• 宇宙之铁:回复麋鹿迷了路:如果是纯用于木吉他,那就确实不需要这种了,弄个PA也就可以了。如果想木电都上,这个就是比较好的选择,因为有这样一个acoustic的选项。BlackstarIDCoreBeam也很好,可以同时支持电吉他、木吉他(而且有三种音色可选),同时也是一款非常好的蓝牙音箱。
  • "Habits" rarely get carried into our dreams, therefore, trying to develop the habit of RCing, self-reflection and so on is probably the biggest waste of time one can possibly think of. :p

    As for using a timer, I feel it may make it more difficult for one to fall asleep. The SSILD cycles are meant to be performed in a very leisurely fashion and they need not to be precise. You should feel comfortable doing them, whether fast or slow. The 30 second rule is only meant as a general guideline. The truth is, it doesn't matter. If focusing on one sense feels particularly difficult then just skip it. On the other hand, if it feels particularly good then just stay with it a little longer. The same "stay comfortable" rule applies to other aspects as well -- if it itches, just scratch it. If you want to roll, just roll... SSILD is very forgiving.

    Hope this helps!
    Questions About Ssildlucid Dreaming
  • 首先要将手指稍微翻转,用骨头较多的侧面。另外大拇指要尽可能和食指保持平行。按压的时候不要光用手指的力量,而是用前臂。
  • 回复yangbaile5:很简单啊,小锤轻轻一敲就下来了
  • 在所有的同类型吉他当中,这款琴应该算是最好的了。这类体型小的琴,音量和音色一般都会大打折扣,比如马丁的LX系列,而这款琴却似乎完全不受其体积的影响,声音洪亮,音色甜美带着一丝铃声般的泛音。另外因为它的指版的长度关系,其action相对比较弱,按起来很舒适,大横按的实现要容易得多。做工当然也是绝对一流的。可能的话我建议把它的弦枕换成骨头的,会大幅度提升其音色。附图是我自己的琴,是夏威夷相思木版的。我可以负责任的说,这是一把一流的木吉他,即使跟比它贵数倍的琴相比。
  • 回复麋鹿迷了路:几百块钱?你这是美金还是人民币?嫌贵还是便宜啊?
  • VOXMini3/5是家用不错的选择。尤其是5,可以在三档功率中切换,既适合在家练习也可以带到街头表演。另外它还有一个LineIn接口,可以支持原声木吉他或电子琴。这两款音箱提供的从clean到overdrive的各种音色跨度非常大,基本可以满足所有需求了。
  • 回复洒脱的开心着:效果取决于你的interface的samplingrate,跟声卡没关系
  • 不需要独立声卡,用iRig一类的interface即可
  • 大横按不可能在一个月搞定的,怎么也要一年。F和B都有简单版本,用不着一上来就用大横按。等你学了移动和弦,就知道为什么需要大横按了,而F、B也只是它们当中的成员罢了,并无特殊之处。如果确实需要练习大横按,那就要把手指稍加转动,用手指右侧的部分去按。那个部分骨头多,比较平。
  • 回复Summer丶End:这琴一共有三组拾音器,五档组合外加泰勒的ActiveEQ。这些加在一起能够产生从木吉他到各类电吉他的非常广阔的音色。这是一把非常强大的琴。
  • 回复暗域残月:嗯嗯,各有所爱嘛,但是确实遗憾。此款琴其实极有特点,在吉他的发展史上有着特殊的地位。至于照片中我这款(限量版),则恐怕全世界也不超过十把了。
  • 建议泰勒T5ZClassic。它可以身兼数职,既是电吉他又是木吉他。如果只能拥有一把吉他的话,这是不二之选。图片是我自己的T5ZLimitedRoadshow(乌心黄樟Sassafras)
  • I think it is wise. SSILD promotes a relaxed approach to lucid dreaming -- there is always the next time! Doing SSILD will no doubt increase your chance of having DILDs and even WILDs, therefore you shouldn't try too hard.
    How To Deal With A Wandering Mind Du..
  • Yes you should do them because they are the best and quickest way to help you relax. You can stop doing them as soon as you notice that focusing on the senses become very easy. For example, when you begin focusing on vision you may feel tense. There may be a lot of tensions between you eyes. As you perform these cycles you will at some point notice that the tensions are no longer there. The darkness in front of you can seem to take on more depth. When this happens you can stop the quick cycles and begin focusing on that particular sense.
    How To Deal With A Wandering Mind Du..
  • Apology accepted :) To use SSILD with Indirect Techniques you take advantage of the fact that you, after performing SSILD sufficiently, are likely to wake up multiple times into a Phase or a state that is very close to the Phase, a "Pre-phase" perhaps? As such, if you perform the Indirect Techniques upon each awakening that's resulted from SSILD, you can easily enter the Phase. It's also worth noting that with SSILD, the awakening is usually associated with a much deeper and more stable Phase or Pre-phase than normal awakenings. This makes it much easier and more effective to perform the Indirect Techniques. The problem with plain Indirect Techniques is that one tends to directly enter full-awakening by forgetting to execute the techniques immediately. SSILD, on the other hand, can compensate this. First, you're likely to wake into a FA, which is basically a Phase (just different names). Second, even if you do wake up into the real world, your mind/body is still conditioned for easy re-entrance of the Phase, even when you have accidentally moved physically!

