know if it counts for water though. Writing in your dream journal then going back to bed should be a good idea though.  
    When I say drinking water, I just want to say that would be good to stand up and walk to the kitchen, just to "wake up more".

    I always do the 3 things, write in my DJ, go to the kitchen and go to the bathroom, even if I'm not thirsty, just to do something that will wake me up more.  
    Okay, I'll try that. What I have been doing is occasionally writing in my DJ if I remember anything, and using the bathroom. Maybe walking more will help keep me awake.  
    Originally Posted by Sydney:
    I've been waking up after 6 hours, but I'm falling asleep too quickly when I do SSILD. It's weird, because when I used to wake up after 5 hours of sleep to do SSILD, I was pretty awake through the whole thing, and had trouble getting back to sleep.

    But now since I'm waking up after 6 hours, I can barely stay awake for at least one cycle! It's like it's reversed.

    I'll see what I can do tonight.

    That indeed is weird... how long do you stay awake before attempting the exercise?  Also, while doing the exercise you may want to use a position that's different from your normal one.  
    Hello... i just read all the pages on this thread, and this seems to be a good technique. However, i just have a question, since i have to do in a relaxed manner, lazily and without any rational thoughts, could i use some relaxing music? because it will help me to relax and also helps my mind to wander. Im asking this also because i kind(in some way) use this technique but for meditation, but only focusing in my breath and my parts of my body. When i do this i feel heaviness and maybe some tingling. Thanks  
    Originally Posted by CosmicIron:
    That indeed is weird... how long do you stay awake before attempting the exercise?  Also, while doing the exercise you may want to use a position that's different from your normal one.


    Usually 5 - 10 minutes. Okay.
    Well last night I got up at 6 hours again, and stayed up for 10 minutes. (DJing)
    Then I got back in bed and barely did one cycle before forgetting about it and falling asleep.
    But afterwards I did have a dream in where I questioned my reality, but it was too realistic, so it failed. :/  
    It's already a start

    The first and maybe the second I have using this technique was like that too. Continue to try this way and Im sure it will give good results.  
    Has anyone here done the cycles and actually have woken up in SP?
    Just wondering  
    Lets say more or less xD

    The time when it happened was very simple to go to a dream, just by imagining a scenario.
    Lucid but naive  
    Originally Posted by CosmicIron:
    It has continued to work for me, and hundreds maybe thousands of other people. Of course,  as with every other techniques, this is not meant to be a recipe for guaranteed success, especially that many people may not even be doing it correctly.


    I would love to know where you found THOUSANDS of participants. I found the tutorial on ld4all, I promise you that they don't have thousands of active members. If you are going to lie, at least make it believable.  
    Last night, the same thing happened when I did a WBTB. Only, I almost fully did one cycle lol  When I laid down back in bed, it like, hurt to focus on my eyes. Like my eyes were so tired they just wanted to "drop and lay there". It was like the focus was making me even more tired, wanting to stop and go to sleep.

    I knew I didn't have a lot of time to dream, like an hour, but that didn't stop me. I think I woke up after SSILD, with 30 minutes left. I was determined to fall back to sleep. So I kinda did, but something happened and I came back to focus. My ears started ringing (Well, it sounded like blood rushing to my ears only 10x intensified) for about a minute or so. Afterwards, I waited, but nothing else happened. So I moved. It didn't even feel like I was in SP at all. No FA either.

    What could that have been?  
    Originally Posted by dakotahnok:
    I would love to know where you found THOUSANDS of participants. I found the tutorial on ld4all, I promise you that they don't have thousands of active members. If you are going to lie, at least make it believable.


    That, sir, is both nasty and ignorant.  If you read my original post, it is clearly stated that the method was developed and tested on the Chinese forum (Baidu Tieba to be clear) which has over 60,000 active participants.  LD4all is where I first posted the English version of the technique, and that was nearly a year since the technique was developed and deployed.  
    Originally Posted by Sydney:
    Last night, the same thing happened when I did a WBTB. Only, I almost fully did one cycle lol  When I laid down back in bed, it like, hurt to focus on my eyes. Like my eyes were so tired they just wanted to "drop and lay there". It was like the focus was making me even more tired, wanting to stop and go to sleep.

    I knew I didn't have a lot of time to dream, like an hour, but that didn't stop me. I think I woke up after SSILD, with 30 minutes left. I was determined to fall back to sleep. So I kinda did, but something happened and I came back to focus. My ears started ringing (Well, it sounded like blood rushing to my ears only 10x intensified) for about a minute or so. Afterwards, I waited, but nothing else happened. So I moved. It didn't even feel like I was in SP at all. No FA either.

    What could that have been?

    You nearly succeeded.  Next time when that happens just stay calm and do a nose pinching RC.  Chances are you will find yourself in a dream.  
    Originally Posted by CosmicIron:
    You nearly succeeded.  Next time when that happens just stay calm and do a nose pinching RC.  Chances are you will find yourself in a dream.


    Okay  I will try to stay calm next time too. I remember when hearing it, I was like, "Oh gosh. Oh gosh, oh gosh!"

    So what you're saying is to just wait, right? I wasn't in SP I don't think, so I don't know what that was.  
    Originally Posted by Sydney:
    Okay  I will try to stay calm next time too. I remember when hearing it, I was like, "Oh gosh. Oh gosh, oh gosh!"

    So what you're saying is to just wait, right? I wasn't in SP I don't think, so I don't know what that was.


