• 主题:Senses Initiated Lucid Dream Ssild
  • Originally Posted by rynkrt3:
    been trying this for like 4 days now with no results

    Please take a look at my above reply to Fausto.  See if it also applies to you.  If not, please give me details on how you did the exercise so I can help.  
    Originally Posted by enak101:
    How do you think this will work with polyphasic sleep? I have three ninety minute naps so WBTB doesn't really work but I don't know how quickly into it I go REM. Would be nice to have a zeo.


    This works very well with naps.  Some of the guys are high-school students on our forum and they even manage to OBE with SSILD while napping between classes on their desks!  
    Might give it a try then, doesn't really take that long to cycle through it four times.

    15 seconds each times 3
    45 seconds per cycle
    45 times 3 is 135 seconds so a bit over two minutes to do it.

    Get to attempt it three times a day heh.  
    Originally Posted by enak101:
    Might give it a try then, doesn't really take that long to cycle through it four times.

    15 seconds each times 3
    45 seconds per cycle
    45 times 3 is 135 seconds so a bit over two minutes to do it.

    Get to attempt it three times a day heh.

    If you do it that way then you will fail for sure.  The 15-second is just a reference, which should not be carried out precisely.  The key is to do the exercise in a "lazy" fashion.  You WANT to forget time, you WANT to lose count, and you WANT to drag this as long as possible!  You should NEVER count in your head!  
    This is just awesome! It makes me lose focus fast, and I have some crazy vivid dreams after!  
    Oh, yeah I forgot that point about being exact heh. Just meant roughly but I guess it would take longer. Thanks, going to sleep in fifteen minutes and I'll attempt it.  
    During my WBTB last night, I stayed up for about 20 minutes on Dreamviews before going back to bed (that was probably a mistake.. I don't know though). I went through about 6 cycles. My mind started wandering a little but not that much. I decided to roll over. I did about 2 cycles, and then stopped doing them. I kept tossing and turning until I finally went to sleep.

    I guess I lost some sleep last night. Maybe I was too awake?  
    I tried this halfheartedly last night, after bad recal l and no lucids for months. I had a very long lucid and a FA last night, extremely pleased!  
    Originally Posted by Moondreamer:
    I tried this halfheartedly last night, after bad recal l and no lucids for months. I had a very long lucid and a FA last night, extremely pleased!
    Wow, some crazy success stories already with this technique. Makes me wonder if I should scrap what I've been working on and just do this, hehe.  
    I guess I'm just trying to find a balance with this technique.  If I do it one way, I barely get through one cycle, my mind wanders and I fall asleep. If I do it another way, I focus on it too much and after at least 6 cycles it takes me forever to fall asleep.  
    Originally Posted by Moondreamer:
    I tried this halfheartedly last night, after bad recal l and no lucids for months. I had a very long lucid and a FA last night, extremely pleased!


    Did you fall asleep while doing the cycles? Or did you do them, roll over and fall asleep?
    Oh and, how long did you stay up in your WBTB?

    Sorry for the questions, I just want to learn from other people's successes  
    I missed my alarm going off, so instead of 5 hours and 30 minutes of sleeping, it ended up as 6 hours and 30 minutes, which I think was what made me fail. I did the technique as best as I could, focusing about not focusing. My mind wandered a lot, which was good. I think I just slept too much. Would SSILD work after about 3 hours of being awake? (in a nap..)  
    I used this technique for three nights.
    The first two nights, nothing special happened.
    The third night I was to tired to make the exercises and only stuck with concentrating on the lights behind the eyelids. But soon I started to get a strange feeling, getting to a full SP (not just some weird feelings, a whole fully developed SP, I couldn't move) This then resulted to the second WILD I had in my life.  
    Originally Posted by blubbdavid:
    I used this technique for three nights.
    The first two nights, nothing special happened.
    The third night I was to tired to make the exercises and only stuck with concentrating on the lights behind the eyelids. But soon I started to get a strange feeling, getting to a full SP (not just some weird feelings, a whole fully developed SP, I couldn't move) This then resulted to the second WILD I had in my life.


    Congrats!  Once you get a hang of it you will have many lucid moments ahead of you which I'm sure of!  Please try to adhere to what resulted the success -- timing wise as well as how you executed the technique.  
    Originally Posted by Sydney:
    I missed my alarm going off, so instead of 5 hours and 30 minutes of sleeping, it ended up as 6 hours and 30 minutes, which I think was what made me fail. I did the technique as best as I could, focusing about not focusing. My mind wandered a lot, which was good. I think I just slept too much. Would SSILD work after about 3 hours of being awake? (in a nap..)


