• LOL,. Not doing at least some portion of the slow cycles can indeed be problematic. I recommend the following:

    Lie on the bed with a different posture. For example, if you usually sleep on the side, try lie flat on your back while doing the cycles. Better yet, position your hands differently. For example, cross them and place them under your chest as if performing some kind of ritual. Once you are through the "ritual" you can turn to the side and sleep normally.

    Normally I wouldn't recommend this, but given your particular problem I say it's possible to skip the short cycles. They are used to help people relax and warm up to the long ones without causing too much tension. But in your particular case you might want do with them. In fact that's what the first version of SSILD was, and it was I fact more "powerful" than the current version (with the short cycles added to it).

    Without the short cycles, and assume you have done the long cycles sufficiently, sometimes you will SNAP awake from your sleep. It's a very strange sensation: your mind is super clear, and you feel wide awake. At the same time you cannot feel your physical body and you know right away you are in a FA/OBE or whatever you call it. The current version of SSILD no longer produces this kind of effect because the short cycles somewhat "dilute" it. Anyway, if falling back to sleep isn't a problem it might worth trying :)

    Hope this helps!
    First Post
  • Yes, all should be done with your eyes closed. And 30-seconds is really just a reference. You don't have to be exact and when your mind starts to wander you just take as long as it needs... or if you forget and skip, that's also fine.
    Doubt About Cycles
  • Better yet -- don't "look" at all! Just paying some attention to them is good enough. In fact, just mentally telling yourself "I'm now focusing on sight" could be sufficient. This relaxed approach is not as powerful/effective as a more focused approach, but it won't have the side effect of causing difficulty to sleep. As people become more experienced they will have less trouble going to sleep. They can then experiment with increasing the level of focus in order to optimize the effect.
    Doubt About Cycles
  • This kind of experience is actually quite common among SSILD users. SSILD is a tool to condition the mind/body. If you let go in the end it does its thing while you sleep. However, if one tries to hang on after the cycles it is very possible for him or her to experience what's described here. In fact, this is exactly how I, prior to developing SSILD, managed to WILD. SSILD was developed from these routines once I realized that the important part is not the visualizations or whatever you perform at the end of the cycles to form/enter the dream. It is actually the cycles that make this work! Without conditioning your mind/body first, it's very hard to perform any techniques effectively, be it visualizations, imagining physical movement, or other traditional techniques such as those described by Robert Monroe... However, once your mind/body is prepped with the cycles, all those techniques become a lot easier to execute! Of course, "easy" is a relative term... Anyway, after this realization I decided to chop the WILD part from my routines and only retained the cycles, thus SSild was born.
    I May Have Found A New Technique.
  • I say you're well on track because you have been observing changes in dream qualities. Usually it means you are getting closer: try wake up a little more or apply a little bit more focus during the long cycles might just do the trick. Also make sure you allow sufficient amount of sleep first. Without them you could end up forgetting those LDs even when they do occur.
    First Post
  • I love you, for liking SSILD ;-)
    I May Have Found A New Technique.
  • Glad it helps! I do believe, both from my own experience and observation on many others, that frequent and even at-will LD induction can be achieved by mastering this simple technique. Better yet, it's something that requires relatively little effort so it can actually become a habit.
    I May Have Found A New Technique.
  • Yes it's phenomenon which I prefer to call "Focus Point of Self-consciousness." It's basically where you place your self-existence. In a dream, physical reality, or somewhere in between? By learning to shift this focus point it's possible to instantly shift into dream-like state from being wide awake. It's also possible to stay in between. Very interesting stuff indeed!
    Anybody Get This When Lucid Dreaming
  • Transition to dreams can take many forms. For example, they can form out of random thoughts. They can also grow out of hypnagogic sensations. They can also be created on-demand via visualization techniques... to name a few.
    How Is The Transition Into A Dream S..
  • Not in the form of scientific studies, if that's what you meant. However, recently I was contacted by a science researcher who has conducted some research over the past 3 years and he was able to confirm SSILD's effectiveness. I'm still curious and eagerly waiting to read his paper.

    Personally, I see a few differences between SSILD and plain-old intention setting:

    1. SSILD works over a consistent long period of time, whereas intentions don't (at least for most people)

    2. SSILD causes frequent super-realistic false awakenings. This is almost a "trademark" quality now recognized "worldwide". Simple intention-setting doesn't seem to accomplish that.

    3. SSILD tends to improve vividness of normal dreams and their recalls. Again, merely setting intentions doesn't seem to directly result in that.

    4. When SSILD fails to produce DILD or FA, and even when one completely wakes up and physically moved, one can still remain in a subtle mind/body state that can be more easily utilized to create direct dream entry. Again, this doesn't hold true with intentions.