    It's not SP.  It's an FA.  Best way to deal with it is to do an RC and get up, or you can try to mentally increase the intensity of the sound/image.  The later method may not work if you get too excited  
    Oh really?

    So maybe I just missed it?
    Because pretty much right after it happened, I got up and RCed; telling me that I was awake.  
    Originally Posted by Sydney:
    Oh really?

    So maybe I just missed it?
    Because pretty much right after it happened, I got up and RCed; telling me that I was awake.

    This happens sometime. As you get excited, you shift from an FA to reality in a seamless fashion. Anyway, you were really close! Good luck!  
    Good to know xD It happened to me a lot of times and I gave up and went back to sleep :/  
    Originally Posted by CosmicIron:
    That, sir, is both nasty and ignorant.  If you read my original post, it is clearly stated that the method was developed and tested on the Chinese forum (Baidu Tieba to be clear) which has over 60,000 active participants.  LD4all is where I first posted the English version of the technique, and that was nearly a year since the technique was developed and deployed.


    I think your being a little dramatic "nasty". Also i looked up that site and it doesnt seem to exist. Well the site does exist, but doesnt seem to involve lucid dreaming. Could you provide a link to one of your articles there? I would think that with thousands of test subjects you would ubderstand that this is a placebo. You need to not get so defensive over something that a person on the internet said. Especially when it wasnt that bad.  
    Originally Posted by dakotahnok:
    I think your being a little dramatic "nasty". Also i looked up that site and it doesnt seem to exist. Well the site does exist, but doesnt seem to involve lucid dreaming. Could you provide a link to one of your articles there? I would think that with thousands of test subjects you would ubderstand that this is a placebo. You need to not get so defensive over something that a person on the internet said. Especially when it wasnt that bad.


    Then I think your being a little dramatic too with your accusation of me "lying".  The site "tieba" is a huge platform for many smaller sub-forums.  In order to go to the lucid dreaming site you need to enter the word "Lucid Dream" (in Chinese) in their search window.  If you can read Chinese you are welcome to take a look at this link: 0000040606070107°00080508090404_07060003000300ú°07_°02090600ù°07.  This is where I collected more than 200 unique success stories of using SSILD, and it is only a small subset of the actual cases.  I do not understand why you said "with thousands of test subjects you would ubderstand that this is a placebo".  A placebo that is proven to work among a large number of people, over a long period of time, again and again?  I'm sorry, do we understand the word "placebo" THAT differently?  
    Originally Posted by dakotahnok:
    I think your being a little dramatic "nasty". Also i looked up that site and it doesnt seem to exist. Well the site does exist, but doesnt seem to involve lucid dreaming. Could you provide a link to one of your articles there? I would think that with thousands of test subjects you would ubderstand that this is a placebo. You need to not get so defensive over something that a person on the internet said. Especially when it wasnt that bad.


    It's not a placebo. If you take some time to think about why and how it works, you can see underlying similarities with the MILD and even WILD techniques. I do not understand why you are so quick to declare something null when clearly it has worked for many. Even if you disagree with the technique, I would say you are being unnecessarily aggressive and you are only wasting your time by posting in the first place. You've made your beliefs clear and known, but the rest of us are not interested in what you have to say.  
    Oh my god. Either the people on that forum are complete babbling idiots or google translate just sucks. Either way i still dont believe that this is a solid technique. Im afraid there isnt going to be much of a constructive argument since you believe so much in it. Im sorry that you disagree. Also I'm sorry I'm "nasty". I didn't mean for my post to come off that way. I would hate for you to see when I'm angry. :

    Originally Posted by DinoSawr:
    It's not a placebo. If you take some time to think about why and how it works, you can see underlying similarities with the MILD and even WILD techniques. I do not understand why you are so quick to declare something null when clearly it has worked for many. Even if you disagree with the technique, I would say you are being unnecessarily aggressive and you are only wasting your time by posting in the first place. You've made your beliefs clear and known, but the rest of us are not interested in what you have to say.


    Clearly worked for so many? You need to re-read this thread... And know what a placebo is. A placebo can be powerful, and can give you lucid dreams. But it's not a technique, it's just your mind tricking itself into thinking it will work. Mind over matter? Yes it has worked for a few people, but not consistently. At least not with English speaking people.  

    I will apologize for calling him out as a liar. I have nothing to back myself up. I should have evidence before accusing someone. But I still feel like he isn't being truthful, is that my fault?

    Your post is only directed at me and not the thread itself. So youre just being hypocritical by telling me "I'm wasting my time". Well I came here to talk about lucid dreaming, how's that wasting my time?

    but the rest of us are not interested in what you have to say.

    And you have the right to speak on behalf of everyone? Wow, if I knew you had that much power I wouldn't have even attempted this argument.  
    Originally Posted by dakotahnok:
    Oh my god. Either the people on that forum are complete babbling idiots or google translate just sucks. Either way i still dont believe that this is a solid technique. .


    You are free to believe or not believe in something.  However, calling people idiots like that will only discredit you.  You asked for evidence so I gave that to you -- more than 200 of them, collected in only a few months; yet again you accuse me of being untruthful without providing any explanation.  To me, that IS "nasty".  
    dakotahnok - if you don't like this technique, than don't bother to use it, or write about it. I don't really care if there was a million people who had success or if there was only one, the point is, if it works for you and if it doesn't, than we have CosmicIron (and others) here with us who is kind enough to provide guiding and good advices for us, we write about it here just because we like it and want to use it right way.