    I'd say at least 5 hours of sleep is optimal.  3 is not sufficient .  
    I tried this again last night.  I went to bed at 12:00am I woke up at 5:00am.  I could not perform the technique.  I was too tired/couldn't concentrate.  I would look at my eyelids, then get distracted or perhaps almost fall asleep but I kept waking back up and starting over, so I was never able to stay away for the whole 4-5 sets.  
    Originally Posted by CosmicIron:
    I'd say at least 5 hours of sleep is optimal.  3 is not sufficient .

    I meant like, waking up for the day, waiting three hours, and then performing the technique in a nap.  
    Originally Posted by Sydney:
    I meant like, waking up for the day, waiting three hours, and then performing the technique in a nap.

    That should work  
    I got lucid again last night
    I got back in bed after my WBTB (5 hours and 30 minutes), and did 5 cycles I think. My mind kept wandering which was good. But, after I got comfortable again, it took me FOREVER to fall back to sleep. Literally, I was probably laying there/tossing and turning after the cycles for about an hour.

    Even though it took me a while to fall asleep, I was still lucid anyway.  It was a weird lucid though (lucid from the start of a dream), at one point I thought I came back into SP, but I think I was dreaming then. It was weird.

    Any tips on how I can fall asleep faster? I've always had troubles with falling asleep.  
    Originally Posted by Sydney:
    I got lucid again last night
    I got back in bed after my WBTB (5 hours and 30 minutes), and did 5 cycles I think. My mind kept wandering which was good. But, after I got comfortable again, it took me FOREVER to fall back to sleep. Literally, I was probably laying there/tossing and turning after the cycles for about an hour.

    Even though it took me a while to fall asleep, I was still lucid anyway.  It was a weird lucid though (lucid from the start of a dream), at one point I thought I came back into SP, but I think I was dreaming then. It was weird.

    Any tips on how I can fall asleep faster? I've always had troubles with falling asleep.

    Did you feel tired after you wake up in the morning?  If not, then you might be experiencing really convincing false awakenings.  Please take a close look at the "Common causes for loss of sleep" section of my original post.  That should explain most scenarios.  Good luck!  
    Do you mean to say that I could have been in an FA last night, trying to fall asleep while I was already "sleeping"?
    Ok. I will.  
    Originally Posted by Sydney:
    Do you mean to say that I could have been in an FA last night, trying to fall asleep while I was already "sleeping"?

    Ok. I will.

    Lol, yes that's what I meant.  It's actually quite common  
    Kinda creepy how real it felt then.  
    Originally Posted by Sydney:
    Kinda creepy how real it felt then.

    Yes it can be extremely realistic, even the way the bed sheet rubbing against your skin, the person snoring beside you, and etc.  The rule of sum is, if you consistantly find yourself not being able to fall asleep, or you suddenly wake up after doing the exerice, you should perform an RC regardless how certain you are.  
    Interesting technique, I'm going to try it when I wake naturally during the night ^_^  
    Reading all of the replies, I have NEVER seen a technique with this much success. I have been here a while and I truly think that this could replace the traditional WILD and other variations of it. It also seems a million times simpler than the traditional one. I will try this tonight and post my results tomorrow. Thanks a million!  
    I think I'll give this a try in the next few days. I'm a bit unsure about the whole OBE thing though. Not sure that I want one.  
    Huh, I certainly like the sound of this tech. To me, traditional WILD's have been WAY too much work and with my lifestyle, losing sleep is out of the question. I will definitely attempt this one, thanks mate.

    @McDreamy - Why are you uncertain about OBE's? Are you afraid of them?

    Originally Posted by Sydney:
    Do you mean to say that I could have been in an FA last night, trying to fall asleep while I was already "sleeping"?