    SSILD is actually a community-driven project. It was tested by hundreds of people on the Chinese lucid dreaming forum when it was first introduced, and subsequently refined. Many people contributed their experiences and we recorded thousands of successful cases. These people ranged from newbies to experts, and many of them had used combinations of intention-setting and other traditional techniques. And SSILD did make a difference for them! For example, there is one guy who practiced lucid dreaming for a year, utilizing just about every techniques (including non-stop intention-setting and affirmations during the day). In that year he managed to receive no more than a dozen LDs. However, once he started using SSILD, he recorded over 550 LDs in less than a year! His detailed recording is an invaulable learning tool and we recommend everyone new to our forum to read it. And this is not an isolated case. On that forum we now see many people with the ability to induce multiple LDs on a daily basis, all due to their use of SSILD. Can intention-setting achieve similar result? I honestly don't know the answer, but based on my own experience and observation of others I suspect that may not be the case.
    I May Have Found A New Technique.
  • Certainly!
    I May Have Found A New Technique.
  • I think it's safe to say that no lucid dreaming technique works for everyone, and SSILD is no exception. However, there are techniques that work better and worse. As for SSILD producing FAs I believe that's majority of the case according to my observation. Of course each person is different. I myself for example, being a light sleeper, rarely get real FAs either. However, these real awakenings (after performing SSILD) often can be easily manipulated into OBEs. Without doing SSILD prior to them, however, they are much more difficult to manipulate. This leads me to believe that SSILD does condition one's mind/body to a state that's more optimal for resulting in altered state of consciousness, regardless of the intentions. Can SSILD be used to trigger LDs without the slightest intention for them? That I don't know. But I feel it is probably not very relevant because the sole purpose of this technique is to help people increase their chance of inducing LDs. As science cannot yet truly comprehend the hows and whys of lucid dreaming itself, I always feel that the discussion of "how" a particular technique works are perhaps more speculative in nature. The original name of SSILD, translated from Chinese, is actually "A mysterious method" because we fully recognized the fact that we had no idea why it worked. I don't actually mind keeping it that way, LOL.
    I May Have Found A New Technique.
  • It stands for Senses Initiated Lucid Dreaming. It's a technique to induce lucid dreams. You're welcome to check out my blog post, although it's a little outdated and not actively maintained: http://cosmiciron.blogspot.com/2013/01/senses-initiated-lucid-dream-ssild_16.html?m=1
    What.. Is.. Ssild
  • I believe it does. This increased self-awareness may be the reason why failed SSILD attempts often result in dreams within which one receives supernatural abilities such as flying and telekinesis. My speculation is that in normal dreams we have very low level self-awareness, to the point we are more or less just following a "script." However, once our self-awareness begins to rise, we start to have thoughts occurring outside of the script. For example, you see something and you begin to wonder, hey, I want that. Whereas in the "script" you are not supposed to think like that. Given that dream world is very volatile that thought may just suddenly result in the object flying toward you, thus the telekinesis! SSILD cycles are an excellent tool to condition your mind and body for altered state of consciousness, I believe. Thus I see no reason why it can't be used as a part of your meditation routines!
    How Does It Work And Self Awarness
  • Tibetan Dream Yoga's main focus has always been what you do within the dreams, never so much in terms of induction techniques and there isn't a great number of variations. I wonder exactly where in Dream Yoga you read about similar techniques and how you came to the conclusion that this is just a "repackage." I'd very much like to see a quote for that. Besides, lucid dreaming has been practiced for thousands of years in many forms. In a way you can find similarities between all modern day techniques and traditional methods.

    SSILD was developed with the sole purpose to help people struggling with lucid dreaming, and no-one is profiting from it. I posted the method into public domain and that's it. I haven't even been online that much ever since I did it. Whether you like it or not is your own business, that has always been the attitude from me. I didn't "want you to think it's a magical Chinese method." The popularity of the method pretty much came by itself. I wasn't pushing it.
    Can Confirm Ssild Is A Gift From The..
  • Thank you for promoting it :) I just wanted to clarify it with you because I had previously been accused by some malicious person who claimed that I wanted to profit from the technique, which of course was not true. We're good. Thanks again!
    Can Confirm Ssild Is A Gift From The..
  • Nowadays I focus more on investigating many forms of altered/higher state of consciousness. Lucid dreams serve as a good launching platform for that study.

    With SSILD, LD induction has become much easier, even for myself. Prior to SSILD I was able to induce LDs at will, primarily via WILD. However, the effort required to do that was rather high, and there were times I simply didn't feel like doing it. SSILD has changed that. It has become a habit for me to perform a few cycles after a few hours of sleep. Then upon subsequent awakening (for me it's almost always real awakening), I simply shift my focus into the dream state and within seconds I'm in an LD. This process, shall I say, is about as effortless as it goes, for me personally anyway. As the result the number of lucid dreams I receive remains very high without incurring a toll on me physically or mentally.