    SSILD can also be used prior to performing Direct Techniques to achieve much faster dream entry instead of trying to fall asleep naturally (or what Michael calls "micro sleep") SSILD cycles are much easier to execute than other mental exercise such as relaxation and visualization. Just repeat the cycles multiple times you will move closer to a state that's more likely to result in Phase entrance.
    Ssild Or The Phase
  • Just repeat the cycles a couple more times then go to sleep
    How To Deal With A Wandering Mind Du..
  • For staying focused, that's good advice... But for SSILD, the OP got it wrong -- one does not need to stay focused at all with SSILD. In fact the key to SSILD is un-focus and letting go.
    How To Deal With A Wandering Mind Du..
  • With SSILD you do not to wake up too much, unlike traditional WILD methods. Try waking up yourself only slightly -- a quick bathroom visit usually is sufficient.
    Ssild, Had My 3Rd Lucid Dream!
  • I'd like to add that I find Michael's teachings very effective and well presented. One can in fact achieve very good result by combining SSILD and the Indirect methods. As such, I'd always recommended his works whenever I could. A few years ago a "disciple" of his publicly attacked me viscously so we ended up in a heated online debates. My feeling was hurt and decided not to say a word anymore about Michael's methods. However, years have passed and I'm no longer emotional. Nowadays I promote his methods whenever I can, with the sole purpose of helping novices as much as possible.
    Ssild Or The Phase
  • I am the creator of SSILD. Let me attempt to answer your question, concern, accusation, or whatever we may call that...

    First, the reason I used the word "phase" on occasions is because there is a lack of better terms. I have preferred not to use the term "OBE", and the term LD is a bit narrow in scope. When I read Michael's text I liked the term he used so I cited it on occasions. However, that does not mean SSILD was based on the concept of the "Phase" or even remotely inspired by Michael's works.

    There are fundamental differences between Michael's Direct/Indirect techniques and SSILD. SSILD is primarily a way to invoke DILDs. By performing a series of conditioning exercise, it prepares your mind/body for DILDs to occur. As such, it is advised to not expect WILD to occur (although they do occasionally occur during the cycles), and to fall asleep as quickly as possible after performing SSILD cycles. Michael's techniques, on the other hand, are all geared toward direct entry of dreams. In fact, if you focus too much on direct entry via SSILD then you will often fail and result in insomnia. Thus it is strictly discouraged for people to do that. Understanding SSILD is primarily a DILD method is key to using it successfully.

    Michael's Direct Method is basically traditional WILD under a new name, whereas the Indirect Method is basically DEILD. They are a practical approach/solution to use those methods more effectively, but they are not revolutionary and can hardly be categorized as standalone methods. SSILD, on the other hand, is a distinctive method is both its application and philosophy. For example, it promotes a "relaxed/casual" approach to lucid dreaming. It is one of the very few techniques that is very forgiving -- does not require users to stay still and focused, nor does it require the users to master intricate mental exercises such as visualizations, relaxation and affirmation.

    I understand why people tend to think there is similarity between SSILD and Michael's techniques. They both seem to revolve around the idea of "cycles." However, if you examine both techniques closely you will see they are fundamentally different:

    1. SSILD cycles are fixed: visual/hearing/touch -- that's it, and in that particular sequence. Michale's cycles are comprised of a vast number of exercises such as squeezing brain, phantom wiggling, etc, and they are presented in an a la carte fashion.

    2. The actions you perform in Michael's cycles are basically micro-techniques used for rapid dream entry upon awakening. This is different from SSILD's "focus on your senses" actions.

    3. Michael's cycling is used as a chain of actions to be performed upon awakening, with each subsequent one used as a fallback. Once all actions are exhausted and the user becomes wide awake, the cycles are no longer useful. In the contrary, SSILD cycles are used to deepen the state, almost like self-hypnosis. Each cycle brings you closer to sleep, and deepens the mind/body condition which is optimized for DILD or occasional WILD to occur.

    I won't get into more length with the differences since it is beyond the scope of this thread. If you like, you are more than welcome to discuss this with me in depth, preferably in the SSILD sub-reddit.