    Ahaha, yes this intrigues me. How amazing is it that even when you are expecting it, your mind tricks you so. This has happened to me many times. Once, I was floating in circles above my bed but all I was thinking was "agh, another failed WILD attempt, better just go to sleep now". It was in fact, quite frustrating.  
    Yah, a little bit afraid of them. Prolly just cuz I know nothing about them and have never had one though. Have you ever had any?  
    Fair enough, and yes. I have had a couple of OBE's and IMO, they are no different from a regular LD. I think it's just your mind simulating the experience so well it can be misconstrued as an actual "leaving of ones body". Don't worry about them, they are in fact, quite entertaining and after I "left my body" so to speak, everything behaved as a regular LD, things changed around me etc. Although some would say my experience wasn't an OBE I say to them, "I was out of my body, therefore it was an Out of Body experience." Thank you.  
    Seems like I didn't have enough time to dream or actually wake up after I fell asleep performing the tech. :/ Maybe I should go to bed earlier.

    Or, I was in an FA and I didn't know it.

    Tricky, tricky...  
    Originally Posted by Sydney:
    I got lucid again last night
    I got back in bed after my WBTB (5 hours and 30 minutes), and did 5 cycles I think. My mind kept wandering which was good. But, after I got comfortable again, it took me FOREVER to fall back to sleep. Literally, I was probably laying there/tossing and turning after the cycles for about an hour.

    Even though it took me a while to fall asleep, I was still lucid anyway.  It was a weird lucid though (lucid from the start of a dream), at one point I thought I came back into SP, but I think I was dreaming then. It was weird.

    Any tips on how I can fall asleep faster? I've always had troubles with falling asleep.

    This is exactly what happened to me last night except I didn't get lucid . It took me SOOO long to get to sleep. Can anyone give me tips on falling asleep quicker?  
    I tried this technique last night and the following results occured:
    I slept through my 4:30 alarm but awoke at daybreak, probably around 6:30. I thought "even though my mother will be up in another hour or so, I'll try it anyway." So, I did the techniques as stated in the OP and found myself drifting off regularly. When I decided it was enough I took about 10-15 minutes to fall asleep. See, I didn't do a WBTB, I just awoke and started the technique after rolling over. I did fall asleep and I remember about 3 false awakenings and 2 of them were Lucid. The first Lucid was short, I did your floor crawling technique but everything went gray. I immediately entered another FA through DEILD. This one was longer, I shouted "MORE LUCIDITY" when I walked outside (This wasn't the clearest Lucid I've ever had). It didn't help that I tried to teleport via dream spinning and closing my eyes. This led to another DEILD induced FA in which I lost lucidity almost immediately.

    In conclusion, I will definitely continue on with this method and see If I get any improvements. I just need to make my lucids clearer and longer.

    @Sydney and mutualdreamer
    I almost had trouble falling asleep as well, after doing the technique I just continued observing the images behind my eyelids until my mind wandered. I also tend to purposely think about something that makes me happy or calm. Good thoughts I guess.  
    @Sea07 Ya that doesn't sound scary at all, more on the interesting side. I also wonder if its just the mind simulating the experience. And nice job on the lucids.  
    Originally Posted by Sea07:
    I tried this technique last night and the following results occured:
    I slept through my 4:30 alarm but awoke at daybreak, probably around 6:30. I thought "even though my mother will be up in another hour or so, I'll try it anyway." So, I did the techniques as stated in the OP and found myself drifting off regularly. When I decided it was enough I took about 10-15 minutes to fall asleep. See, I didn't do a WBTB, I just awoke and started the technique after rolling over. I did fall asleep and I remember about 3 false awakenings and 2 of them were Lucid. The first Lucid was short, I did your floor crawling technique but everything went gray. I immediately entered another FA through DEILD. This one was longer, I shouted "MORE LUCIDITY" when I walked outside (This wasn't the clearest Lucid I've ever had). It didn't help that I tried to teleport via dream spinning and closing my eyes. This led to another DEILD induced FA in which I lost lucidity almost immediately.

    In conclusion, I will definitely continue on with this method and see If I get any improvements. I just need to make my lucids clearer and longer.

    @Sydney and mutualdreamer
    I almost had trouble falling asleep as well, after doing the technique I just continued observing the images behind my eyelids until my mind wandered. I also tend to purposely think about something that makes me happy or calm. Good thoughts I guess.


    Last night, I did a full fledged WBTB by staying awak about 30 minutes after awaking and got no results so @Sydney suggested that I only stay awake (during WBTB) for around 5 minutes. You, though, did not stay awake at all and seemed to have awesome results. Tonight, I will try not staying awake at all and see how it goes, if I fail again, I will try @Sydney's suggestion.