    Yes I am Chinese-American and live in New York nowadays. :)

    Can Confirm Ssild Is A Gift From The..
  • There is a lot of myth in these mindfulness, all-day awareness stuff. The theories are very sound and people instinctively accept them and many see them as the holy grail of lucid dreaming. People who actually try them and receive a few LDs also tend to swear by them, even though those LDs probably have little to do with the practice and the result is never sustainable. Yes, this is the biggest hype in the field of lucid dreaming and anyone dare to challenge it always gets flamed. Ask how I know that, LOL. I won't go into length here... just think about this: will you learn how to swim if you never get into water? Do what you know about the land also apply to the water? The answer is obviously NO. They are two different environments and have different governing laws/physics. Reality and dream are also like that. What seems logical in waking life doesn't necessarily hold true in dreams. A technique that seems to "make sense" may actually be senseless.
    Morty 1+ Month Of Mindfulness Has Go..
  • Afternoon naps may be too short for SSILD to work properly. On our forum I have seen a few people doing it successfully, but they usually get up very early in the morning so their afternoon naps are probably filled with loads of REM due to the rebound effect. For short naps you might want to do SSILD cycles followed by some dream entry techniques to induce WILD. The cycles will make it a lot easier for you to perform the dream entry techniques effectively.

    I find it is often harder to fall asleep if you desire it to happen. That thought alone can keep you awake! I'd say you should not think about falling asleep. Keep your mind occupied instead of trying to empty it. Fill it with wandering thoughts, maybe role playing a little bit. See if that works for you.
    How Does It Work And Self Awarness
  • That's a good one!
    Question What Inspired You To Do Luc..
  • The painful sensation you experienced is caused by trying to stay completely still. Before your brain goes to sleep, it needs to make sure that the body is asleep first. It accomplishes this by creating a brief yet extremely uncomfortable sensation. If your body does not respond to this the brain then knows it's safe to go to sleep too. Usually if you can resist the discomfort you will slip right into a dream while being fully awake. However, this is easier said than done, as you have already experienced.

    To relax doesn't mean you have to be completely still. In fact it's often the opposite. There is no better way to relax than simply making yourself comfortable!

    WILD can be much more easily achieved with your mind/body properly conditioned. The dream entry techniques are far less important than good conditioning techniques. Simply trying to relax can be hard to do and often have opposite effects, as you've experienced. Based on my own experience, the "cycles" as described in SSILD can serve as a very effective conditioning tool. I suggest you try them first, followed by your WILD routines. This way your WILD will require much less effort, and even when it fails you may end up having a DILD later.

    Hope this helps.
    Hurts To Keep Brain Awake
  • It's just an impression of time, imprinted in your dream memory, sort of like a backstory so you can act according to the "script." Dreams have very little continuity and as such the concept of time is very different from the waking life. Inception is just a movie and does not portray dreams accurately. It has a lot of entertainment value but it's not real.
    What Is The Limit To Time Dilation I..
  • It's very much like what you'd described
    What Is The Limit To Time Dilation I..
  • It's only less real when one wakes up and that imprinted memory fades
    What Is The Limit To Time Dilation I..
  • The later case
    What Is The Limit To Time Dilation I..
  • Because that method doesn't work! It's what I call the greatest myth/hype in lucid dreaming. Know this: without regaining sufficient self-awareness and other forms of cognitive functions of higher orders, we are not much more than a puppet in our dreams. Our actions in dreams are largely involuntary and our behaviors are very unpredictable. Our memories are also suppressed and even manipulated, replaced. In other word, that "self" in your dream is hardly the same person! Thus, those habits you develop during the day are rarely carried into your dreams. When they do, they often are there to serve some specific need of your subconscious, and such instances are rare. My suggestion is to not waste your time doing those things during the day. You will have much better chance with WBTB combined with more on-demand type LD techniques.
    What Am I Doing Wrong
  • MILD is effective. Studies have shown that. I'd say if you're doing MILD then there is not much need to train your perspective memory during the day. During R.E.M. Sleep your dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, which contributes to our self awareness, is deactivated. The same region, if I'm not mistaken, is also critical in supporting time-based prospective memory. Without doing WBTB first it is very unlikely for your perspective memory to kick in. Of course, it is possible that your will increase your chance if you combine WBTB with diligent day-time prospective memory training, but to what extent? Is it worth it? I personally, in my 25+ years of lucid dreaming, have not experienced or observed significant result associated with day-time routines. They do work to some small degree, but the effort required is just not worth it. WBTB combined with MILD will be much more effective. The technique SSILD, which I developed in 2011, once mastered, can also increase chance significantly.
    What Am I Doing Wrong
  • Wow. I think you might have discovered good tricks. Holding a stone in your hand not only keeps you awake during cycles, the tactile feedback might make it easier to do the cycles too. I'm very interested in the progress you will make via this. Please keep us posted!