    As a final note, I do find your use of the word "ripoff" offensive, and would appreciate you do not use that liberally. While the SSILD technique was originated from me, it was developed during my online teaching sessions and later refined by hundreds of people on our forum as a collaborated effort. We had no intention to rip it off from anyone, and it was developed to help people for FREE. Unlike Michael, who monetized his techniques, we did not, and never will have any commercial interest.
    Ssild Or The Phase
  • I'm glad you are tailoring the technique to better suit you! Way to go!
    I Found This Free Iosandroid Meditat..
  • Sorry for the late reply. This forum hasn't been very active so I sort of drifted away myself. Anyway, to use SSILD as an aid to WILD, you have two options:

    1. Use SSILD has a conditioning tool in place of normal relaxation techniques. SSILD is much easier to perform and more effective. Just do lots of cycles and you will be in a condition that's perfectly suited for WILD or instant OBE.

    2. Use SSILD as a DEILD. After performing SSILD cycles you almost always will wake up multiple times. Utilize these awakenings effectively you will be able to enter dream state effortlessly. Do this: upon each awakening, stay relaxed. Sink your head into the pillow, then try to raise your hand, without moving your muscles, toward your nose. It may help if you also focus on your nose and feel the slight "heaviness" on it. Lead your hand toward the nose and pinch it. If you can breath, you are in a dream. At which point simply follow the motion and roll out of bed. You will be surprised how easy this is and once you master it you will have nearly 100% success rate with LDs. Basically that means you will have LDs at will. :)

    Questions About Ssild Into A Wild
  • Congratulations! That was one interesting LD for sure! :p Physical movements during the cycles do not affect the process. In fact you should feel free to move about if it helps keeping you relaxed. Simply compensate the movement with an additional cycle and you will be fine!
    Thoughts Interfere...
  • That usually means you did not wake up sufficiently before returning to bed :)
    Thoughts Interfere...
  • You don't have to keep track of the durations. If a particular sense feels easy to focus on, you just focus on it longer. On the other hand, if it causes more strain then you should just skip it. As you repeat the cycles they eventually become easier and easier, requiring less efforts. Stop doing the cycles and go to sleep when you begin to encounter a lot of random thoughts.
    Thoughts Interfere...
  • You shouldn't focus with SSILD. Let your mind wander, it's a good thing.
    How Do You Remain Focus During Ssild
  • 这不是一回事。麦克的间接技巧是在醒来瞬间使用的入梦方法,属于DEILD的一种,其可用于切换的方法也多达十几种。这个东西在原理和思路上和太玄有本质的区别。我有专门的文章解释过的。
  • Yes. You just need a few hours of sleep, wake up a bit, and execute the technique properly.
    Will Ssild Work Even If You Go To Be..
  • With practice they will go away. Besides it doesn't really matter with SSILD. You do the cycles sufficiently you will get LDs. It's that simple.
    Ssild Without The Mini Cycles
  • 练太玄不要那么用力,要随其自然,做个几组就放下一切去睡觉,确切的说,最好在练的过程中就敷衍了事尽快睡着才是正道。另外也不要僵硬着不动。太玄不要求你保持不动,可以随时翻身挠痒
  • 应该的
    控梦心法 与潜意识共舞
  • 不客气
  • 真是突飞猛进啊!太腻害!
  • 回复情丝几许:别被方舟子看到了
  • “献身”
  • 这个实验很多年前LaBerge等人已经做过了,怎么又成了人类首次?蚂蚁的现身精神可嘉,但是缺乏严谨是一如既往。
  • It can be just a few seconds. You don't have to be exact.
    Ssild Without The Mini Cycles
  • It's possible. The reason to get out of bed is to activate some motor functions. You can accomplish the same thing by simply sitting up a little. If you absolutely can't get up, I suggest you mix SSILD with DEILD. Remind yourself to stay still and attempt dream entry when you wake up next time. By doing SSILD in this fashion, you will unlikely achieve DILDs, but frequent subsequent awakenings are guaranteed. Moreover, subsequent awakenings resulted from this will typically be partially in a trance-like state which can be easily utilized to create conscious dream entry. Michale Radguda's Indirect Methods in this case can be extremely effective. In fact, the combination of SSILD and Indirect Methods can result in near 100% success once mastered.
    Scene Change Oddities For Awareness
  • You don't need to wake up fully but you do need to allow sufficient awakening prior to performing SSILD. The degree of awakening though varies from person to person, therefore you should experiment with the timing. It is important to note that it is unnecessary to wake up fully like the typical WBTB routines. For most people a quick bathroom visit is usually enough.
    Scene Change Oddities For Awareness
  • Not only is it okay, it's preferable to do that. You don't want to stress yourself. Take a relaxed approach.
    Ssild Without The Mini Cycles
  • I'm not saying DILD is unreliable, just the typical techniques used to induce them. Laberge's technique is MILD, which utilizes WBTB and is performed while sleeping, not during the day. You said it yourself very well -- it's "on-demand." Whereas stuff like ADA tries to sell you the idea that it can help you gain a high level self-consciousness and awareness within your dreams and thus make LDs happen automatically. That, is total BS.
    Sustainable, Long Term Dild Technique
  • You are correct. None of these are sustainable and their effort to result ratio is way too high. In fact most of these DILD techniques are based on false assumptions and have no real value. It's a pity that people won't admit it and keep misleading the beginners with this.