    P.S. Thanks a lot for the falling-asleep tip !  
    Yes, it is an intriguing topic for sure, and thank you!

    Good idea. I find that if I get up for too long I just can't get back to sleep. OK, give it a go, I think my lucids last night were a bit (lot) blurry because I was too tired when I started the techniques. Yes, tonight I will try getting up to use the toilet (I always need to pee in the morning) because a full bladder can keep me up and it may give me that extra bit of focus and in turn, more vivid lucids. No problem about the sleeping tips, I really hope they help you and Sydney both!!  
    Got thrown in and out of a luciddream 3 times this night with this technique, all 3 was OBE's. Very vivid, also my first OBE's. I atleast THINK it was due the few reps of this I did.
    Thank you  
    Same thing that happened again last night. I think I did the technique correctly, fell asleep, but woke up to my alarm clock in the morning.

    @Sea07: Yeah, I just usually get up to use the restroom like you said you probably needed to do  And getting up also helps me get a little bit of awareness to actually do the technique without falling right back to sleep after hitting the pillow.

    Tonight will be the night!  
    I had a LD but it was very short. I am 100% I will have a good, long one tonight though because my dad screwed EVERYTHING up last night. I can't wait!  
    Originally Posted by Sea07:
    Yes, it is an intriguing topic for sure, and thank you!

    Good idea. I find that if I get up for too long I just can't get back to sleep. OK, give it a go, I think my lucids last night were a bit (lot) blurry because I was too tired when I started the techniques. Yes, tonight I will try getting up to use the toilet (I always need to pee in the morning) because a full bladder can keep me up and it may give me that extra bit of focus and in turn, more vivid lucids. No problem about the sleeping tips, I really hope they help you and Sydney both!!


    How did it go for you last night?  
    Oh, I'm sorry you feel that way. I'm sure it's nothing personal whatever it is but we're all different, it just takes people time to adjust to other's ways. I wish you luck in the future though and thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience here on DreamViews! See you.

    You're right, I'm like you and need to gain a little awareness before trying to relax again, otherwise I'll just fall asleep again!

    It didn't go so well. I set an alarm for 2:30 this morning because my parents had to get up at about 4:30, If I set an alarm then they would disturb my efforts. Anyway, I slept through the alarm and ended up waking naturally at 4:30. I got up to use the toilet and returned to bed, did about 4 repetitions and then my parents got up. I couldn't sleep with them walking around so I just stayed relaxed and did more repetitions. When they left I tried falling asleep again but the birds started their morning song. Once that starts I just can't go back to sleep so I got up and here I am now... If I fell asleep again I would have had some lucids for sure. Tonight will work, no-one can disturb me then!

    @Sydney AND mutualdreamer
    Good luck tonight!

    Originally Posted by daban:
    Got thrown in and out of a luciddream 3 times this night with this technique, all 3 was OBE's. Very vivid, also my first OBE's. I atleast THINK it was due the few reps of this I did.

    Thank you

    Nice work, keep it up mate!

    I think I've covered it all for now.  
    I'm finally trying this, I can't ignore the massive sucess rate.  
    Originally Posted by yuppie11975:
    I'm finally trying this, I can't ignore the massive sucess rate.


    @CosmicIron: Okay.  I understand. But thank you so much for telling us all this amazing new technique! Without it I would be struggling no doubt!
    Thanks again!  
    Originally Posted by yuppie11975:
    I'm finally trying this, I can't ignore the massive sucess rate.

    SWEET! I can't wait to hear your results.:
    P.S. All of my DEILDS came from your technique .  
    Aha, yep it is quite a successful technique. Keep us posted on your progress.

    What Sydney said, I believe this method will become the core of my Lucid Induction, without it I would be relying purely on the hopes I would question my reality in a dream, which never seems to happen. So again, thank you.  
    I can't wait to see how much success SSILD will bring in the future!  
    Sorry to hear that Cosmic Iron. You should come back some day. Good luck and thanks for the technique that is helping so many people!  
    Also sorry to hear that CosmicIron. Thanks for posting this technique though, I'm going to try this as often as I can.  
    I did everything perfect and was undisturbed but I still didn't get lucid Dx. I told myself to wake up after 5 hours, woke up at some time, used bathroom, got water, did 5 cycles, fell asleep in good time, had normal dream .

    Tonight I will try not getting up at all and see if it goes better then.