    The sensations you've felt indicates that you're extremely close to entering a dream. In fact you were probably already in it (as well as some FAs). As you gain more experience with these sensations you will learn to utilize them to create successful dream entry!
    Holding A Stone To Stay Awake During..
  • That's nothing. I peed in front of two girls last night... I think it's safe to say that's not something I'd do consciously. LOL
    Can The Dream Version Of You Have A ..
  • It's actually quite common. SSILD does tend to create this kind of state... which I wouldn't call it FA because normal RC can indeed fail. It's something that borders on real awakening. If you think you are awake then you truly are; otherwise you enter the dream by gently and mentally raise your hand.
    How Does It Work And Self Awarness
  • I feel it is not clear and concise in the writing. Also there are additional info I'd like to throw in, such as my hypothesis on why it works and instructions on inducing WILDs etc. I plan to revise it or write something else soon, but first I have to find a better blogging platform. Blogger is just downright horrible.
    What.. Is.. Ssild
  • I suspect when you snap back you are already in a state for WILD to occur more easily. See if doing something like this will help... once you snap back, you:

    1. Relax your head and allow the back of it to sink into the pillow. You can even force it a little bit.

    2 Do a few more relaxed cycle.
    3. Very delicately release the stone in your hand, try not engaging your muscles.
    4. Assuming you've done step 3 successfully you direct attention to your nose. You should feel some pressure on it.

    5. Again, without involving your muscles you raise your hand and move it toward your nose. Don't worry if it seems like you are gliding through and rubbing against the blanket.

    6. Pinch your nose and see if you can breathe. If you can indeed breathe you are in a dream and by this time you have directed your focus into it (instead of reality.)

    7. Gently pull yourself up toward the direction of your hand and you should be in a WILD/OBE whatever you prefer to call it.

    If you fail at step 3, say, it's impossible for you to control your hand without using muscles then you can repeat step 1 and 2 then try again. Or of course, just go back to sleep.

    Moving your hand without muscle sounds like something difficult to do. It indeed is when you're fully awake. However, in that delicate SSILD-induced waking state it is not at all impossible. For me and many others, it is even possible to accomplish that after we've physically moved. You can trust SSILD has conditioned your mind and body properly for that to happen. Hope this helps! Your experiment is very interesting! Good work! :)
    Holding A Stone To Stay Awake During..
  • It's very common and happens mostly because you're not totally relaxed and you tried to stay perfectly still. It is, after all, just an illusion. When that happens and assume you can outlast it, you will delve into a dream directly afterwards. It will be a very rewarding experience.
    Why Does My Heart Rate Go Up When Im..
  • Regular reality checks won't help you, unless it's coupled with WBTB of sufficient waking time. Even then it's effectiveness is very questionable. Keep in mind, during R.E.M. Sleep the regions, which handles self-awareness and other important cognitive functions, of your brain are pretty much deactivated or in very suppressed states. Thus, your day time habits and logical mind are unlike to be present. Only after WBTB you reactive these regions, but then you risk not being able to fall back to sleep if you stay awake for too long!
    Dream Problem
  • It looks like you were already in a dream. Next time when that happens, use your hand to interact with it, such as reaching out to grab something. That will pull you right into it.
    Rorok How Long Should I Be In Wild T..
  • Subconscious can be very mischievous. Just live with it and enjoy the unexpected :)
    Asking Dream Characters Questions
  • You were near a WILD. If you do the SSILD cycles long enough without falling asleep, the chance of inducing a WILD is quite high. When you feel the sensations as you enter a WILD, you can often mentally increase its effects. When they become pronounced enough, you can enter the dream.
    How Do I Know If Its A Dild Or Wild
  • Thank you for promoting the sub. I'd like to add that the main purpose of the sub is to enable better support for people trying out the technique. Ever since I published the article online I've been having a hard time tending to all the questions from users all over the world. The blogging platform is simply not made for such interactions.

    It has been a few years since SSILD was born. Many people have become quite good with it and even improved it with their own modifications. For those of you experienced SSILDers, please come and share your experiences to help others. Thank you!
    New Ssild Sub!
  • The purpose of the sub is to provide tech support specifically to people trying the technique. Without a centralized place it's next to impossible for me to do that.
    More Ssild Tips + Ssild Subreddit
  • Thank you
    New Ssild Sub!
  • FILD works by carrying the physical action into your dreams or any subsequent FAs. Therefore it is better for you to enter sleep quickly. By trying to stay perfectly still you will likely induce sleep paralysis, which turns the exercise into an entirely different technique and destroys the purpose of FILD. Worse, it can simply cause tension and keep you awake. My suggestion is to do FILD in a relaxed manner and try to stay comfortable.
    Need Help With Fild
  • Yes. Stay relaxed just like how you'd sleep normally. Just give enough focus to the movement of your finger, but don't focus it too much so you can't fall asleep.
    Need Help With Fild
  • Falling asleep too quickly is always a better problem to have when it comes to SSILD. There are a few things to try:

    1. Do the quick cycles while sitting up.
    2. Lay flat on your back, and cross your hands right under your chest as if performing a ritual.
    3. Focus harder during the cycles, especially the eye part.
    4. Skip the quick cycles all together.
    Tricks For Staying Awake
  • Glad it helps. Keep us posted :)
    Holding A Stone To Stay Awake During..
  • Good post. When you have very limited actual experience with LD and other altered states of consciousness, which is the case for most people, it can be really difficult to come to an educated conclusion of their natures. However, once we're able to experience them more frequently we begin to see through their mysteries and learn the subtle properties. Then we are able to tell what they truly are.
    Lding Is Not Supernatural, There Are..
  • People really need to experience it more, first hand. You won't know water better than a fish, unless you become one yourselves, LOL. Interestingly though, you actually do achieve more LDs if you follow a more systematic and scientific path!