    If you want something more sustainable I think you should practice the more on demand methods. Not the typical WILD techniques though. They are also misguided and won't give you good results. IMO, a combination of SSILD and DEILD will give you the most consistent result and once mastered, will take minimal effort to execute. In addition to being a very effective technique on its own, SSILD is very effective in conditioning your mind/body for a "phase" to happen. I'm using Michael Radguda's term here because I'd like to recommend his variation of DEILD which he calls the Indirect Techniques. These techniques will allow you to catch the many awakenings during your sleep and turn them into lucid dreams. When you combine them with SSILD, which causes not only more awakenings, but also more stable trances during these awakenings, you will have a much higher chance to become lucid. This combination, if mastered, can literally give you 100% success rate with minimal effort.
    Sustainable, Long Term Dild Technique
  • It is okay but may cause unnecessary strain. The quick cycles can put you near a trance very quickly. You will know you are near a trance because staring behind your eyelids becomes much more effortless. The darkness will start to form depth. Without the quick cycles you may end up straining you eye muscles too much.
    Ssild Without The Mini Cycles
  • SSILD combined with DEILD (particularly Michael Radguda's variation), given some practice, will give you near 100% success rate. It is much more effective and effortless than the meditation/mindfulness/ADA/reflection/RC (and many more "traditional" methods that require you spend countless hours during the day) crap.
    Morty 1+ Month Of Mindfulness Has Go..
  • Because it won't work. That approach is a hype. I'm so sick and tired of repeating this...
    Mabye Im Just Different
  • Let me clarify it a little more. With this kind of method you have to perform them everyday for the effect, if any, to last. This if employed solely as a mean to induce LDs they are not way too much work. Of course if you think it's something that has other benefits then by all means do them. My opinion on these methods are solely based on the context of lucid dreaming.
    Morty Question For The Subreddit Doe..
  • Meaning -- it's not a do it once and works for the rest of your life kind of magic, as commonly perceived by users. If you develop this kind of practice into a lifestyle then it's probably a different story, but even then it's way too much effort as a mean to trigger frequent lucid dreams. Besides, keeping intentions on a fixed subject for a prolonged period is always difficult, generally speaking.
    Morty Question For The Subreddit Doe..
  • I'm going to get one soon. Have you played Fallout 4 with some heavier ENB mods? As long as that works I'd be happy :)
    Just Got My New Surface Book With Pe..
  • ADA is completely useless. Mindfulness works to some degree. Both are not very effective methods as far as lucid dream induction technique goes. You can achieve much more frequent LDs via other more direct methods, and in contrary to common belief, ADA/mindfulness has NO lasting effect. With reduced level of intentions to lucid dreaming their effect will diminish very quickly over time. They are also much harder to maintain over long period of time (I'm just saying this on behalf of average users). In all, the effort you have to spend to make these methods to "somewhat" work is very high, while the result will always be lacking. As for increasing vividness of dreams, I don't know if it can be proven. Even if it actually does, same result can be more easily achieved via dream journaling or cartography.

    IMO, a beginner is much better served to go with combinations of WBTB and other more direct methods such as FILD, MILD, DELD (Michael Radguda's Indirect Methods are even more superior) or SSILD.
    Morty Question For The Subreddit Doe..
  • It's a very subtle state of mind that borders on real awakening. Slight shift in focus will result in waking in real life, or the other side -- dream. This state can be observed frequently with training, and can be utilized for extremely rapid dream entry. It is one of the most fascinating state of the mind. No, it's not an FA, by the way. But it can be easily extended into one.
    What Is This, And Can I Use It
  • Yes it happens, although it's mainly due to your mind pulling a trick on you. On the other hand, lucid dreaming CAN be tiring and raises the temperature in the brain. Taking a break now and then is a good idea.
    Ever Been Too Tired To Lucid Dream
  • It's the same thing, due to lack of cognitive and analytical functions. Under such circumstances we can be easily fooled, sometimes even when we do perform Rc and succeed.
    Scene Change Oddities For Awareness
  • Congrats. I suggest you, however, to investigate more into your sleep schedules and mind/body conditions, which were, IMO, the main causes for the success. This kind of sudden burst in success is not uncommon during one's lucid dreaming practice, but they are typically associated with some changes in one's sleep pattern and mind/physical conditions. Of course, psychological factors also apply. These kind of success, if analyzed carefully, can help one achieve longer term successes. Practicing ADA and mindfulness helps you better take advantage of the proper mind/body conditions, but their effectiveness (especially long term effectiveness)are usually quite limited so don't be surprised that it suddenly won't work anymore. Those kind of techniques are mostly like adding spices to cooking (the proper mind/body conditioning is the meal), but people often mistaken them as the main causes for a lucid dream to happen. Without proper conditioning, most technique would fail. This applies to just about everything, including the SSILD technique which I helped develop. It's just science, really.
    Morty I Have Had Lucid Dreams For Th..
  • Dreams are filled with oddities, but you won't recognize them because the brain's cognitive and analytical functions are suppressed or disabled during REM sleep. To recognize these oddities you have to activate your brain first. WBTB is how you typically achieve this.
    Scene Change Oddities For Awareness
  • ADA, as well as most other exercises performed during the day, IMO are not very effective. Below is a comment I posted else where regarding the same subject:

    I'm afraid that may rarely be the case. You are welcome to sort through the ADA thread on DreamViews. Most of the so-called success case are nothing more than WBTB triggered incidents, and rarely the users experience consistent results, which is the promise of such techniques.

    In 2012 I conducted a survey on the Chinese LD forum, and among thousands of participants and cases collected (many of them practiced ADA, mindfulness, self-reflections, daily RCs, and etc), we had ZERO case of people achieving consistent result through these types of daily routines. Again, nearly all successes, aside from some accidental ones, are based on some form of WBTB!

    This is not surprising. Science has shown that during R.E.M. sleep, many brain regions responsible for cognitive functions are either disabled or suppressed. This results in the following:

    1. Lack of short term memories. A person who is dreaming rarely remembers the true events that have happened prior to sleep.

    2. Reduced comprehension, reasoning, logic and so on.

    3. Habits developed during the day are hardly present. For example, how often do we check our mobile phones in a dream?

    4. Low level of self-awareness. Most of the time we are just a puppet of our subconscious mind.

    This is by no means a comprehensive and accurate list of what's happening during our dreams, but you get the idea. One can train herself to be as aware and mindful as possible, but that doesn't change the fact that when the corresponding brain regions are disabled, none of these will work. By the same token, a Nobel prize winner isn't going to be any more analytical than an average person when dreaming.

    Through WBTB, many of these brain regions are activated. Now things start to make a difference. This is why a lot of lucid dreams happen without warning -- all of a sudden we know we are dreaming, for no reason. It's actually a simple explanation: dreams are filled with oddities, you don't need to be a genius to spot them, as long as your cognitive functions are operating! Do you need to be exceptionally aware in order to spot them? No, you don't. You just need your basic level of cognitive functions!

    To sum it up: for lucid dreams to occur, it is important that we wake up our brain first. There are many studies on this so I won't elaborate again. I suggest you to read the research from Dr. Ursula Voss whose findings are this subject is particularly interesting.
    Help With Ada And Dild.
  • Upon awakening there is usually a brief moment which can be utilized to create dream entry. What you did can be considered as a varied form of DEILD. If you're interested in this kind of method, I highly recommend you check out Michael Radguda's work. His Indirect Methods are highly effective, especially if coupled with SSILD.
    What Method Is This (Awesome)
  • It's all about where you focus your attentions. If you focus on your eyes, they will give you problems. You keep thinking about the bed and waking up, you will be thrown back to it. Keep in mind, you don't really have eyes in your dreams. You don't need to open them or close them. Focus on something else instead. Next time your eyes refuse to open just go with it. Rub your hands, swim, pick something up... direct your attention to other places and the visuals will come back.
    I Got Stuck In Bed In My Third Lucid..
  • It would defeat the purpose. The beauty of SSILD is that you can do a few simple cycles and go back to sleep, then you may get a DILD, and FA, or in the worst case wake up with your mind/body prepped for easy WILD entry. With FILD though you will be constantly going back and forth between sleep and wake. And the physical movements will ruin those subtle awakenings which can be utilized to enter a dream state rapidly.