    I personally agree with OP. There are more benefits to be gained if one approaches lucid dreaming scientifically. Associating lucid dreams with religious or spiritual meanings, I won't say it's right or wrong, but it does make one more prone to the trickery of the subconscious mind.
    Lding Is Not Supernatural, There Are..
  • I'd say only the short ones in the beginning. I've seen some people attempt doing the entire SSILD process while sitting down, but I don't know if these experiments went well or not.
    Tricks For Staying Awake
  • Couldn't have said it better myself. I agree with every points. Mr. Cook has killed the Apple I had loved and evangelized for the past 25 years. I too will stick to the Apple ecosystem for exactly the same reasons you listed, but I no longer love it :(
    Macbook Pro (2016) Disappointment Pu..
  • It won't help you. Constantly doing RC during the day will not develop into a habit that can be carried into your dreams. During sleep many regions of the brain are deactivated or suppressed, these include the ones responsible for self-awareness, short-term memories and etc. As the result it's very unlikely for your daily habits to be present in your dreams. For example, most of us have developed the habit to play with mobile phones whenever possible, but how many times do you actually do that in your dreams? Constant RC during the day is largely a waste of time, it is, IMO, the biggest hype in the field of lucid dreaming. You will have much better chance with WBTB plus other on-demand LD induction techniques such as MILD, FILD or SSILD.
    __Rc Help Please__
  • I don't see much difference there. Only difference is that ADA is used to improve self-awareness during the day, not just to form a habit to perform a task.

    Does that permanently increase your self-awareness to a level that it kicks in even when suppressed during R.E.M. sleep? Does that increase the presence of neuromodulators, such as acetylcholine? These are questions I cannot answer.

    Some people do claim that ADA is effective for them. However, I personally have not yet seen anyone achieving long-term and stable success with that exercise. And please note, the primary benefit advertised by ADA is longer-term and stable success, not sporadic results such as intention settings. People do tend to jump in to credit it when only encountering the later...
    __Rc Help Please__
  • You summed it correctly.
    How To Remain Focus During The Cycles
  • Yes, going to sleep normally means you do whatever you normally do to fall asleep. It doesn't matter if you count sheeps or role play. :)
    How To Remain Focus During The Cycles
  • You don't really need to focus that much. Just pay attention to them should suffice. One easy to do it is to imagine the senses being different axes. For example, the hearing being the x, the touch being the y, and the sight being on the z axis. Then you would simple direct/scan your attention along these axes. While doing that, you should also make sure you don't try too hard to force things to happen. If you do see, hear or feel things that's great; otherwise just complete the gestures and go to sleep.
    How To Remain Focus During The Cycles
  • Well said. I find it funny when people argue about things which they have little knowledge and experience of. Before we argue what's on the moon, shouldn't we at least try to get there? And if someone went there and came back telling us about it, shouldn't we at least consider there might be some truth? My advice is that instead of arguing what's real and not, people should try to experience LDs and altered state of consciousness more... and I don't mean a couple, or a dozen, or even a hundred. They should be experienced as a way of life, in thousands and perhaps much more! Then they will see for themselves what's real and not.
    Lding Is Not Supernatural, There Are..
  • SP is a natural stage that almost always happens during sleep. You don't have to induce it. You experience it. As long as you can keep your mind awake while your body falls asleep you can experience SP. That's the basis of most WILD techniques anyway.
    How Do I Induce Sp
  • A good reality check must be able less prone to influence from the subconscious mind, and more difficult for it to simulate. For example,is flying a good RC? Obviously we don't normally expect we can fly, and that's built into our subconscious. Thus, even if you have the slightest doubt you will be rendered unable to fly, which fails the RC. Let's look at counting fingers. Is it more difficult for subconscious to simulate five fingers instead of six? Obviously not. Therefore it is not a good RC either. Of course, counting fingers and observing clocks take advantage of the fact that the subconscious mind is very volatile and therefore repeated examinations might yield different results. However, not only this takes precious time away, it can often cause you to become less lucid.