    Having said that, each person is different and SSILD is by no means perfect. Therefore I encourage you do try it yourself. Who knows? Some wonderful things might just happen :)
    Will Ssild + Fild Work
  • In which case you should simply return to bed right away while still drowsy. Do only a few quick cycles and one or two long cycles. Stay in a comfortable position. Do perform the dream entry techniques upon each awakenings first though. It's likely many of the subsequent awakenings will be either FAs or the more intricate kind of awakenings that can be easily utilized.
    Need Help For Light Sleepers
  • Exactly
    My Lucid Dream World
  • In such case I suggest not to get up at all. Simply perform 3 SSILD cycles every time you wake up, then allow yourself to drift to sleep quickly. Each attempt will deepen the effect and eventually make LDs/FAs to occur. Also watch out for strange sensations as you do this. It is quite possible to induce WILD this way.
    Need Help For Light Sleepers
  • Everyone is different; therefore the technique should be adjusted to suit each individual. In your case it seems that you need to wake up a bit more before returning to bed to carry out the cycles.
    My Problem With Ssild
  • It depends on the nature of these images. There is a good chance though that you are already in a dream or at least very close. In this case, reaching out to the images with your hand will pull you right into it. Of course, it's also possible to wake up by doing that. It's worth trying though.
    Im New To Lucid Dreams! Can Somebody..
  • Grab him and give him a big hug. He's your own subconscious, just tell him you love him. This will change him to something way nicer, and the grabbing action may help you enter the dream (assuming what you are seeing have not been fully realized into a dream)
    Im New To Lucid Dreams! Can Somebody..
  • It's the process of getting into an SP. trying to stay completely still is the primary cause for this. The timing and the conditioning through SSILD cycles contributed to the effect too. There is no harm there and if you can resist the fear you will eventually transition into a dream. It can actually be an awesome experience.

    If you'd like to avoid this, try stay relaxed while doing SSILD cycles. It's perfectly okay to physically move during the cycles. You can always compensate the move with one additional cycle.
    Initiating A Sp Makes My Heart Race ..
  • 回复a15177160581:对,这个异步法是坚决不能动的。咽口水都不行
  • 可以,但是估计你无法保持清醒太久
  • Doing cycles until you fall asleep might give you higher chance, but it can potentially keep you awake.
    Problems With Wild
  • When you try to stay completely still like that, your brain starts to suspect that your body has fallen asleep. The sensations you felt serves as a test. If you respond to it then the brain knows you are still awake. Otherwise the brain goes to sleep next and you will enter a dream state. So basically you were very close to a WILD. However, this kind of sensation is usually quite unbearable.

    To make WILD easier you should properly prep your mind and body first. I suggest you try the SSILD cycles first, using them to condition your mind/body, followed by whatever you do to WILD. This will make WILD a lot easier. In case your WILD attempt fails you may still get a DILD due to SSILD cycles.
    Problems With Wild
  • Wow, great! To make SSILD work consistently does require practice and fine tuning.
    To Those Attempting Ssild
  • Lucid dreams have little difference from normal dreams when it comes to memories of them after you wake up. They WILL feel hazy and if you are not well trained in dream recall you may forget them all together. This is a safety mechanism which you'd better keep and not breaking it. Mixing real life memories with dream memories can be disastrous. It CAN happen but the effect usually fades after a few hours.

    In terms of memories after waking up, lucid dream is different from normal dreams in one aspect. You do remember your intentions and other abstract thoughts clearly. It's simply because the corresponding brain regions, such as those responsible for reasoning and self-reflection, are activated during lucid dreams.
    When Experienced, Do Lds Become Vivi..
  • By waking up sufficiently you don't actually need to do too many cycles. The cycles can serve as an anchor for your intentions quite well. I think SSILD is an effective method and gets better as you gain more experience so yeah I do recommend it.
    What Method Was This
  • The later type is definitely harder to stabilize and deepen. You should try to leave the dream scene ASAP during those. Do some quick stabilizing tricks such as rubbing hands, examining small objects, and etc, then leave immediately. Also try not to line up your body with the bed, so crawling on floor is a good idea. As for the darkness, transitioning to a different scene usually helps. In addition, you can also try to flip light switches. Don't expect the light to come on, but rest assured something will happen. It can be lights in the other room, lightening sun the sky, street lamps being turned on, and so on.
    Are There Two Types Of Lucid Dreams ..
  • Yes it can happen. When we dream our brain is in a handicapped state, and we are at the mercy of our own subconscious. It's up to it to decide how we feel, what we remember, and what role we play. It can be very hard, even when we are lucid, to remember even basic things from prior the sleep. For example, if you are in a hotel and now you are having an OBE. Chances are you may not even remember the fact you are sleeping in a hotel room. You probably ride up in your home bedroom instead, yet you are fully convinced you are seeing the reality. Even when you try hard to remember your mind can still feel clouded. As you can see, it's very easy for us to be tricked. In your case, your lucid dream was based on memory that was replaced by a previous dream.
    Lucid Dreaming In A Dream
  • All kind of sensations can be experienced during the mind awake/body asleep stage. Just enjoy them and experience all the variations. Nothing can harm you. It's all in your mind.
    Astral Body Fingers Bending ..
  • It's a common theme associated with SSILD. It's a form of awakening that borders on real awakening. Under this situation, you do receive input from the physical world and if you move physically the transition is seamless, just as if you'd truly awoken. Interestingly, this is also a state which you can seamlessly turn into an OBE. The best way to accomplish this is as follows:

    1. Relax your head and allows it to sink into the pillow. You can even apply some pressure to help it sink further.

    2. Focus on your hearing.

    3. Gently raise your hand without pulling your muscle. This may sound weird but it's actually quite doable in that state.

    4. Reach for and grab your nose to do a nose-pinching RC.

    5. If RC succeeds, roll toward your hand as if you are pulling yourself out of bed. This will result in an OBE.
    What Method Was This
  • It's not so much about keeping you from jumping off a cliff. When we are wide awake we usually don't need to RC, we simply KONW it's the reality. And of course, any of the RCs will fail so there is no danger there.

    RCs are mainly used as a trigger for more lucidity. We need RCs to succeed in order to be assured that we are indeed dreaming. Once we go past that we are officially in a lucid dream and we can try to further increase our lucidity.
    Reality Checks Important Silly Quest..
  • Lucidity comes from the higher cognitive functions of your brain. Without waking them up during R.E.M. it is impossible to achieve high level of lucidity. You can try practicing awareness during the day but it is unlikely to help you during sleep. Assuming such practice indeed heightens your awareness to a higher level, it's still not going to help you because when their corresponding regions are suppressed you don't get to use all that extra awareness anyway.

    Dream vividness depends on several factors, to name a few:

    1. The perceived vividness after you wake up. It is normal for us to forget our dreams. Even when we do remember them they no longer feel as real. This is a safety mechanism and you'd better keep it that way. If dream memories don't fade they can become very problematic.

    2. The stage of sleep.
    3. Your brain condition and physical health.
    4. The cooperativeness of your subconscious.

    During lucid dreaming there are techniques to make the dream more vivid, but this doesn't seem to be your question.
    Dreams Are More Frequent, But No Inc..
  • Random, unintentional LDs do happen. I first had them when I was 7.
    Do Pros Only Use Wild
  • Now we are talking about "implications?" LOL. End of discussion.
    Do Pros Only Use Wild
  • Maintaining lucidity indeed takes effort. And given that when during intense lucid dreaming the temperature of your brain does rise quite a bit, I suspect it's not something you want to do ALL the time. Fortunately it's quite impossible for normal people to have them that frequently so it's not something to worry about.
    Is There Such Thing As Too Much Luci..
  • Did I say "anyone who disagrees with me is a liar" or even imply something like that? And where did you read that I call "those who claim they can lucid dream anytime are liars?" And even if I said them, which I didn't, how are they "the same thing?"

    It's easy to say "I can lucid dream any time" and no one can say you are lying or not. That's what I'm talking about. I'm not saying everyone are liars, but it's something we should be cautious about. This is particularly important for beginners because they can be easily misled and they are prone to hypes. I myself can induce LDs at will but I don't expect people to believe me. It's fine if they think I'm lying and I think it's probably better for them to be cautious anyway.
    Do Pros Only Use Wild
  • Your conclusion is wrong. I did not call those who disagree with me the liars. For example, I'm not calling you that. However, there is no denying that when we talk about what we dream, it's very easy for people to exaggerate or lie, internally or not. Those who claim that their daily routines have enabled them to become lucid on a daily basis (even without WBTB) usually can show little evidence of that. Of course, this is not something you can easily show evidence of, to begin with. When it's at least theoretical difficult, if not impossible, shouldn't we at least give it the benefit of doubt?

    As for my statement on some of the established writers, I said that based on evidence. For example, if you read lucid dreaming books or books on OBEs and astral projection, you rarely read about "failures." Whether it is failure in induction, or failure to remember, or being tricked by the subconscious... to name a few. Yet these are the most common experiences ANYONE would encounter. Failing to mention them and even deliberately disguising them, to me, is a bad sign.
    Do Pros Only Use Wild
  • I beg to differ. It's science. During R.E.M. Sleep the brain is in a suppressed state. All major areas, which are responsible for higher order of consciousness, are turned off. Yes there are a lot of people who claim this and that, but keep in mind there is no better subject than one's own dreams to exaggerate or even downright lie about. Even established authors, throughout history, liked to do this. This is a field filled with lies.

    It's true there are people who can have LDs daily, even without intention and practice. But such cases are extremely rare and the reasons are not yet clear.