    IMO, nose pinching is the best RC., especially if you train it properly. Most people who claim it fails are in fact not doing it correctly. First, like any RC, it should be done without hesitation so it doesn't create "doubts." The beauty of nose pinching is that not only it's quick, it's also harmless. This makes it less prone to influence from the subconscious. Second, one should not confuse a stuffed nose with "unable to breathe." To train for this, one should try pinching the nose during the day and observe its feel -- basically it makes impossible to breath in any air, not the slightest. This kind of feel is impossible for subconscious to simulate. With this experience firmly imprinted in our mind, it becomes very easy to compare the difference within a dream.
    Couple Questions.
  • I wouldn't call it refining because nothing is really new, but there are definitely information that aren't part of the original tutorial. It will probably take me a day to write, but I keep finding excuses. In a few days I will be on a long flight and I suspect I might be able to take advantage of that :)
    Hi Cosmiciron, Are You Refining This..
  • 恭喜吧主,祝贺吧主。吧主千秋万代,一统江湖!
  • I got feeling you somewhat misunderstood SSILD, but you managed to actually do it correctly, LOL. You are supposed to do the cycles while in and out of sleep, but at the same time with some desire to complete them. When done in this way, combined with sufficient WBTB, it's very likely for SSILD to cause DILD.
    Please Read!
  • I thought so too
    Please Read!
  • Don't do super man pose. Keep your arms at the sides of your thighs.
    Tips For Flying During Lucid Dreams
  • SSILD works pretty well for breaking dry spells. I suggest you give it a try.
    Cant Seem To Have Lucid Dreams Anymore
  • You should simply sleep and forget about lucid dreaming all together. Lucid dreaming can be tiring, and when you are tired you'd better get more sleep first.
    How To Remain Focus During The Cycles
  • Congratulations! What a sweet dream!
    A Brief But Happy Lucid Dream, Induc..
  • Via alarm, intentions, or simply the urge to visit the bathroom (my case always, LOL) If you use alarm, make sure you wake up well rested, but drowsy
    How To Remain Focus During The Cycles
  • Most lucid dreams are just like normal ones -- they are hard to remember. In fact, you may end up forgetting about them completely in the morning. This is one of the reasons why you should really train and improve dream recall in order to enjoy LDs.
    Do You Remember Lucid Dreams As Well..
  • Not necessarily so, but you can start from that and adjust the time to suit yourself.
    How To Remain Focus During The Cycles
  • https://www.reddit.com/r/LucidDreaming/comments/18h2bi/ssild_official_tutorial_20/?st=IV1DQMHR&sh=c710b053
    Cant Seem To Have Lucid Dreams Anymore
  • For item 1, most people hardly induce enough LDs so saying LDs make them tired is completely nonsense. Maybe it's the process of "trying" to induce LDs (and often without success) that makes them tired.
    I Need The Help Of All This Lucid Dr..
  • Again, most people won't have this kind of problem. Lucid dreams are not frequent and usually short. It CAN get tiring if you try to chain the dreams and awakenings to prolong your experience, but it's not something you do all the time.
    I Need The Help Of All This Lucid Dr..
  • They can of course be triggered intentionally
    I Need The Help Of All This Lucid Dr..
  • No method alone can give you 100% success. As for WILD, please keep in mind it's a "type of dream entry", not a particular technique. Therefore we can't really generalize it. That said, most WILD techniques do tend to be difficult and require lots of effort, even for the "pros."

    As for DILDs, it's nowhere near 100%. No amount of RCing and ADA will help you accomplish that -- the theories behind these things are false. It's the biggest hype in the field of lucid dreaming. Don't be fooled.

    In terms of vividness, unlike the answers you've received so far, DILDs are usually more vivid than WILD. There are reasons behind this. To name a few:

    1. DILD usually occurs in R.E.M., which is a period of heightened dream activities. This results in the most vivid dreams. In contrast, it is possible to induce WILD at very early stage of your sleep or R.E.M. In fact it can even be induced without R.E.M. When that happens, you tend to experience very unstable dream scenes, or even dreams that have no sensory inputs.

    2. When we first enters a WILD, it is likely that we still possess a pretty high level of lucidity, which can make the dream seem somewhat more real (I wouldn't even call them vivid). That's the reason why some people with limited experience and knowledge of OBEs swear they have entered into some kind of realities. That lucidity, however, usually diminishes very quickly and when that happens it's no different from a normal DILD.

    3. WILD often results in OBEs. The dream scene would start with you lying on the bed. This notion that you are sleeping on the bed can be used by your subconscious mind to trick you out of your dreams more easily. With WILD it's a lot easier for us to be kicked out of a dream abruptly. Sometimes the subconscious mind just get lazy and puts you back on your bed and renders a black picture. This is why with WILD we should always perform dream stabilizing techniques and try to move away from the first dream scene as quickly as possible. With DILDs you have none of these problems.

    4. Depends on your state of mind and the technique, WILD can sometimes feel more like visualizations. It's almost like watching a movie instead of participating in it. The dreams are not vivid in these states and you are constantly aware of your physical body. Maintaining control during such states can be quite tiring.
    Do Pros Only Use Wild
  • You can focus on either, or both. As you move closer to the trance, however, it becomes increasingly easier to focus on the internal sensations. Using a mask is fine and it may help you release the tensions and make it easier to not stress yourself during the cycles. Feel free to use earplugs too, as long as they don't prevent you from falling asleep.
    Sleeping Mask And Earplugs
  • I beg to differ. It's science. During R.E.M. Sleep the brain is in a suppressed state. All major areas, which are responsible for higher order of consciousness, are turned off. Yes there are a lot of people who claim this and that, but keep in mind there is no better subject than one's own dreams to exaggerate or even downright lie about. Even established authors, throughout history, liked to do this. This is a field filled with lies.

    It's true there are people who can have LDs daily, even without intention and practice. But such cases are extremely rare and the reasons are not yet clear.

    Achieving daily LDs via techniques is different. Even the DILDs are almost always the result of WBTB combined with something else which wakes up the brain regions.
    Do Pros Only Use Wild
  • Your conclusion is wrong. I did not call those who disagree with me the liars. For example, I'm not calling you that. However, there is no denying that when we talk about what we dream, it's very easy for people to exaggerate or lie, internally or not. Those who claim that their daily routines have enabled them to become lucid on a daily basis (even without WBTB) usually can show little evidence of that. Of course, this is not something you can easily show evidence of, to begin with. When it's at least theoretical difficult, if not impossible, shouldn't we at least give it the benefit of doubt?

    As for my statement on some of the established writers, I said that based on evidence. For example, if you read lucid dreaming books or books on OBEs and astral projection, you rarely read about "failures." Whether it is failure in induction, or failure to remember, or being tricked by the subconscious... to name a few. Yet these are the most common experiences ANYONE would encounter. Failing to mention them and even deliberately disguising them, to me, is a bad sign.
    Do Pros Only Use Wild
  • Did I say "anyone who disagrees with me is a liar" or even imply something like that? And where did you read that I call "those who claim they can lucid dream anytime are liars?" And even if I said them, which I didn't, how are they "the same thing?"

    It's easy to say "I can lucid dream any time" and no one can say you are lying or not. That's what I'm talking about. I'm not saying everyone are liars, but it's something we should be cautious about. This is particularly important for beginners because they can be easily misled and they are prone to hypes. I myself can induce LDs at will but I don't expect people to believe me. It's fine if they think I'm lying and I think it's probably better for them to be cautious anyway.
    Do Pros Only Use Wild
  • Maintaining lucidity indeed takes effort. And given that when during intense lucid dreaming the temperature of your brain does rise quite a bit, I suspect it's not something you want to do ALL the time. Fortunately it's quite impossible for normal people to have them that frequently so it's not something to worry about.
    Is There Such Thing As Too Much Luci..
  • Now we are talking about "implications?" LOL. End of discussion.
    Do Pros Only Use Wild
  • Random, unintentional LDs do happen. I first had them when I was 7.
    Do Pros Only Use Wild
  • Lucidity comes from the higher cognitive functions of your brain. Without waking them up during R.E.M. it is impossible to achieve high level of lucidity. You can try practicing awareness during the day but it is unlikely to help you during sleep. Assuming such practice indeed heightens your awareness to a higher level, it's still not going to help you because when their corresponding regions are suppressed you don't get to use all that extra awareness anyway.

    Dream vividness depends on several factors, to name a few:

    1. The perceived vividness after you wake up. It is normal for us to forget our dreams. Even when we do remember them they no longer feel as real. This is a safety mechanism and you'd better keep it that way. If dream memories don't fade they can become very problematic.

    2. The stage of sleep.
    3. Your brain condition and physical health.
    4. The cooperativeness of your subconscious.

    During lucid dreaming there are techniques to make the dream more vivid, but this doesn't seem to be your question.
    Dreams Are More Frequent, But No Inc..
  • It's not so much about keeping you from jumping off a cliff. When we are wide awake we usually don't need to RC, we simply KONW it's the reality. And of course, any of the RCs will fail so there is no danger there.

    RCs are mainly used as a trigger for more lucidity. We need RCs to succeed in order to be assured that we are indeed dreaming. Once we go past that we are officially in a lucid dream and we can try to further increase our lucidity.
    Reality Checks Important Silly Quest..
  • It's a common theme associated with SSILD. It's a form of awakening that borders on real awakening. Under this situation, you do receive input from the physical world and if you move physically the transition is seamless, just as if you'd truly awoken. Interestingly, this is also a state which you can seamlessly turn into an OBE. The best way to accomplish this is as follows:

    1. Relax your head and allows it to sink into the pillow. You can even apply some pressure to help it sink further.

    2. Focus on your hearing.

    3. Gently raise your hand without pulling your muscle. This may sound weird but it's actually quite doable in that state.