    Achieving daily LDs via techniques is different. Even the DILDs are almost always the result of WBTB combined with something else which wakes up the brain regions.
    Do Pros Only Use Wild
  • You can focus on either, or both. As you move closer to the trance, however, it becomes increasingly easier to focus on the internal sensations. Using a mask is fine and it may help you release the tensions and make it easier to not stress yourself during the cycles. Feel free to use earplugs too, as long as they don't prevent you from falling asleep.
    Sleeping Mask And Earplugs
  • No method alone can give you 100% success. As for WILD, please keep in mind it's a "type of dream entry", not a particular technique. Therefore we can't really generalize it. That said, most WILD techniques do tend to be difficult and require lots of effort, even for the "pros."

    As for DILDs, it's nowhere near 100%. No amount of RCing and ADA will help you accomplish that -- the theories behind these things are false. It's the biggest hype in the field of lucid dreaming. Don't be fooled.

    In terms of vividness, unlike the answers you've received so far, DILDs are usually more vivid than WILD. There are reasons behind this. To name a few:

    1. DILD usually occurs in R.E.M., which is a period of heightened dream activities. This results in the most vivid dreams. In contrast, it is possible to induce WILD at very early stage of your sleep or R.E.M. In fact it can even be induced without R.E.M. When that happens, you tend to experience very unstable dream scenes, or even dreams that have no sensory inputs.

    2. When we first enters a WILD, it is likely that we still possess a pretty high level of lucidity, which can make the dream seem somewhat more real (I wouldn't even call them vivid). That's the reason why some people with limited experience and knowledge of OBEs swear they have entered into some kind of realities. That lucidity, however, usually diminishes very quickly and when that happens it's no different from a normal DILD.

    3. WILD often results in OBEs. The dream scene would start with you lying on the bed. This notion that you are sleeping on the bed can be used by your subconscious mind to trick you out of your dreams more easily. With WILD it's a lot easier for us to be kicked out of a dream abruptly. Sometimes the subconscious mind just get lazy and puts you back on your bed and renders a black picture. This is why with WILD we should always perform dream stabilizing techniques and try to move away from the first dream scene as quickly as possible. With DILDs you have none of these problems.

    4. Depends on your state of mind and the technique, WILD can sometimes feel more like visualizations. It's almost like watching a movie instead of participating in it. The dreams are not vivid in these states and you are constantly aware of your physical body. Maintaining control during such states can be quite tiring.
    Do Pros Only Use Wild
  • They can of course be triggered intentionally
    I Need The Help Of All This Lucid Dr..
  • Again, most people won't have this kind of problem. Lucid dreams are not frequent and usually short. It CAN get tiring if you try to chain the dreams and awakenings to prolong your experience, but it's not something you do all the time.
    I Need The Help Of All This Lucid Dr..
  • For item 1, most people hardly induce enough LDs so saying LDs make them tired is completely nonsense. Maybe it's the process of "trying" to induce LDs (and often without success) that makes them tired.
    I Need The Help Of All This Lucid Dr..
  • https://www.reddit.com/r/LucidDreaming/comments/18h2bi/ssild_official_tutorial_20/?st=IV1DQMHR&sh=c710b053
    Cant Seem To Have Lucid Dreams Anymore
  • Not necessarily so, but you can start from that and adjust the time to suit yourself.
    How To Remain Focus During The Cycles
  • Most lucid dreams are just like normal ones -- they are hard to remember. In fact, you may end up forgetting about them completely in the morning. This is one of the reasons why you should really train and improve dream recall in order to enjoy LDs.
    Do You Remember Lucid Dreams As Well..
  • Via alarm, intentions, or simply the urge to visit the bathroom (my case always, LOL) If you use alarm, make sure you wake up well rested, but drowsy
    How To Remain Focus During The Cycles
  • Congratulations! What a sweet dream!
    A Brief But Happy Lucid Dream, Induc..
  • You should simply sleep and forget about lucid dreaming all together. Lucid dreaming can be tiring, and when you are tired you'd better get more sleep first.
    How To Remain Focus During The Cycles
  • SSILD works pretty well for breaking dry spells. I suggest you give it a try.
    Cant Seem To Have Lucid Dreams Anymore
  • Don't do super man pose. Keep your arms at the sides of your thighs.
    Tips For Flying During Lucid Dreams
  • I thought so too
    Please Read!
  • I got feeling you somewhat misunderstood SSILD, but you managed to actually do it correctly, LOL. You are supposed to do the cycles while in and out of sleep, but at the same time with some desire to complete them. When done in this way, combined with sufficient WBTB, it's very likely for SSILD to cause DILD.
    Please Read!