    4. Reach for and grab your nose to do a nose-pinching RC.

    5. If RC succeeds, roll toward your hand as if you are pulling yourself out of bed. This will result in an OBE.
    What Method Was This
  • All kind of sensations can be experienced during the mind awake/body asleep stage. Just enjoy them and experience all the variations. Nothing can harm you. It's all in your mind.
    Astral Body Fingers Bending ..
  • Yes it can happen. When we dream our brain is in a handicapped state, and we are at the mercy of our own subconscious. It's up to it to decide how we feel, what we remember, and what role we play. It can be very hard, even when we are lucid, to remember even basic things from prior the sleep. For example, if you are in a hotel and now you are having an OBE. Chances are you may not even remember the fact you are sleeping in a hotel room. You probably ride up in your home bedroom instead, yet you are fully convinced you are seeing the reality. Even when you try hard to remember your mind can still feel clouded. As you can see, it's very easy for us to be tricked. In your case, your lucid dream was based on memory that was replaced by a previous dream.
    Lucid Dreaming In A Dream
  • The later type is definitely harder to stabilize and deepen. You should try to leave the dream scene ASAP during those. Do some quick stabilizing tricks such as rubbing hands, examining small objects, and etc, then leave immediately. Also try not to line up your body with the bed, so crawling on floor is a good idea. As for the darkness, transitioning to a different scene usually helps. In addition, you can also try to flip light switches. Don't expect the light to come on, but rest assured something will happen. It can be lights in the other room, lightening sun the sky, street lamps being turned on, and so on.
    Are There Two Types Of Lucid Dreams ..
  • By waking up sufficiently you don't actually need to do too many cycles. The cycles can serve as an anchor for your intentions quite well. I think SSILD is an effective method and gets better as you gain more experience so yeah I do recommend it.
    What Method Was This
  • Lucid dreams have little difference from normal dreams when it comes to memories of them after you wake up. They WILL feel hazy and if you are not well trained in dream recall you may forget them all together. This is a safety mechanism which you'd better keep and not breaking it. Mixing real life memories with dream memories can be disastrous. It CAN happen but the effect usually fades after a few hours.

    In terms of memories after waking up, lucid dream is different from normal dreams in one aspect. You do remember your intentions and other abstract thoughts clearly. It's simply because the corresponding brain regions, such as those responsible for reasoning and self-reflection, are activated during lucid dreams.
    When Experienced, Do Lds Become Vivi..
  • Wow, great! To make SSILD work consistently does require practice and fine tuning.
    To Those Attempting Ssild
  • When you try to stay completely still like that, your brain starts to suspect that your body has fallen asleep. The sensations you felt serves as a test. If you respond to it then the brain knows you are still awake. Otherwise the brain goes to sleep next and you will enter a dream state. So basically you were very close to a WILD. However, this kind of sensation is usually quite unbearable.

    To make WILD easier you should properly prep your mind and body first. I suggest you try the SSILD cycles first, using them to condition your mind/body, followed by whatever you do to WILD. This will make WILD a lot easier. In case your WILD attempt fails you may still get a DILD due to SSILD cycles.
    Problems With Wild
  • Doing cycles until you fall asleep might give you higher chance, but it can potentially keep you awake.
    Problems With Wild
  • 可以,但是估计你无法保持清醒太久
  • 回复a15177160581:对,这个异步法是坚决不能动的。咽口水都不行
  • It's the process of getting into an SP. trying to stay completely still is the primary cause for this. The timing and the conditioning through SSILD cycles contributed to the effect too. There is no harm there and if you can resist the fear you will eventually transition into a dream. It can actually be an awesome experience.

    If you'd like to avoid this, try stay relaxed while doing SSILD cycles. It's perfectly okay to physically move during the cycles. You can always compensate the move with one additional cycle.
    Initiating A Sp Makes My Heart Race ..
  • Grab him and give him a big hug. He's your own subconscious, just tell him you love him. This will change him to something way nicer, and the grabbing action may help you enter the dream (assuming what you are seeing have not been fully realized into a dream)
    Im New To Lucid Dreams! Can Somebody..
  • It depends on the nature of these images. There is a good chance though that you are already in a dream or at least very close. In this case, reaching out to the images with your hand will pull you right into it. Of course, it's also possible to wake up by doing that. It's worth trying though.
    Im New To Lucid Dreams! Can Somebody..
  • Everyone is different; therefore the technique should be adjusted to suit each individual. In your case it seems that you need to wake up a bit more before returning to bed to carry out the cycles.
    My Problem With Ssild
  • In such case I suggest not to get up at all. Simply perform 3 SSILD cycles every time you wake up, then allow yourself to drift to sleep quickly. Each attempt will deepen the effect and eventually make LDs/FAs to occur. Also watch out for strange sensations as you do this. It is quite possible to induce WILD this way.
    Need Help For Light Sleepers
  • Exactly
    My Lucid Dream World
  • In which case you should simply return to bed right away while still drowsy. Do only a few quick cycles and one or two long cycles. Stay in a comfortable position. Do perform the dream entry techniques upon each awakenings first though. It's likely many of the subsequent awakenings will be either FAs or the more intricate kind of awakenings that can be easily utilized.
    Need Help For Light Sleepers
  • It would defeat the purpose. The beauty of SSILD is that you can do a few simple cycles and go back to sleep, then you may get a DILD, and FA, or in the worst case wake up with your mind/body prepped for easy WILD entry. With FILD though you will be constantly going back and forth between sleep and wake. And the physical movements will ruin those subtle awakenings which can be utilized to enter a dream state rapidly.

    Having said that, each person is different and SSILD is by no means perfect. Therefore I encourage you do try it yourself. Who knows? Some wonderful things might just happen :)
    Will Ssild + Fild Work